Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4778? Playing

At the moment, even the ability of the self-insurance, even if it is faced with some top, there is no possibility of winning.

Therefore, he is extremely annoying this kind of fate to control the feeling of others. If the sword is unparalleled, then they will be accommodated together.

It is also a little nervous.

It can only be used to use a delay. This is really troublesome, but there is a sword, but it is more than enough.

Cui Jing's double arm has a tragent to swim, and then his pair of fists will push forward.

The four dark yellow tragers of the total, the storm rose ten feet, and the dragon is biting, if it is biting, it will definitely be hit.

Seeing this situation, Chen Qing, who was originally like winning coupons, was also a bit nervous, after all, the sword was unparalleled, and there was no recovery at all.

Four strings with a strong blood, as if they came out of the blood sea, the town is forward.

The sword is unparalleled. He has repeatedly withdraws half a step, in the hands of the true sword, and the sword has issued a burst.

At the same time, the layer is long, and the sword is turned out, and the blood of the rushing blood is hitting.

But such swords have no unable to stop the offensive of Cui Jing.

Several dark yellow rolling drag directly shredded, all of them got the teeth, and bite the sword without double.

However, the sword is unparalleled at the same time, the body has not stopped, but the sword turns, and there is no confrontation.

Looking at this scene, everyone is a brow, and the face is quirky.

Although it is not very good, it is too unsightly that it is too unaffected by turning his head.

Cui Jing saw the shape, even more excited, it was originally with cautious and downs, and it also could not disferse.

It seems that this soft mortal is really challenged.

The four dark yellow Benlong did not swallow the sword, and the impact was shattered in the ground.

Cui Jing stepped forward, and the right hand was condensed into an eight-foot stick, and he was round to the front.

The sword of the sword is unparalleled, directly around the hut column.

"The mouse that hides the tail, the fast and big bright and your Cui Grandpa will fight!" A stick smashed the column out of the pit, and Cui Jingyu smiled.

The sword is unparalleled, it seems that there is no idea with his fight.

In this ancient temple, the two are chasing me.

Chen Qing and others were all pinched and sweaty. He was more nervous. He didn't want to return to the spot.

It seems that the youth guard looks at the hate of the sword. It seems that he can't wait to be killed on the spot.

"The damn guy, I only hate it now, I can't wert you!" The youth guarded whispered, "When I recover, it is your death!"

The red side is sitting on the throne, and the sand girl is quietly looked at the battle like a farce, and does not send a word.

In her right palm, I don't know when to hold a stereotropic wrap.

At the top end of this condition, it is a Senikkki.

The bones are bone, and it is not a moment of being infiltrated by the blood, as if it can give birth to meat at any time.

Such a woman with big robbery, the causality contaminated is quite terrible, even if it is an ordinary Deman, it is never willing to touch her.

And in her, the top of her, is also unstoppable, and the killing innocent spirit has long been soaked in causing causal and big robbery.

The so-called big robbery is a kind of tricks, no one can detect, and it is impossible to eliminate.

When carrying the big robbery, it means that the cardiopathic is cracking, which is fatal for the Dikifer, and cannot touch.

And these are the swords unparalleled in the first time of the Saffi Cave.

So he was restrained, and he did not contaminate these causations.

Cui Jing pursued behind him, so good.

When the sword is unparalpired, I will fight back from time to time, and then continue to swim, and pick up the anger of Cui Jing at a little bit.

"Mouse, I caught you to death in the blood sea." He angry, although he adjusted to the peak, but it was like a cotton.

The sword is unparalleled, and when he will run the eight-foot stick, he suddenly swords and swords, leaving a long mark directly on the clothes before his chest.

Although Cui Jing has prepared, it is too late to dodge, and some are hurt by the true sword.

He shocked a cold sweat, then more angry, released the pride of the sword and slammed.

The whole of the ancient temples are all fifty, and the huge temple column is bombarded by Cui Jing.

The sword has no double body shape, and finally it is extremely concealed to spend him.

In the hands of the true sword, the swordsman, sword, and go.

In fact, the reason why the sword is unparalleled, the most fundamental reason is to be cautious to deflate the inexplicable causal.

Cui Jing's big killers, although it is much more than the rest of the surplus of the Saffi Grott, but it is still rich.

Once you contaminate big robbery, unless you have no epiconity, you can only go back.

When the sword is unparalleled, it is the most weak, if a step is wrong, it will be difficult to reverse.

At the moment, he avoided, he directly shot.

Three thousand swords are smooth, carrying the general trend to Cui Jing.

Cui Jing saw the shape, disdain smiled, and reached out to the derivatives of the derivative, and the paint injection to the sword at the same time.

He stood in the same place, hitting a solid robe without wind, and the face was calm.

Soon, Cui Jing, who is running, has not come to a flip.

He faintly perceived nothing.

It seems to be in order to confirm the idea of ​​his heart, the three thousand swords are slowly swept, it seems that it is unbearable, but it is easy to tear the juncture of Cui Jing, and then you will down!

He was shocked, and he didn't want to protect his head.

The torched dust is swept in the temple, and the top of standing on both sides is uncomfortable.

These swords, purely no doping, but they have an impeccable trend, they consciously caught this sword.

The sword is popular, and the shape of Cui Jing is completely wrapped.

At this moment, I cleared to the sword unparalleled eyes, and I had a long way.

On the throne, Sha Niang is sitting at this throne.

Three thousand swords, come and come, go fast, everything is just a moment.

When the sword is completely dissipated, the body appears.

This is just three thousand swords, it is thoroughly putting it out of the pants of Cui Jing.

He did not lose loss, but the clothes were torn.

This is a big shame that can't be endured is that he is not able to endure this Triam.

In this sand, the face is much greater than life, not to mention that he has confirmed his face with his face.

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