Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4725? Jinghong

There is a Diva to retreat, and the site is squeezed into a powder, and the fairy is broken.

The battlefield of the focus, immediately vacated a piece, more than ten Diva is very vigilant to see the sword.

The same is actually such a vastness of the mysterious magical delay.

In the other side, Chen Qing has killed the ring, and each hit is enough to hit a number of derivatives who dare to rush.

But this is true, these Demonstones under the Xiajun are still tired.

Twenty-in-one is forty, how can it be an opponent?

There is no three emperors to help, the sword is unparalleled to face the number of DVDs, and the light is surrounded by him, and there are not ten.

Just one of him attracted a quarter of the fire, depressed.

"Hey will come to the head, I can make you less suffering!" A strongly sinking tragent matters becomes unparalleled to the sword.

The long sword in hand is reversed, and the sword tears the offensive, the sword is unparalleled, "" I will have the waste that you can't see people, and have the ability to get my head? "

For the first to fairy, the next hand is a trick, and one of the eleven Dynamic is working together. It is like a toilet to bring the whole void, cover.

The sword has no double eyeliner, when the first protrusion is blocked, and then the sword is straight.


A sword is more than 100,000 swords, takes some breakfast!


Mats, the sword is unhappy, and the sword is unfolded.

That the sky is divided into two in the middle, and it is dissipated.

And the sword is also extremely uncomfortable. This eleven Deman's cooperative hits, this is not what he can bear, there is this, the skin surface seems to be burned.

"Sword brother, I will help you!" Low drink, Spring and Autumn manipulated eight arms anger, directly eradicated, eight giant arms, the same sword is unparalleled in the sky.

The sword is unparalleled, and the mating in front of you will dissipate.

Spring and Autumn have come to him, soon quickly, "Jianxiang, let's take it away, forty Di Dynasty, let's go back again, there is no life without life!"

"Can't go." The sword is unpaired, he has its own set of worldwide, if you don't care, for Chen Qing, Xiaijun and others, will be the disaster.

If you have retired, you will be morale.

In any case, he can't refund today.

The huge power to reach out again and again, the sword is unparalleled to put the spring and autumn into the protective circle.

He is just a ancestral, even if there is an eight arm anger, it will be inadvertently inadvertently felt directly in the offensive of the Deman.

The only thing of the sword is now doing, that is, try to protect it behind.

Continuously there is a fairy, this is a big energy, and it can destroy the heavey between the handwriting, and more about this is more than sixty-in-one.

The void is torn, and it is slightly close to some planes and has also been affected and constantly collapsed.

Nearly 100 ancestors were started to have been killed by the town, and the Little Mandarin has brought to the Deman, which is also rapidly reduced.

Several people have long been a strong end, even if Chen Qing is delayed, in the face of such a lot of dermisy, it is weak.

A Star River Hai Jingyi bloused, barely blocking the one-time Danadian, the sword, the sword, and the others have been wrapped up.

At this point, there was only an eight-digit fairy on the small monarch.

Chen Qing's right arm is tired, especially in its right rib, and a scar is shocking.

These trauma caused by these equivalent Deman are hard to heal in a short period of time, which means that the war will decline a certain degree.

Looking at the Danadian of nearly 25 or six, the sword is unparalleled and others are all sinking.

"Xiao Jun, after I left the broken, you will return to the six-day somabar, don't talk to Tianding." Chen Qing low voice, "Only living, can continue to complete the wish."

"The sword brothers, the Xiaodi's safety of the monarch will give you." He looked at the sword.

The sword has not yet opened, the little monarch is cold, "Chen Qing, this is the case, when will you need to win?"

Chen Qingxu, "But the little monarch, you will not go, you can't get rid!"

"As a success of the emperor, I must go, even if I die on the road, I can't change it." The little monarch is indifferent, and the death is dead.

"Oh, successively, I can only continue to cultivate, and I can't succinade, but I dare to call successive Emperor?" When a long-awaited, Yinyou Dynasty, I was smiled and said behind him. stand up.

"The son, I will give it to me." The thin little robe is slightly down, while crossing a step, he is losing it by Xiaoli.

"Just let the waste in his mouth, send him to the road." His voice is indifferent, but it has a sinking Wei.

Next moment, killing!

Filling the darkness of the darkness, the little monarch, like the emperor who really controls one party.

"Killing the son of the son, reward!" The long-faced fairy fairy did not be afraid, but smiled, the body is like a ghost, it turns directly to Xiaofei.

A sword pierced one of the fairy bones, the sword did not have a double sink, and the sky was smashed.

The horror of the Tianmen is coming again.

However, I have already received a terrible Di Dynasty, all of them together, under the sword, unparalleled, there is no casualty!

The sword is unparalleled, but he is still the same as the original invisible sword straight.

All kinds of big unpracoquiries are bombarded in his body, even if they are not destroyed, they have begun to be injured.

The little monarch released the field, and it was destroyed a derivative, but immediately was blocked by the other fairy.

Chen Qing and others are also barely self-insurance.

Amazing wound begins to appear on everyone.

Just in this battle, when I was completely surrounded by swords, there was no emptiness, I suddenly became a slap in the air.

The sword is almost a little bit of consciousness, and then retreats.


A horror straight and easy to break the void, as if the world is open, and hundreds of milli-mile voids are hit by this hit.

Almost after retreat, then I don't know where, but I have a straightness of the breath, it is crushing.

There are more than 10 Diva to dodge, and immediately physically made a powder, and the Xianyuan is ignorant.

This is terrible, and a sword, the sword is directly plowing the void, and there is no gully, no gully!

Dead, very dead, all survived Dani is dull at this moment.

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