Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4690? Lizhu Deman (below)

The trend can be shocked, but it is like tearning, and it is quiet.

100,000 swords, a sword stab in the chest of the dark body.

Unimaginable power, directly fry his entire body into a powder.

Spring and Autumn Shocked Unreaches, unconsciously retreats half.

A sword is exhausted, the sword is unspeakable, and it is alert to the martyrdom.

Then, the black body that was fried as a powder was slowly condensed, and a unprecedented Pumbler rushed.

This entirely, the abyss of the hinterland of Montenegro begins to boil!

The dark body is condensed out, and a pair of green beans have a small eye to flash.

He suddenly waited, hundreds of vines made from the tragent condensed.

Spring and autumn is shocked, hurried, "swords are unparalleled, escape!"

The voice falls, and hundreds of vines are zucked into a cage directly to the two people.

At the same time, the vines began to quickly secrete the mucus and prepared to digest them.

The spring and autumn reached out, and a dagger appeared in his hand, then pokeed to the vine in the body.

However, the vines are not moving, but due to too much force, the dagger cut his palm of the cocoa.

Spring and Autumn Pumples a breath, and you will look at the sword.

Due to excessive campaign, the anti-chain chain iron brand in the neck is almost smashed with the sword.

The derivatives in the body are eaten by chain strands in a very fast speed.

The sword is unparalleled to go to the mouth of the mouth, and the eyes are still light.

In the beginning, the invisible sword fell, like the trickle, the degradation of the trickle, cuts more than ten points, cut to the vines.


Such as hot knives into the butter, accompanied by distant smell, the vines at the foot are cut directly.

Then the sword is unparalleled directly to pick up the spring and autumn, escape from the prison.

The anger is extremely low, and the black body is staring at two.

"Despicable to the extreme prisoners, who makes you dare to resist this seat? Now, come over, let this seat, you will take you into a soul."

The spring and autumn immediately went out of a spit, did not have a trip, "I will rely on you? I am honestly put us out, I can spare you."

At this moment, the sword was unparalleled to stand on the shoulders of the spring and autumn, and the figure was shaking.

The spring and autumn see the face of the face, thinking, don't want to drag the sword. There is no flying back.

The dark body is shameful, the robe sleeves, the blain of the firwork, the storm, and countless prisoners who have been swallowed, the soul of the soul will be cut out.

It is like the homage of the soul, and every waving has a bloody, the blood fog, the prison.

It's still like the sword of the God, but it's weak at the moment, which makes the spring and autumn that release the arrogance, and dragging him back, and release the delay attempt to stop.

But the derivation of the fairyland is really too horrible. It is almost in an instant to swallow the Spring and Autumn Attack.

Spring and autumn are like a mortuary, and it is going to be here. When he is angry, if the sword of the silk is unparalleled, it is a sentence, "Jumping beam clown."

Next moment, an unhappy, it is purely to the extreme delay.

The sword has no doubles to change the previous tiredness, the figure is condensed in the void, and it is not afraid to see the soul of the prison.

Then, the hand is in front of it, it is a grip!

The most embarrassing Huang Hang appeared in the Tianmen, like countless round of the big sun, the absence of this black mountain hinterland.

Under this, wherever, the dark death soul that lives in black light, starts to distort the mourning.

There are countless gods, shadow, and constructing a side to cover the big palm, depression.

Montenegro is difficult to withstand that power, starting large-area cracks.

It's like the late-like scene, the mountains have broken, and they collapsed together with the plazen roads, such as the mountain river pour, a brain broken.

The hand-held black body shape, the small eye is slippery, knowing that it is hard to figure out, even if the figure is flashed, ready to escape.

However, the place that is extremely irradiated, it seems to be a layer of intangible comics, and all the breath is intercepted.

The dark body is turned, it is related to life and death, he doesn't dare to hide private, the arms are a burst, and there is a long-awaiting Wusu, and the front hits the sword.

However, the sword is unparalleled just to raise his hand, and the dark light has died in the greatness of the Tianmen.

Light and dark energy is surging, and the dark body is still can't calm down. It is unmatched, and it is a guy like the monster.

But the various big gods have not touched the sword without pairs.

Only far from afar, the soul of spring and autumn, all the offensive of the dark body are resolved by the sword unpaired, Huang Han, who is self-evident, he doesn't even have to go out!

This is terrible, this guy is afraid that even the emperor is difficult to balance!

Covered the big palm, self-contained, and finally the cover was pressed in the dark body.

The horrible sound, endless Wuyu is out.

The sword is unparalleled from the beginning to the end.

While being dissipated with Wushu, he reached out and separated, like it has already expected what is about to happen, grabbing a rich black.

"Put, let me go!" The rich black is struggling in the sword, and it quickly condensed a nearly virtual figure.

It's already scared to break the dark body shape, and I'm still in destroyed it, I barely reserved a breath.

"I have let me, all of me will be yours." The dark body is laminated, and the Bao Bao, which contains Dadi, is pulled out from his arms, and is unparalleled to the sword.

Bao bottle gourd, octagonal, black copper, etc., just slightly sweeping, swords are unparalleled, this piece, even only weaker the ancestors in the Shenli universe!

But you have to know that the ancestral ancestors only have seven handles, and this guy is a series of more than a few more than a few differences.

Rao is a little shaken with a sword unparalleled.

"As long as you let me let me, these are yours." The dark figure trembled.

However, the sword is unparalleled to see him coldly, and the palm is suddenly hard, and the black Ben is broken.

The dark body is not too late to come to give me, it will complete the body.

Beyond the ancestral Deman, this is tragic to sword unparalleled hands.

This is also the first to die in his hand.

As the dark body disappears, the entire Tongtian Mountain has no mountains, eventually collapse, countless stone blocks.

From the shock, I went back to God, waved the space, blocking the stone, "Quickly, this whole mountain is going to collapse!"

PS: Recommend!

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