Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4625? Renewing Wave? (Below)

After listening to the description of the blood wave, the sword nodded. The big army of the Huangjun escaped should be that the Qilin Loko star area is, and the group of the big army who is in one of themselves.

After a while in the big camp, the crowd entered the capital.

The previous ingredients are no longer, and it is a quiet and odorless cloud smoke.

Outside the giant hall of the already ridiculous, the brothers who were loved by the gods of the palace were born with all kinds of ancient grass gods, and they also had a bit of elegance in the murder.

Welcome to the top of the blood wave, the sword is unparalleled, and it is not easy to leave.

At this point, nearly 100 people in the temple have been talking about 10 days.

In the uncommon and the uncommon, two people are gradually incorporated into this atmosphere.

They have a common goal and struggle for tireless struggle, which makes the unspeakable bias began to be blurred.

This group of guys seems to be really going to die for the Shenli universe.

It's really a hobby guy, swaying your head, I am listening to my heart.

Such talks have been continued until the end of the 15th, and the deployment of swords is completed as the end.

Waving the Shenle reel, and after the people started to travel to their respective pauses, the main hall is already empty.

The sword is unparalleled and tired, and one day, the life of life will begin to counterattack and clear the disadvantage of the Shenqi universe.

The Shenli's universe declared that it was still more than 10,000 years, and the excessive star field was infiltrated by a disaster.

If you want to clean the same, it is a short period of time. Fortunately, you can't get it in the Shenli universe, strength is more or less.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a fancy that the scruple has not returned. He has to break through the seal before the god of the gods, and regulate the universe as soon as possible.

"Fu Jun, tired, hurry to rest." A cold as a frost of the snow, and a bowl of medicine is slowly coming from the palace.

The sword is unparalleled, and the medicine is added, "the lady is fortunate."

Cold as frost shook his head, smiled, "As long as it is for Fu Jun, I am unhappy, I am drinking."

I looked at the medicine for Yingying smoke, the sword was unparalleled.

"How is the husband, is it uncomfortable, drink some medicine soup to supplement a supplement.

The sword is unparalleled, there is not much to say, and the medicine in his hand is sitting down, and it is not very hot.

"Fu Jun?"

"You have not been too anxious." The sword was unparalleled.

Cold as a frost shape, but it is still a strong laugh, "What is your husband."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is cold. "Who are you, dare to pretend to be my wife?"

Cold as the frost color, the spiral, smile, the figure is in an instant!

The vastness of the vastness, like the huge waves directly, and put the shaped body shape with frost.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is directly empty.

The cold is like a frost, and a hoarse voice rang from the mouth, "We met again."

Like the ice and snow melting, there is only one of himself in the empty giant, as if everything just is his illusion.

"Have a hostile attack -"

The miserable voice resounded from outside the battlefield, and then stopped.

The sword is unparalleled, and the figure instantly caught the giant temple.

I saw that the dark chaotic and unanimous domain outside the battlefield, I didn't know when the soldiers who have been covered by the sky have take advantage of it.

Like the giant waves, the huge waves!

Just a look, swords are unparalleled to clear this siege of the big camp, more than the number of besieged unlicenic people!

The virtuous virtual power will suppress the power rules, countless virtuality binding red, only one order, will stand in the exterior battlefield.

Digital Shenli Huang came to the sword without double side, and there were faces of the face.

"This death! When is these elsens to come, what about the patrol disciples ?!" Blood waves to the anger.

The sword is unparalleled, and the life of the life of the life of the trend is the highest. It is just that the second to respect. In this high-priced battle, even the six traces of virtue are not in a small number, how can it be prevented?

In the forefront of the big army that covered the sky, the two were completely obscured in the shade of the black robe appeared in the eyes of the sword.

With the intuition, the sword is unparalleled to felt the shape of the shade in the temple, which is one of the two secrets.

"All life gods, disciples." The sword is unparalleled, the sound of the sword is in the whole capital. "Anyone who is a supreme sense is in front of me, the disciple of the supreme spirit will go to the giant temple, and the death battle is the last moment. ! "

The sword is unparalleled!

All of the lives of the gods of the gods of the gods, the gods of the gods, the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred battlefield!

, ...... . .

I came to this field battlefield. I didn't have to drink in the mouth of hot tea. I met the universe of the universe. The anxious thing was in the heart of his wife.

As a second prince of Qilin Tang Tang, I didn't die on my own battlefield, but I died on this desolate domain battlefield?

He is unwilling, but his six brother is a face that is easy to try, so that he is more depressed.

'What to do, do you want to run now? ' ,,,

It's an escape, I am afraid that I haven't taken the steps, I am killed by the face of the face that is not good at the face of their own camp.

There is no way around, and I listen to a bitterness, and I will have a life, and I will keep my sword.

Nearly five hundred resisted hovered in the air, facing the nearly 20,000 demison of the martial arts that covered the sky, and added a bit of sadness.

The riot winds, blowing the sword unparalleled hair flying.

The old respected of the black water robes is like a sculpture, quietly standing behind the sword.

If the Nine robbery did not have a half-point expression, but it was a half-step invincible supreme powerful breath that it has been urged from the peak.

The giant ax, the blue is cold, and each of them will have their own power to the extreme, ready to back!

It belongs to the half ancestral breath, self-blood waves, and this product is really safe, so that the unhearer is a little peace of mind, after all, the half ancestral level is the existence of the super, waving, caught invincible.

In the unspeakable, he made the idea, once he was fighting, he pulled his death and lived after the blood wave.

Just after he listened to the idea, suddenly sprayed two vulnerable, let his whole face green.

That is the two ancestral atmosphere!

When is it easy to even appear in half agency? !

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