Years passed, there will never be a day and night, energetic to the ultimate power, so that it has become the most perfect place of sitting.

As a priest of the Qi Ting Diaway, the avenue rules contained here are also from any place in the superior universe.

This is, I am equal to the Yunxiang Palace of the Zhen Zhen.

Listening to the Zhen Yanyong Palace, it is a big blessing that can be encountered. It is often only the most amazing in the universe, and there is only such an opportunity to listen to the seat.

This is the same as the ancestral road, open the new door, and can make this million monks practice.

Only a few months, all the monks of the Shenli universe have still restored wounds, but there are still tens of thousands of people who have been killed.

At the same time, there are many monks to break through the shackles of the cloud and go straight into the spirit.

The sword is not a wake up, I originally thought that the original power of the slight loss, did not consume, but there was a strange force.

Until the Fengzi's chamery, the sword was unparalleled, and the meridian was a life-thorn of life. It turned out to be the cause of the ancestral blood delivered by Feng.

Helpless shook his head, the sword was unparalleled, and the phoenix of the red dragonovers appeared in front of the eye.

When Feng Qi suddenly lit up, he hurriedly took the palm to explore.

The sword is unparalleled, and the prostitute of the revel is hurt.

"How can it be, it is clear that it should be able to break through that kind of realm." Feng Yan brows whisper.

After taking the clothes, the sword is unparalleled. "What are you talking about, mysterious."

Feng Wei did not hide, straightforward, "When you are giving me blood, I vaguely feel your breath has reached the critical point of breakthrough, but now there is no breakthrough sign?"

"Do you think that the half ancestral level is so good, which one half ancestor is not a numerous contravice, only grasping a point of the body." The sword is unparalleled, "as for the invincible Supreme Supreme About 100,000 years, I would like to make a half ancestor level I need a quite long time. "

Feng Wei heard the words, the drums of the next consciousness said, "Jin Sheng half ancestral" is not difficult, I remember that I was sleeping, and then became a half ancestral. "

The sword is not double, and the dumb, then nod, "then I try to work hard."

Feng Wei is serious, "You are different from others, my intuition has always been very accurate, there is no mistake."

I looked at this inexplicable firm confidence that I believe in my own Feng family, and his mood is inexplicably soothing.

After the Taoist Taoism, the sword is unparalleled into the plain of this long grass.

Pure Shen Li fills in every inch space, giving people a comfortable uncomfortable.

Time is urgent, the failure of the outside battlefield is equivalent to the universe of the universe to open the universe the universe.

The sword is unparalleled, and the injuries of the old respect have improved, and they will once again meet the virtual army leadership!

During this press, then I only appear again in my heart.

"Maybe, should I really try to realize that kind of realm?"

The sword is unparalleled, there is a long walking, where the king is smiling and smiling.

"Go everywhere together?"


At this point of the two, the leisurely travels in this midst of this, travels to the unclear landscape.

In the clouds, the two are like the sky, sitting on this big country in this big country, the mountain Juchuan continued to have a sky, spring and summer, autumn and winter, but it turned into a flash.

In this wind and cloud transformation, the mood of the sword has changed.

"I am young, I like to play alone, all kinds of rare beasts, famous mountains Juchuan, I am very happy to wait and see, and later because of various reasons, I have made some changes in the heart, but Only love to play has not changed, "

When I said past, the King was satisfied with a little bit of color, "So I simply, I moved my previous things to this, I saw it, what you saw, it is true Positive, there is a dozen. "

The sword is unparalleled, "" Being as always, the heart of the big brother has surpassed the people in the world. "

, "

The sword is unparalleled without opening, waiting for the following.

"The situation I have created, I have to do more than ten times more than the previous Lotu star field of my family, but it is like a chaoto."

"Similarly, I also know that I have a small size, and I am the realm of this, but it is just a ceiling of the rules."

Say this, Qi Tington has been a talented, "There is no palace owner, you can think that the ancestral is true?"

The sword is unparalleled only to exist in the original cognition in the mind, more confusing.

The mysterious vast situation of the sorrow, the sound of the Zombie said in the Hei Sea Star Field, from the old respect of the black water river, always mysterious to the extreme, this, all of which is pulling this His original cognition.

"If the ancestral is not true, what will it be?" I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled.

, laugh, "I don't know."

The sword was unparalleled, and then smiled and shook his head. This is really a big circle to return to the original place.

"But one thing can be sure, you want to know more, you need to jump from the rules of binding yourself."

smiled, "For example, you should break through."

"Stepping on a half ancestor." The sword is unparalleled, "it is time."

There are countless power begins to spontaneously escape from his body, like the branches and vines are generally stretched in air.

The king saw a slight smile, and the body was exited from this world.

There is between Yunjian Yunshu, and the Navy is from the wild.

At this moment, the monks of all the Shenli universe in the Hunfa Taitai were shocked. It was shocked to have a golden direction of the entire sky.

Half ancestors, the avenue flows, and the treasure is endless.

"This guy, is it really so crazy?" Sitting is too emperor sitting like this, slowly standing, and his eyes will continue.

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