Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4679? Avenue is extremely, Dadoy!

Near millennium came, all everything seems to have no rule of law, it seems to have developed to a direction.

Since the high sea star, heard the universe from the snake is not a ancestral, and encountered the old representation of the ancestral, and the emperor of the same strength, everything is developing over a deeper development.

They never have a member of the universe or the universe of the universe, but it seems to work hard for a goal.

In the sorrowful land, the time to act as a guide, the quirky mud tires of the king, the mysterious one who knows the emperor is all unknown like a fog.

The sword is unparalleled, I want to know an answer, he feels that he is covered by a huge cloud.

After a long time in silence, he walked out of the Yunxiao Palace and went to the cloud sea behind the palace.

Laozu Some thin body shape is still fishing in the clouds.

Since the fish who can't celebrate the fish with swords, the old, no-seeking, seems to have a fishing of fishing.

A cableless Cuiyu fish throws in the cloud sea, the sword is unparalleled, then sitting next to the old.

"How many tail cars?"

"I haven't caught it yet."

"It's no wonder that these fish have been caught hundreds of thousands of years, and they have made spirituality, knowing can't be hook." The sword is unparalleled to go to the old prince.

The calm face gradually became a smile, his slightly smile, only to two people in millions of people, one is a sword is unparalleled, and the other is a nicker.

At the end, Lao Zun looked to the sword and smiled. "Do you have a lot of questions I want to ask me?"

The sword is unparalleled, "Yes, there are some problems, but I don't know how to ask ..."

"Then I will answer you to you," Old respect, "I thought you would wait for you to grow slowly, I will tell you what you want to know, I thought that day will be very The long, I didn't expect it to be so fast. "

"Unparalleled, do you know Dali?"

The sword has no double Si So, then dragged into time and space from being treated by the gods, and everything happened to enter the mysterious world. Everything happened in detail.

"It turns out, I didn't expect you to enter there." The old voice is stable, "the so-called Dagan, the simplest explanation is the primary, the original, the original."

"At the same time, it is just a collective, in Da Yanzhong, Xianjie, Shenjie, Wan Dynasty is in total."

The sword is unparalleled, and the opening is asked. "What kind of existence belongs to the ancestrality in Da Yanzhong

Old respects to him, smile, "very common existence."

The sword is unparalleled. He knows that the old respect will not lie, but it is precisely that he will feel terrible.

It is already a silent universe, which is just very common in that Damuo?

What else above the ancestral, he is unimaginable.

"That sword fairy Butter, is it here from Dawu?" The sword is unparalleled.

Old nod, "It should be, in addition to Damua, even if there is still the rest of the universe, no one can cause hurt you."

There is no double point in the sword, and the road, "The emperor, is it from Damu?"

"Naturally, the kind of ultra-self-contracted spiritual evacuation, proved his identity." Lao Zun said, but also to sword unparalleled, "As for me, it is an independence of an inexpensive world. The presence."

Sword is unknown, I don't know how to ask.

"Unparalleled, do you know what is the predecessor of Da Yan?"

The sword has shaken his head.

Like recalling, the old man is mob, "Da Yan is the first predecessor, in fact, the universe in the universe, one party and the universe, the universe of the universe."

"Dawei's original predecessor is called the world, and I am in another universe, called derivism."

"The two universe also happened to the battle, and finally, as the universe is completely destroyed, it has become Dachang."

"And the universe called derived is the party that is finally destroyed."

Listening to the narrative of the old, the sword is unparalleled to feel that his brain capacity is somewhat not enough. It seems more complicated and some feelings that have been more complicated from the universe.

"Why do the two universe do not die, is it just because of the destruction of the other party, and promote the big Damuo?" The sword asked without a double.

Old, I shook my head, "The factors in this are too complicated, so that you are not dead in two universities."

The sword was unparalleled. He finally understood the feeling of it.

The battle of the Demanic and the universe of the universe, with the destruction of the Demand, the final world is promoted to Daguo.

Nowadays, the universe is the same as the virtual universe is like this route? !

He is shocked, it seems to have clearly understood anything.

In the extremely sea star, the three conditions that are governed to meet the first time.

The first condition, completely destroy the hostile universe, do not leave any of the creatures!

If it is the only condition that the universe is promoted to Dawu, it is to completely destroy the hostile universe. The conditions that promise the old respect are the way to promote the universe to Damuo?

The sword is unparalleled. After a long time, he looked at the old, "Old respect, as long as the universe of the virtual is destroyed, will the universe will be promoted to Damuo?"

"No, this avenue is extremely, can't stand the second big derivation, only erase the initial Dawei, it can be promoted."

The sword is not a double point, no longer talk.

Old respect, no longer open, I don't know how long, he slowly opened. "In fact, the conditions before saying, just some jokes, you don't have to be true."

"What about saying, there is a saying, a gentleman is difficult to chase, I promise will have a number." The sword is unparalleled, and then she is not intended to make the hand gently patted the old The shoulder, "This is the agreement between our two."

Lao Zun shook his head smile, no longer talk.

The dialogue in this cloud did not last long, but the amount of information contained in the amount of information, and the complex source, almost directly pulled the sword and unparalleled cognition.

This makes him finally know, the avenue is extremely ancestral, and there is still a day outside the sky.

And his master is a mysterious, there is no possibility, from the original, the big derived from the primary, the big derived of the Avenue?

Water is dial, and the cloud calls the day.

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