Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4709? Broken Eight Arms

The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is in the void, and there is Hua Mang overflow from his fingertips. Like Jinsha, it is scattered in the whole woman.

The hard-resistant people only feel that the pressure is a loose, and the eight arms of the earth-shaking place are actually stagnant at this moment, and then the eight arms have been collected.

"How, what is going on?"

Spring and Autumn are unknown, and then look at the sword of Huang Hang, who is in the void, and the sword who is surging the golden sand is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled to give him a kind of invisible, and the powerful image is in the heart.

And the previous one can give the Spring and Autumn Shattening, only his emperor's father.

As eight arms have stagnated, the whole woman is falling into the edge of a collapse.

The body is fried, a smashing bald Ran, a circle, looking at the sword.

Although the land of the Deman, as long as the breath is not dead, it is close to death, but he is frightened. He feels that everything in the body dissipates, as is a certain no energy stripping.

Slowly spit out a turbidity, the sword is unparalleled, and the head of the bald Ran is in his hand.

The big horror between life and death, let his teeth tremble, and even the words are incomplete.

"Deman, Deman Deman, seek to let go ..."

The sword is unparalleled. If this bald, Luohan can't stay in the robbery, there is no such thing as this series.

The matter has been found, and the grass is removed.

Two points in the eating in the diet are in the face of the bald Ran, a root energy that is unable to compete directly with his origin.

"Do not……"

The ugly brain is broken, which accounts for the whole mother's wife, and finally fell in the sword.

In order to prevent him from being dead, the sword is unparalleled, and the world is completely clear, and there is a breath that there is a possibility that it is possible to retire.

At this point, in the premise of unscrupulous and other creatures, most of them become a dead domain.

With the algum of the bald Roz, the eight arms of the earth did not disappear, but the color of the slap in the hands of a slap in the hands of the sword.

Eight arms stretched, the eyes are like a bell, actually a bit ugly ...

From the void to the ground, the spring and autumn is excited to welcome, "the brother, amazing!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the color of the slap size is thrown into the spring and autumn, "send you."

"What is this." Spring and Autumn Hands are busy, and curiously set up.

Bald Luohan died, his disciples under the seat of the birds were also unparalleled by the sword.

As soon as I jumped on the deck, the sword was unparalleled and returned to his old position of his bow, and he began to sit.

Zheng Ying looked at his back, and then he took back to the boat.

In the war of this woman, there were only less than 20 people, and there were only less than 20 people, including over half of them died in the sea area of ​​the giant sea.

And this wave of Bunxia is about to enter an end.

Through the mysterium, continue to travel, in a certain period of time, there is a mysterious Zheng Ying, and quietly disappeared.

For a woman who can't be a riddle, I don't know why, the sword is unparalleled.

As the channel is close to the end, one party is a martial art, which is replaced by the previous bidding.

The mysterious thing to make the sword have unparalleled alert.

From time to time, there is a riding crane in the sky, leaving a flying white in the horizon, and a variety of strong body shaping seems to be a main color of this big.

After years, the passenger ship finally sailed to the end - Jingchuan.

This is a hillful to the ultimate super world, and the rumors have been a vast scene that has a unsuccessful monarch, and the delay is extremely extreme, but it is irrelevant.

Looking at several giant ships driving in the giant sea, the top of the past has already been blamed, and even the wonderful eyes are not.

Tour Jingjing, several giants entered, and at this time there were ten black shirts and fairy.

The thin little robe immediately pulled out a light gold tap, falling into the hands of one person.

After the number of interest, the headed black shirt is the palm of the palm, and the sky door of the cloud is fraudulent.

"I finally arrived." Spring and Autumn have long stretched a lazy waist, the consciousness of the eye angle is in front of the front, and the figure is sudden.

The sword is also a brow.

I saw that after the Sichuan Tianmen, I was wearing luxury, and my face had a bit of a scattered body shape, as if I have been waiting here.

Seeing the safety of the giant ship, the little monarch smiled, and the figure was floated to the deck.

"I have seen Xiaofei." The thin small robe took more than ten Zoo single knee kneel down.

"The big companion is labor." Xiajun is the first, and the dramatically has made a clear wind to hold the thin little robe and others, then he moved his eyes to the sword.

"Do it, what do you want? God, skills, heaven and earth are in the field?" One by one, he waited for the sword without having a reply.

"Five Years." The sword did not have a double opening saying something unknown.

Xiaoyun smiled, "70 years."

The sword is unparalleled, and later, "Since there is nothing, I will go back to sleep."

"Don't worry, you should haven't come to this Sichuan, I will take you into one turn, I will not be late." The little speech is bipic, and I will not wait for the sword. I have no double response. Long and rushed to Sichuan.

The sword is unparalleled, and then on the Spring Qiushi, "You will wait for me here, I will go back."

The spring and autumn came to see an eye, hurriedly shakes his head, "Forget it, I still follow the brother, we have the same time."

There is no difference between the sword, and the figure is flour.

As a most vast world, there is a horrible heritage in Chengchuan, and the monks who come here are all in the top.

It is just a slightly sweeping, it is a hundred hundred ancestral existence.

For the ancestral problem, the sword is unparalleled to have a simple discussion in summary and spring and autumn.

In the big derived of the greatness of this matter, there is no ancestral, but is replaced by the derivative.

In other words, each ancestral level in this big derived is actually referred to.

At the same time, these big derivatives belong to the top of the ancestral, and the strengths of the ancestral universe are slightly somewhat.

And this half points, it belongs to the avenue air transport, cannot be replicated, and the unique avenue air transport.

Walking in parallel with Xiaofu, in front of this doorway, the foot is on the front of this, and travels above this Cang and vast plains.

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