Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4692? Xiaowei (below)

The sword is unparalleled in front of the haystack, and "I am not the emperor who said in the mouth, but it is a Tour Yunyan Head."

Spring and Autumn have not many words, and after a smile, it will no longer open.

"You are because of what is caught here?" The sword didn't look at him without a double turning.

"Because of the defeat," Spring and Autumn did not hide, slowly, "my father was a side of the emperor, but in the war, I was killed, but I was reluctant to be slaughtered, but I became a prisoner. Come on. "

"Do you know how many years I have this picture?" Spring and Autumn laughed, "" Lian Yao's Bank of China has nothing to know how many reincarnation begins. "

"I want to leave here, but I'm just a luxury."

The sword is unparalleled without opening. The banned chains between themselves is difficult to relieve, which fundamentally limits his abilities, and it is possible to fly.

So he can't do anything now, can't say, wait for a time.

During the time, after several days, the prison of the dead suddenly sounded a few steps in a hurry.

Then nearly ten black robe appeared.

The sword that is slowly recovering, just a slightly sweeping, knowing this nearly ten people, at least two ancestral.

One of the old, the top step, the eyes suddenly slammed the big palm after he and the spring and autumn, grabbed them.

The sword has no double eyeline, and at the same time, the empty delay directly offsets the palm of the old man.

The dry old man flashed in the eyes, and then she took a breath. "Do you want to resist?"

The sword is unparalleled to see him, and then it will go out, and the spring and autumn will follow it.

As being sent to leave this jail, the sword is unparalleled to go to the vast square.

In front of the vast square, there is a quaint bronze giant house located in the cloud smoke, and it is quite impressive.

The move forward, the sword at this time is unparalleled as a Fang Wei Yizhen, and there is no half point as a personal conscious of prisoners.

The dry old man is quite angry, but from the time of the trip, this little monarch designated people who want to see it.

Keep up with the spring and autumn after the sword without two, look at the bronze giant house, and there is already a little fried corner, hate, and then calm down.

The bronze giant giant door of up to Baizhang opened, hundreds of clouds floated, illusion into chasing birds, Yun Die circle in everyone.

That is in the depths of the giants, wearing a luxurious, semi-leaning, and look at the temple.

The four eyes are relatively, the luxurious body is slow, and the body is long, and the face of the boys and women, I can't say a charming demon.

"Welcome to the temple of this emperor, all." He picked her eyebrows, and the arms slowly lift.

"I have seen Xiaowei." More than ten black robe monographers squatted.

Gently waved, and said that Xiaofu's luxurious body is calm, "it's all right, no my order, no one is allowed to step into step."

The black robes should be, and it is followed by the hall.

Barefoot, the little monarch stretched a lazy waist and slowly moved.

As he moved one step, there was a model of the same look that there was a truth from him, and there was a truth in the temple of the empty and dead.

Strong to the ultimate tragent is filled in each space.

Looking at the more and more figure in front of you, the sword is unparalleled, he can feel that all the real shadows are the land of the Deman.

This little monarch is deeply unspeakable, even he feels a sense of inexplicable crisis.

At the same vacant, the shared shadow is close to the shadow, a strong strong rich and fragrant fragrance with a touch of light.

"New here, do you know where I am?" There is a real shadow climb in the sword without a double weeks, and the opening query.

The spring and autumn of the following steps are filled with a long time, and the palm is already holding the dagger.

The sword is unlock, like a mountain, it is just a closed eye, and it's like a Vietnamese mountain.

The four eyes are far away, the little emperor quietly smiled, with the captain, hundreds of true shadows were as good as one.

"A few points, how can I have seen you before?" Xiaofeng smiled, and later looked at the spring and autumn behind him, "Hey, I have seen you, Fenghua emperor, spring and autumn?"

The spring and autumn face has changed, resentment is full of faces, and the right hand of the dagger suddenly squats, and the strong delay is directly stabbed to the heart of the little monarch.

The corner of his mouth is rare curvature, and he is standing in the original place without avoiding it.

Next moment, the space swayed a layer of fluctuations, a whole body hidden in the purple robe.

At the same time, a stronger derivation directly destroyed the Spring and Autumn Attack, all of them on his body.

Spring and autumn are sullen, the body has a few tens of feet, and he hits it on the bronze giant door to stop.

He directly spit out a big mouth, while a piece of Ziyu is boring.

The little monarch is condensed, and the treasure that is scattered from the spring and autumn arms, how can he not know what is, directly empty, spread it on the ground, and fall in his hand.

"This is, the Daman under the Monte Mountain is what you kill ?!" The little monk is half-faced, and you want to kill the spring and autumn.

However, at this time, the sword is unparalleled in front of the spring and autumn, "" Na Yan is murder, and he has nothing to do. "

The little monarch collects the palm of the palm, just like something, there is no general, and the bearings turn the hands and turn.

"That is the mountainous essence of Montenegro, I am very wondering for the land of the Danama, I am very negative, how do you kill him?"

In the dead hall, sudden ruthlessness, the thin body shape of the purple robe, and waved directly to the sword.

Mastering the dramatic force, there is no spill, even the air has never blouse, but its horror power, let the sword do not dare to do, directly push the delay.

It seems that the palm of the seemingly plain, directly hits him, and the ravage trays will dissipate.

Strengthen the blood of the body, the sword is unparalleled to fight again, the thin and small purple robe is closed, turned and followed behind the little monarch.

"There are a few points, it is no wonder that you can kill the Deman." Xiaojun slowly turned, and his light was turned.

"But you have to know that the Montenegro is in the hands of my hardship, you killed him, I was broken, this account, how to calculate?"

The sword is unparalleled without opening, but the vital delay has been adjusted to the peak. If he is struggling to fight back, he has confident that it will give the little emperor.

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