Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4747? Face wall

There is no Tianstrian Deman to guess that it will be this ending.

The sword is unparalleled is like a shocking, hard-erases into every line of sight.

It's hard to confuse, this is the first time, Xiantao in the feast was taken from the Deman outside the seven emperor.

Moreover, the sword is unparalleled with the little monarch, so this fairy peach in his hand is completely all returned.

From the arms, it took out the pneumon that contained nature, and he didn't even have more nature, like a fruit, but also average.

"Hey, then." The sword has no double smile, throws the fairy peach to Xiaoli.

The air has a shot stream, and then falls in his hand.

Looking at the fruit in the hand, the little brow is picked up, he only needs to bite a bite, the opportunity in the Xiantao will run into the body and help it break through.

But the next moment, the little martial arts opened the integration, and divided the fairy peach into half.

"Hey, then." He also said that half of the fairy peach gave the sword.

Two people look around and then bite the peach in their respective hands.


Xian Yun is vast, and smoke is turned.

In the sky, still the sky, this moment is quiet to the extreme.

Sitting in the true Wuyang Emperor of the Emperor, a pair of passers-in-laws suppressed anger.

In his head, several emperors are all silent, and they are smoothed.

Only from the son who woke up in a coma, a pair of bings were full of cold.

Two shapes slowly stepped into the Tiantian Giants.

I have already replaced a small emperor who is luxuriously served, and the face is rare, and I don't care about all my eyes.

The sword is unbolded, and it is slowly stepped forward. It seems to have a mountain river in his chest, vaguely revealing the atmosphere.

In the face of this scene, he did not panic, and even said a small scene in the heart.

Before you have not entered the big derived, stand in the universe of the universe, control the experience of the avenue, let him raise his hands and enjoy the camera.

Just sitting in the emperor, there is a sense of gentle sitting in the face of this youth.

But this feeling quickly erased from the mind, the true Wuyang suddenly took a case, "smoking!"

All Deman is a cold, and they naturally know why the emperor will give such a big gas.

Suddenly walked in the tremble, all could not commit a trick, almost all made this time.

They got each other into camps, became the weapons in each emperor, the eagle dog under the seat, where there is a half-tiants.

However, the most important point, the Tianding does not have a bloody, it is broken by the odd guy behind him and his side.

So at this moment, I participated in the derivatives of the walp struggle, and I all look at the two.

"I don't give me a squat, I don't worry!" Zhen Wuyang is an angry, and the palm of the palm is shattered.

However, the two stones are still moving.

The sword is unparalleled, I only feel inexplicable, and a pair looks at it.

The little monarch is a hook, faint, "Emperor wants me, always have a reason, after all, I am a constant, I can't stand in front of them."

After finishing, he looked at the remaining six emperors, taunting it overflowed in words.

Zhen Wu Yang Emperor is anger, and it is a case. "I am you! This reason is not enough? It's not enough!"

The little king is single, "it's enough."

Seeing the Xiaoli Jun, the face of the true Wuliang is slightly eased, a pair of photographed scorpion to sweeping the prince.

"It's a murderer, a good game, this is to point until, but even ten Dani, this iron, you are ignored ?!"

When I arrived, I was standing at this moment. "Go back to the Father, those who have been in the gods are the guys around him, we have not lost ..."

"Do you think your fault is light than they?" Zhenwuyang looked at him, "the Shenfeng, which supports the heavens, is destroyed by you, and try to break the rules. If you want to open the fairy peach, is it you ?!"

The son is falling in an instant. He didn't expect that he would have been discovered by the true intention, "Emperor, you listen to me ..."

"Don't explain, I will consciously go to the sky to lead one hundred sticks, and there is no one stick!" Zhenwu Yang Ipened.

The son feat is white, and one hundred sticks in this day are all handed by the big hand, each stick is enough to make ordinary Deman.

This hundred sticks are only afraid that he is hard to go down for a hundred years!

"Following." The bonus bite his teeth returned the original seat, and the son of his non-dealties didn't have a laughter.

Zhenwu Yang Shen Sheng, "This time, the fortification of the fairy peach, your performance makes me very disappointed, and I will consciously go to the Tianjie, I will take the province!"

All the Deman is all bitter, and there is nothing to get in the benefits of the Tianstrian feast, and the end is going back to the fifty stick.

But no one dares to refute, all the governors, "compliance."

At this time, the little monarch wanted to cough, and she had a lot of red red on the pale cheek.

"Emperor, the son is weak, and it is impossible to pointed ..."

Zhenwu Yang Emperor Junnan, nodded, big hands, "The son is divided by the penalty, the rest of the people, etc."

At this point, the remaining six emperors are all unsatisfactory, and they have anger, but they don't dare to say anything. I am afraid that I will collar a few sticks.

It seems that he is afraid that the public is felt that he is biased, and the true Wuyang will follow, "But the son is derived, and it will be punished to listen to the wind."

Don't say this, it's okay, one said, all the eyes of the Diva will always burn the little.

It is said that it is to wait for the style of the wind, isn't it more appropriate? !

The whole tower, including Tao Forest, Zhu Lin Xian Yun Hao, which has a fairy in the sky, and sometimes it can see the fairy.

Can you face the wall?

"I still don't wait for anything, is it still not enough?" The sound of the true Wuyangwei instrument resounded.

All the Deman Warm I heard that he hurried out of the heavens, and I was afraid to fall next.

I deeply saw a small emperor, and the son was turned into a stunned and smeared, and then he stepped out of the heavens.

For a time, in this big belly, only more than 100 strokes.

Every veteran is all interested in seeing the small emperor and swords. It seems to have a combination of them, with great interest.

Looking at the sword is unparalleled with no more powerful eyes, true Wuyang calm, "Why don't you take a penalty?"

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