Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4663? Unparalleled

The Qian Ting of the Ten Thousand Cangled Avenue, at this moment, it is high at the top of the chaotic spring eye. It is actually giving a few points of monstering.

Anti-river inverted pantry is swept through the entire broken star field.

All supreme is actually felt in the same time.

Seeing the seal of the chaotic spring is opened, the phoenix, which is originally planned to stop, but it is unable to manipulate the power of the body.

Dragon Dilong Pool is also a big change, they also feel that the chaotic spring is like endless black enunions, wanting to drag them in full.

Feng Wei suddenly looked to the broken sky. After that, after the king, I didn't know when I had a good body shape, and the five senses were very light, as if I have not yet grown.

All supreme heart gods are all sinking, and they can't control the pour of the power in the body.

It took nearly 150,000 high-level supreme power, and the ancient meas offered the flesh of the ancient meas, gave a five senses, hair, meridians, and internal organs.

That looks wide and kind folk court, which also reveals the ugly face at this moment, and the madness is mad.

"It can be integrated with my mud, it is your great honor, why do you want to fight again?"

Feng Wei directly angered, "Your mother's dog is mixed, you will be more than the monk who killed a person, but you will be more than the universe of the universe, you will be a thousand knives!"

, "I said," I said, it is your pleasure, it is your fate, only for me to make some contributions, I will send a compassion, let you see a more Xuan'ao's realm. "

"At that time, you will find that you are so sad, how sad is it."

Each supreme body is in a fast recession, and their respective realm begins to decline.

It is even a half ancestral Fengqi feels that the realm is in reverse.

She tried to get rid of the power of terror, but found that there is no problem, even even mobilizing the power.

Dragon Dragon Pool is also true, look at the sky.

With the loss of the weird flesh, the ignorant flesh of the qi, the five senses gradually, the brunette is already too shoulder, and countless fine meridians start from the skin.

At the same time, it symbolizes the aperture of the ancestral avenue.

That's too vast power, like the abyss giants, and the energy of the heart is emerging from the pores of the flesh.

All supreme is seen in your own eyes, and the birth of a ancestor strong.

Everything is too incredible, up to the ancestral cosmic gas transport, how can I have born two?

In the next moment, the whole seat of the House, along with the Star Field, unable to break the coming of the two ancestors, and directly crushed.

The weird flesh, in the moment of achieving the ancestral position, completely with God.

The universe of the universe, and the endless power of the end of the whale, full of the same face is full of the same face, and flashing.

Looking at the mason that has been fully formed, I nodded, excited, "Now, use your body to do the last contribution."

Brief, countless from his palm, showing the power of the sky, and the sinking is pressed.

The phoenix, which has weakened to fall to the spirit, there is no anti-hands, and can only look at yourself.

However, the next moment, a more vast mysterious power, steep swept, like a cold wind, directly gain the power-like power.

The Qingkou suddenly turned, and the disgusting place to see the place where the offensive, this, the pupil is one of them.

I saw a completely broken void, and nearly 50,000 a total of more than 50,000 came and the sky came.

The representatives of the most in the forefront of this majestic army, the blood wave supreme, the nine robbery, the giant ax, etc.

At the same time, in their forehead, the two have been completely covered by the large black robe, giving the embarrassment of the Qi Ting.

"Qi Ting is old, you should clear, even if you are a ancestral, life is only one."

The sound of the Weiyi, who took nine days, was resounding, the top of the mysterious body slowly pulled the hood on the head, revealing a strong and purely face, the hair is floating, let He is like a majestic gods that cannot be straightforward.

"The sword is unparalleled! How can it be you ?!" .

At this moment, all of them were sleepy, and more than 100,000 supreme, all of them were excited.

Even if it has already disappeared for nearly three hundred years, the emergence of swords is still like a deputy pill for each person.

"If it is not mine, are you going to put the power of the universe?"

The sword has no double step forward, nearly rolling the power, such as the Tianhe swept.

Ancestral breath!

Feng Wei is fascinating, and I don't dare to pay attention to the sword.

I have disappeared for three hundred years, how can he be in such a short time? !

The color of the king is overcast, and his sleeve is suddenly offset by the impact of the sword.

At the same time, he has already given a retreat.

About the sword is unparalleled, in the final battle, the Qing Dynasty is clear, he is the horror of the gods with a half ancestral strength.

Now he is already a ancestral, I am afraid that the strength has already taken off the binding of the universe rules.

Thinking of this, the king directly pushed the mud tire, and he wanted to escape.


A burst of black water spread from the world, and the face of the old black robe appeared.

The figure of the Qi Ting was parked in place.

The sword is not a double eyebrows, and the Tao Luo Jian is so straight down in his hand.

That potential should take the heaven and earth from splitting the swords.

Under the case, the Qi Ting has to bite his teeth and the sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, now you leave, I don't want to blame, if you are obsessed, there is only one death!"

When I waited, the endless strength of the year was offset the sword, and he said.

The sword is unparalleled and cold.

"The sword is unparalleled, do you really think that you are my opponent?" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

At the same time, the ancient mud tires behind him are also strange, and the body is still stiff, and the same is covered.

If the breath of prison, the show is helpless.

In front of the Mero Shenjian, it was desirable to cover the ancestral power of the same, and the sword had a sword of the sword, suddenly rushing to the nearest mason from his nearest.

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