Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4776? Entering the evil city

It seems that I woke up from my sleep, and the waves of the Youth lie on the soft bed looked up a few people on the wall.

"Hey, this hangs for more than ten days, finally woke up, turning away with this unique."

He said, then took out a black spar of a finger from his arms, put it in his hand, a pair of confused.

Chen Qing was directly out of anger. He looked at it. This is just a grand waty young man. This is destroyed? "

In this case, the sword has no double heart, and the situation is the case, and the strengths of them have not recovered, and they are impossible to deal with the ancestral tricks.

If you turn the boat here, you can really hate.

Sure enough, then the waves of the waves were still in the face of the appearance, after hearing Chen Qing's burst, suddenly slammed from the soft bed, and a pair of odds barely kill.

"Old things, you said who is a thief, believe it does not believe that this collar will pull your tongue into the roots ?!"

Chen Qingnhen, disdain smiled, when he got a spit, "Laozi hang here, you also want to hurt me!"

Surfing your youth doesn't have much, when you pull out from the waist, you will go straight to Chen Qing.

The sword is not worried, even if Chen Qing's strength is not recovered, but his body is a real fairy body, and non-comraded fairy can't be damaged.

This self-proclaimed youth is just a ancestral realm. Holding a fire, it is natural to be limited to Chen Qing.

Sure enough, a sword came out, straight thorn to Chen Qing's chest, but it couldn't inseparable, even his clothes did not puncture.

See this situation, wax your youth is a shock, and the arrogance in your eyes will cut a bit.

"Rolling, Mao is not a long boy, and dare to move your hands with you?" Chen Qing cooled, and even cold, it took a spit.

Because the distance is too close, the waves are directly connected to the mouth of the water.

"Ah! Laozi wants to kill you!" After returning the gods, the youth, the mouth was angry, and the true sword was crazy. Chen Qing.

Under such a crazy offensive, although Chen Qing is a cactoscope, it is already unspeakable because of the severe creation.

"It's enough kid, Laozi is not a sandbag." Chen Qing tried to avoid it while anger.

Only anger in the youth eyes, the sword rushed to go to a deadly place.

At this moment, a cold and unusual woman's voice was honest from the four wild.

"Cui Jing, stop, take them to see me."

The sword is unparalleled to the top of the top of the killing, the barefather composition composed of killing, and vaguely, vaguely saw that there is a breath and begins to gather in the city.

After listening to the voice, the named Cui Jing is heard, although Chen Qing hared, but also stopped.

He fed back and returned to the body shape, and the resulting order was given.

Not allowable, the sword is unparalleled and others have been received from the wall.

The youth guard who has been in a sleeping, I have already woken up, and the cold killing in my eyes does not cover the sword.

The sword is unparalleled directly to his eyes, but after the dignity, it is clear from the stuffy state.

That is enough to destroy the big potential of the ordinary Deman, did not kill him completely.

However, from the breath of his wilting, it is hiest, and it is necessary to be on the sword.

In this way, the sword is unparalleled, there is no need to worry about it. After all, one temporarily unplug the bird's bird, can't make more harm.

Under the leadership of the Youth Cui Jing, the five people are like a prisoner, and the rope is connected in series with each other.

The yellow sand is full of fiercely killing and evil, the ground is a crude sand stone.

This evil city is completely located in a ridiculous desert.

In this city gate, the sword is unparalleled to pay attention to the scene in the city.

This big city is quite similar to the city village, cross-crossing, and a full housing interaction, it seems that all of them live in the evil spirits.

With outsiders, the top repair that is full of murder and evil.

"Give Laozi far away, these people are all dedicated to Sha Niang, if they are with your body, Laozi lives to die." Lying on the soft bed, Cui Jing is a fierce warning warning Those tops of the top of the top.

After hearing the warning of Cui Jing, the more the top of the top, and they also have fun.

But there is still the top repair that I don't want to leave, I am holding hands. "After the Sha Niang is finished, can you enjoy some bone blood?"

Cui Jing also pushed his head from the soft bed, not bothering, "I am going to you? I have given me honestly to cultivate it."

The top of the surrounded was laminated, and then I started to go out, but I didn't have a collision of Cui Jing.

Obviously, this Cui Jing also has a certain influence in this evil city of the Salmon Cave.

However, Chen Qing has a smile, directly, "The messenger is in the soft bed, so that Chen Ye is going to sleep on it, and I will give you a few people. broken."

In the heart, I have never respond to Chen Qing's speech. Cui Jing looked at him, evil, "old things, now you are blowing, wait for you to get your bones, just wait to die."

"One bid, I am afraid." Chen Qing disdain, complete Cui Jing's words as fart.

Cui Jing also no longer says, but he can only avoid its front.

In this way, five people, the top of this evil city, walk towards the front.

When the evil city exudes a turbidity is gradually rare, a wide dark stone avenue appears in the eyes of the sword.

This is the end of the Blackstone Avenue, which can be rushed in parallel, is a palace that is bordered with the red sky.

At the same time, there is a sound of sound, but the scream of the existence.

The sword is unparalleled in front, and I saw that with the Blackstone Avenue under the feet extended forward, the earth's earth has disappeared, and it is inspired by the side of the deep red blood of the side.

And the hall of the sky, is being located on the blood sea.

At the same time, those who have been self-cultivation, all in the dark blood sea.

Looking far away, Blackstone Avenue, the ancient Sleeper, with a horrible blood sea, built into a heart-fashioned purgatory.

However, these are just the most common icebergs in the Salmon Cave.

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