Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4699? Great Voyage

After the overview of the Tiand, all the emperors did not be able to accidentally accidentally accidentally accidentally accidentally accidentally accidental, throwing in the next three days.

It is only known as the Spring and Autumn, and there are three emperors, and he has become a prison with him, but only him is alive today, but also has been free.

"The future days are well practiced, only yourself, everything is available." The sword did not say to him.

After the spring and autumn came back, I was solemnly nod, and then it was as determined.

The sword is unparalleled, some don't understand, "I have been banned for so long, don't you plan to go back?"

Spring and autumn have smiled, "The Tiansheng has already been destroyed. Now I am afraid that the old site has been destroyed. It is only a sense of increasing injury. It is better to go with the sword brother, but go to travel!"

The sword is laughter, "Follow my travel, will be dangerous, you are sure?"

Spring and Qiusong, "Of course, I have already seen it, and I am not as meaningful as it is a meaningful thing."

The sword nodded and nodded. He looked at the distance in the distance. "That's next to me."

Yunxun Yun Shu, the sky is changed.

In the next few months, Xiaofeng will hand over a small orchotic in the six-day somewhere, and the big orchids will give the sword unparalleled. They left the next three days as the mineral, and the days.

In the two parties, there is no appearance of the soul of the soul, as the back garden of Xiaoli, the filling is extremely easy, and it is easy to fit.

So long after entering the Little and Lietian, the little monarch only sent to the giant temple is hard, and there is a small lady.

"The brother, can you still be appropriate here?"

Still a small color, a small emperor, staring, staring, smiling.

The sword is unparalleled, and it will no longer speak slightly.

After several incidents, he didn't feel a good sense of Xiaofeng, and this six-day territory did not have a good sense, and that is a temporary truth, one but the opportunity matures, he never wants to produce any mega.

"You have a little in this little lonely, walking together with me." Xiaofei said to turn into it.

The sword is unparalpired, after the breath is over, step back.

This whole six-day construction is very strange, the treasure tower shape, interacts.

The next three days, for small orchoes, big orchic, every day.

As a gathering place of prisoners, there is more than one hundred black hills throughout the next three days, and there are nearly ten thousand prisoners in every day, and a total of more than 50,000 prisoners are not a small number.

From the sky, it will be in the sky.

I learned from the Spring and Autumn Period. There is a lamoon containing the colored collections of Montenegro.

The little prisoners left so many prisoners, the main reason is to take these sparsons in Montenegro.

Run your hand to throw a plungeous black crystal to the sword, there is a unparalleled, the little monarch said. "The crystal stone in this mountain is the foundation that I grow up. In addition to the rest of the self, the remaining convenience Send it to the outside world, in exchange for all kinds of Qizhen. "

"How do you feel?" Xiaowun asked back.

The sword is not a double point, "Not bad."

"That is nature, this small latitude is enough to disregard usual cultivation, the price is naturally not Physical."

In the middle of the two, the two people came to this world, and a big town was located.

Above this big city, the sword is unparalleled, not only in the construction of the giant ship, there are more than ten years, and people walk just like the antite is generally small.

These dark giant boats are not more than the universe boat.

The two people fall into the giant ship, the little monarch waved, the deck was opened, and the black mountain crystal of the entire giant ship is filled into the eye, and the sword is unparalleled, the brow is not allowed to jump.

Only the deck is closed, the little monarch pointed to the ten giant ships. "These are already unhal, ready to be sent to the remaining heavens and the earth, this time you come to transport it."


"Not only you have one person, I will let the big companion bring people to you, big can be relieved." Xiao Jun said, "I am ready to prepare, go to the danger of the sea, even if the Danadian is slightly inadvertent It is possible that it is possible. "

Although it is unknown, the sword is unparalleled, maybe this time, it is the best time that may leave.

"Remember, these things can be lost, but people have to come back." On the deck, the little monarch slowly turned, condensed, "I don't want a hard arm, I have disappeared."

Although the sword is unparalleled, I feel some weird, but I am not so saying, "When?"

"Don't worstily, I will have it after ten days. I will send you yourself."

Ten hours, but it is a moment.

The sword in Little Lonely is unparalleled, and I opened my eyes with the spring and autumn.

The little orchic junction is open, and a thin small robe came to pick up.

Before the day of the sky, the total ten giant ship stayed in the cloud.

The little monarch of a luxurious clothing is in front of the little loneliness, looking at the sword without a double smile, "Next, everything has a good brother."

The sword is unparalleled. When you join spring and autumn, the little monarch is called him, "No matter whether it is either, it is going to return, and it will be necessary to meet."

"To understanding."

With the two people boarded the boat, the little monarch was light. "If he has a noticeable heart, it will be directly towed, and it is fully protected."

That thin and small robe nodded, the voice is low, "I comply with the emperor."

The clouds rushed, ten giant ships filled with Montenegro, disappeared in the sky, flew to the sea.

The little monarch is in a moment, and it disappears.

The end sitting in the bow, the sword is unparalleled as if it returns to the universe, and in the universe.

But here is Da Yan, a destined to the greatness of the universe, impening, and unknown.

Spring and Autumn are extremely exciting. This is after he is breaking eight gallery, he will leave six days in the first time.

Even him lifted his hand, referring to the branches of the Galaxy gains to the sword.

A gain of the Galaxy, I am afraid that I have surpassed the reincarnation of the universe, the gang of the eight gallery, he has imagined, this is still a young man, how old is it?

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