Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4616 ?? Go to Dragon

The sword is not a hyperbidden point, followed by the palm of the knife, remove the head of Longbai.

A generation of dragons invincible supreme, this will be.

The dragon law enforcement is far away from the breath.

"There is no palace owner, let's continue to advance, or?" Blood Board's supreme step forward and asked.

Waving the head of Longbai into the Qiankun Ring, the sword is unheater, "Now the Shenli universe falls, continuing to rank forward, I am afraid I will hit the army of the universe, we are stationed here, to be awarded."

"Support forces? What are we still?" Blood waves are unspeakable.

The sword is not a hyper point. "Don't come, we will go, for example, this is the dragon family of the universe, we have to go,"

"Amount, if they ignore us." Blood waves asked.

The sword is unparalleled, "If the cliff, or they miss the things, I don't pursue them to dear, if they open out their positions that they have returned, then they will kill."

Blood waves, the neck is cool, and the sword is unparalleled to him. It is said that the law will be in the case, and it will definitely be fulfilled.

From the Giant Hall in the big camp, the blood wave supreme will take the disciples of more than 10,000 lives to the big camp stationed.

The sword is unparalleled with the two ancestors of the two ancestors, and the Tianmen is extremely taking into the quartz that can accommodate the square. Inject to injection into the stone, hand it over to the giant ax to respect the maintenance.

With these three types, swords are unparalleled, if they come to the ancestral, even half ancestral level must drink hate.

Leave a blood wave supreme in the big camp, and the giant ax is to honor, and rumor is a crisis, and it is absolutely able to support the sword.

Also, everyone, swords are unparalleled to bring their old, embarrassed to the dragon.

Dragon is a vast space, almost occupying the most ancient and flooded star of the Shenli universe.

They enjoy the most perfect resources, but in the battle of the catastrophe, they took the lead in investing.

The sword is unparalleled, and how many wealth areas are surrendered, but there is a calculation when it is the clear!

Wan Ye.

The oldest floodhood star field, for the core star field of the dragon, only the people reached the spirit of the gods to continue to practice, and rumored the wanted star field containing the entire Shenli universe the most pure, in which the one-day People in a hundred years.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is straight to Wan Ye's star field!

On this road, the sword has no bisector, nearly half of the star fields, or destroyed, or residual resistance.

Ordinary monks with no strength, only desperately waiting for the sudden broken monsters in their respective star fields.

I walked all the way, the sword didn't kill all the way. I originally only the battlefield of the trace of virtuality, now I am even if the stars like the antic antite is also constantly.

Looking at the evils they make, the sword is unparalleled, there is no half a compassion for them, and the waving is a star, traces, and kill the knot.

Until the Wanye Star Field, the sword was unparalleled, and the monk of how many the universe of the town was killed, saved how many star areas.

At this moment, he only has an angry.

The most old and vast star field did not have some taste of the invasion, a pair of a lot.

"Who dares to be good for the dragons to leave, speed away, so as not to die!"

Dragon Wan is emerging, just like driving flies, and tapping in the sword.

"Well, a big prestige!" The sword is unpaired, the Mo Luo Shenjian has already held in the hands. "Today I will see when you can hide!"

The vast power is completely condensed on the Mero Shenjian, and the Shensha in the universe will coincide with this sword.


Roaring is like a god penalty, that morning, a sword that has been limited to the rules, and directly cracks from the sky, the starry sky collaps.

Only a sword, the majestic!

On the top of the sky, straight to the Wanmei star.

Like the end, the main entrance instant collapse, the sword is long, directly to the mountains, the river sea is back, the sky is discolored!

One sword is millions, it is true!

"Who is? !!"

Carrying the lunar dragon, the dark gold dragon, the top of the sky, the stars, the stars, the sword is unparalleled.

The left arm of this dark gold dragon is cut down, and the dragon blood falling of colorful charm is not limited.

He was originally stationed in the main entrance of Wanxi, and spent it every day. He thought that someone would call the door. If he is not alert, I am afraid a faucet, I have to cut off!

But he tried to keep the restraint, did not release the overbearing Longwei, he is not a fool, can ruin a sword to ruin the Wan Ye's star field, which can easily get rid of his arm, must not be his own .

The sword is unparalleled, the Tao Luo Shenjun, obliquely, "Life Shenguang Palace, the sword is unparalleled, let your old ancestors roll out!"

"You let go!" Dark Jinlong can no longer endure, belonging to the pride of the dragon, let him rush directly to the sword.

Cold snoring, the invisible sword is quiet, facing this dark gold dragon, and you will down!

Without anything, a huge faucet, a great faucet, is in the hands of the sword.

There is no head of the head, and the final inertia is planted in void.

In this way, this faucet, the sword is unparalleled with the old, breaking into Wanmeng Star Field.

is in the earth, and a dragon corpse is miserable to the mountain.

The sword is unparalleled, I don't know how many Dragon children, the faucet in Qiankun has already stacked a bunch!

When the circus, the dragon family is not interluncious, the sword is unparalleled to hold the Mo Luo Shenjian in his hand.

"Take me to see your old ancestors, if you don't bring, then I will visit!" The sword has no double cold channel, the body is shocked, and countless dragon blood.

All the dragon children are already as cold, no one dares to cut it before, but spontaneously empty a road.

The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is gallter.

The mountains and rivers gradually disappeared, and it is a statue of the dragon, top stand.

This is the banned place of the dragon, since the chaotic I. Since the beginning, only sword is unparalleled!

Everything is on the statue of the dragon, there is a breath, it is a half ancestor!

In this statue of the Dragon, a slate avenue in a blue stone shop is straight to the sky!

Dispersing the power, the sword is unparalleled to the avenue, step by step near the sky.

On the two sides of the dragon statue, if you live, all kinds of dragons have built Xuan Huang, plundering to the giant temple.

The sword is unparalleled and smiled. "Life is visiting, looking at the mouse that hides the end of the head, come and see it!"

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