Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4634 ??? True Wars (on)

That is an irreversible ban, with its own cost, explosion, and the energy of nearly ten times the energy.

Once used, it is an unsatisfactory situation.

With the invincible supreme situation with burning itself, he resolutely faced the gods.

Like the big day of burning burning, the sword is unparalleled in the body!

The black robe can't afford the power of the Path, it is broken, and it is barely full of .

Then, the sword is unparalleled with a single hand, and the vastness of the mighty is.

This is straight into the void, and the entire neighborhood of the neighborhood is close to the neighborhood, and finally Nirvana.

Under this difficulty in describing, even half ancestral level is unable to be enough!

I don't care about all the strong rushing Fengqi directly spit out a bite of the blood, and then dizzy the past, and the figure fell into the void.

Linhe Longdon is equally overwhelmed, spit out a big mouthful of blood, and it has also hanged the past.

In this unfolded void, only three shapes are standing.

The horrible finger of the gods, eventually was unparalleled by the sword, and the eyes of the eyes were extremely extreme.

The 300 million pores are simultaneously flooded, but they are instantly evaporated.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has been burst from the bottom of the eye, and the past is blind, and he never forgotes revenge.

In the face of this, you can take it down on your own, even if you are the side of the god.

At the beginning of the antity, can it grow like this?

This child can not stay!

The virtual god waved, and it was enough to cover the void, and then crushed the empty.

The sword is unhealthy in the eyes of the war, he is no longer passive, but it is integrated into itself, and resolutely collided.

He has already worked dead, and his strength is here!

Huanghuang Shen Wei will reflect the void, this type of heaven is extremely unparalleled, so that the sword is unparalleled with a half-step, and it touches the mysterious edge.

He seems to have returned to the sorrow, and he is in his own spiritual road.

At this moment, there is only a misery between the world, "Hey, I'm idiopath -"

The old dedication blocked his eyes and facing the very popular very popular, quietly scattered.

Next, a black shadow quietly appeared behind the sword, and one hand directly took his back and neck, and then disappeared in the original.

"Boom -"

The two must have collided, that is, even the empty space is also never died, can't describe the arms, so that anything will never survive anything.

Top-standing virtual gods see the scene of the square, the brow is slight.

"Pain pain pain -"

The sword is unparalleled to pick up a breath, and I have a pain.

The old embassy snorted, released the palm of the neck, and the shot of a weird energy was in front of the sword.

Weird and pounds of energy into the body, the burning burning burn-in-source blood has stopped burning!

The blood that has been lost seems to slowly retract, and the sword is unparalleled.

If he speaks, a gentle power is directly dragging him away.

The phoenix, who is already in the life giant pho, throws the sword without double, a pair of Feng Yu is full of anger, "You guys, do you really think that you can die? Just act!"

"I only say a word, if you die, I will immediately lead the Feng family to surrender the universe, you are good!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is embarrassed.

Lao Zun's hand standing in the same place, looking to the virtual god of the head of the trigemine, facing it, "Give you a three-hike time, roll from my eyes."

The nostalgia is calm, and the old looks at the old, one party wins more than ten times the passage of the clipping cover.

Old anger, stepping forward, one step forward.

Ten thousand miles of void tremors, the Black Thunder is easy to defeat the sky,

"Since you don't roll, then leave it!"

Endlessness, the dark and broken sky, suddenly there is a roaring black water river dreaseed.

The virtual gods are condensed, he seems to be aware of what, there is a jealous of the eyes.

He no longer stands at the original, and he left behind him.

However, from the pouring black water river, suddenly launched a giant arm, directly bombarding the gods.

He waves, there is no such thing as a mation, and it is in front of you.

However, that a giant arm is easy to run through all of the defense, and it is impact on the gods.

A big horror energy in prison is completely broke out, and the god can no longer remain, and the arms are crossed.

There is no magnificent, one is dull to the extreme voice.

The virtual gods have been broken, and the wolf is unbearable. The trigeminal championship is slightly skewer.

The virtual god is completely shocked, and it is possible to press it with a powerful force. How can these people like this in the universe?

"You, don't belong to here!" The god looked at the old, a word.

"What is it?" Lao Zun forwarded ahead, a calm.

Deep sucking a breath, the gods stared him, and later became a black cloud to escape.

The old eyes are slightly smashed, and the last hit is reached.

Endless lightning appears above the broken emptiness, to reduce the penalty of the gods,

The virtual god of the left is ruthless, and the black gold in the body broke half, but he did not stop the body, but he left at a faster speed.

At this point, the entire Lotu star field is completely dead.

Lao Zun looked at that self-emptiness, and burning the chaotic spring eyes that surged the sky, and shocked again.

Like the deworry cosmic boat, drive under the starry sky of a dead domain.

On the deck, a dead.

The Qilin family, the children and grandchildren are less than one tenth, which is a large number of middle-aged and high-intensity.

Only the unrocked Qilin is not enough.

All the descendants of the Qilin family, watching the Dragon Dragon Emperor I can't tear him.

If it is not the ancestral dragon of the dragon, how can his Qilin people suffer such a huge hit!

However, their Qilin is now, even a half ancestral level is not, what is the killing of Linhe Dragon?

Only waiting for the last shocking Tianjiao return to the unicorn, they can report this bloody sea feasibility.

It is hate that the heart is not dead, and the unrelians and the remaining four are beginning to appease the rest of the rest of the family.

The old seems to be a little exhausted, and the sword is unparalleled with the gods to condense into a chair so that the old is sitting down.

Dragon and Qilin people are now in the sword unparalleled mediation.

The god is returned, the inner chaos is coming, and it is unfortunately.

With a more suspicious personality of the god, a battle that really let the universe collapse, may have kicked off.

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