Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4732? Seven sons

Six sons, all of which are dispatched, although each of them is smiling, but it has already swayed.

This is the best performance time, directly related to their status in the heart of Zhen Wuyang Emperor and 100 yuan.

In this past several times, the son's correction has become the existence of everyone, even if those veteran have been favored, and there is a meaning of the little martial art.

Therefore, each sister is a strong head, and the respective realm will mention the peak. After all, only go to the end, we can get more attention.

Just after all the Deman is ready, when I went to the heaven, the voice of a light-written voice sounded in the sky, "Emperor, this time, I also participated."

All the Danades in the Tiantian in this Tiantian are all in a moment, and the post is all looking at him.

The little monarch slowly got up and swept away a magazine.

"Derry, you are sure?" Zhenwuyang also got up, and it was a little happy in his eyes.

"I have never been involved, so that some people have ignored the existence. This time, I just want them to distinguish between the main second." The little monarch is low and the Wei Wei, there is no scruple to see the head Volunteer.

Six sons, do not have to look at each other, and the face is different.

The son is talking, but the hand is tightly covered.

"Okay, Derry, I haven't seen your repair for a long time. It is just about this opportunity to see this opportunity." True Wuyang smiles, while a sleeve, "people, inform Chen Qing I rolled in and let him accompany the derivative. "

"Don't have to have an emperor, this time I need it is not Chen Qing," Xiaofeng said that he looked at the sword.

The four eyes are relative, he said, "The Jagan, can you take a loss with me."

All the eyes of the Deman are also brought together on the sword.

Really, Wuyang also looked at the sword unparalleled, ultra-imagined emperor, can easily insider everything you want to know.

Soon, he had some doubts. This is just a boy in the demonstration. In addition to the amazing, physical fitness seems unique, and even he is a little.

At the same time, he has a feeling of saying, although this youth Deman is not much deep, but it seems inexplicable very comfortable, it seems to have an association with some unknown level.

Recovered the emperor's gods, Zhenwu Yang nodded, "Go to Derry."

For this unhappy mountain dew, and the silent bodies, once it is recognized, it is difficult to change.

Xiaofu came to the front of the sword, and a slight shot, "Let's go, look like they should wait."

The sword is unparalleled, there is no excessive hesitation, and after some point, you will go to the sky outside.

The thin and small purple robe suddenly pulled the sword unparalleled arm, and a pair of muddy eyes seem to want to explain something, and finally just low channels, "Xiaofei handed it to you."

Before the Xiaofen embarked on, after shooting the shoulders of the thin and small purple robe, he walked out of the sky with the sword.

The clouds are soone, and the degradation is vast.

Standing outside the Tianship, all the Diva is like a shocked blow, and the six sons also carry their own major accompanies and fall into the heaven.

This has a total of more than three hundred Dano-participated in the peach dispute.

At the end of the true Wuyang Emperor of the Tiand, waving, one of the waves of the tragent is included in the temple.

The scene in this painting is is the Huanghuang Tianjie.

"All, you guess this time, who can take the peach, who?" Zhen Wuyang inquired.

"It belongs to the two son." There is a long and old people to smile.

There is also a black robe to refute, "the four sons are not weak."

"Three sons are the finals who may finally take the fairy peach. If the old man does not look wrong, he has had a preliminary understanding of the fairy."

Hundreds of dollars in the sky have always seen themselves, but the people will be selected to point to the two sons, three sons, four sons.

Zhenwuyang seems to have other answers, and it is like a sculpture, "Yuchang, what do you think?"

Yu Bo looked up, and the muddy and deep scorpion seems to look through the clouds and look at the heaven.

"The little guy around the little monarch is not general."

"So you think that he will win this treasure?"

"The little monarch is stable, and it will not be a matter of can't make anything, once he shot, everything will become a foregone."

After listening to the words, the true Wuliang is no longer open, with the old, and carefully watch the picture.

Haohao traffic cloud, two black shirt rides dress up, sitting in the cloud, seem to be anxious to compete for fairy peach, but like a tourism.

This carries the entire heaven, which is completely composed of Gaochuan's huge water, quite a vastness.

"You said, how much can we grasp the end?" On the empty stream, the little monarch is afraid that the sword is unparalleled, and the opening shouts.

The sword is unparalleled, "I don't know, try my best."

"What should I do if my priest is killed?"

"That is not simple, kill it back, but I think, in this field, they should also converge some, but most is nothing to do."

"This time, I have to win the fairy peach, I can't have a half something wrong."

"So confident? I can feel that your yourself is quite deep, maybe you will join hands, and they will join hands."

"Why, afraid?" Xiaowei asked.

"Of course, I am afraid, I have been wrapped in no reason, I still want to live more for a few years." The sword is lying in the clouds, and the road is long.

Xiaodijun took the mouth, "can become a Danadian, which is not an endless life, you don't know how many old monsters living, and are you so attacked?"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not more than 10,000 years since stepped into practice. Now it is actually called an old monster, and some old feelings have been added.

And he is not allowed to explain, too much, extremely likely to cause unnecessary trouble because of your failure.

I am afraid that they are Daman's Deman, it is hard to imagine a lot of aged a million-year-old.

After the passing of the mouth, the two people fell into the heaven.

In the giant water of Pentium, two body shapes wandered.

There is a Dani passing together to take the tremble, just gave them a glance, urgently avoided it.

I won't come to the last moment of Xiantao to the last moment. Every Deman is unwilling to fight with the true Wuyang Emperor Jun.

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