At this moment, all the tops of the doors, nine monk, are looking up and look at the scene above the rainy shadow.

The sword has naturally heard the vows of the vacant, and the feelings exposed in the eyes are endless.

The sword is unparalleled, Chen Qing is not solving, Spring and Autumn is doubt, and the meaning is smirk.

As for the blister woman, it is also respectful.

For the course, don't hesitate to have such vows, it is very bitter.

"Brother, you are dull."

I was sorrowful in the eyes, but he didn't say anything, but the figure was as if it was at a moment.

"Good." Nine monk, hang down the eyelids, both hands together, blessing to consolidate the rain, shabow, do not let blood immersion.

There is still no fluctuations in the face of Sha Niang's face, and the four striking words under the air should not be intentionally.

Finally, she said, "Okay, I should go."

The air wheel is head, the steps are slow, and the back is firm.

She has a sharp wind blade in her hands and has become extremely extremely extremely unbounded, almost harmonious.

There is no good thing in the airwhere, but it is easy to look at the brilliance, and laughs and looks at her.

The two no longer talk, the sand girl handed a narrow blood blade, and the figure was step forward, and the air wheel and Shangzhu were.

The vacuum is like a mountain, can't move, but he is ignored by the clear Buddha light, and it is directly ignited.

The blood blade left a deep gully on the Hongqiao, and she barely stopped her figure.

The airwheel is clear and evil, and the Buddha is strong, and there is a strong horizontal.

At the same time, there is a strip of rough arm and is derived from behind him.

"You can't do anything, the world is thinking empty, the road thinks that the reincarnation, the completion is going to live, suffer ..."

A voter, from the mouth of the vacant, the synthesis of the synthesis, and fell.

Although his body shape is thin, it is like old trees, and the tragent in the meridian begins to illuminate.

At the same time, he did not know how many arms behind him, into a flower shape, revealing infinite and power.

As the airwhere sang the scriptures, the arm was in the back of the arm in Qi, and went out of a huge phase.

Long wind, but there is a boost, let the air turn directly into the cloud.

Then, the treasure was suddenly opened and opened his eyes, and he only sighed out Huang Jinmang.

Tiandi Masheng.

At this moment, the thousands of top repairs that were forced to the Sandy Caves were unknone.

The sand girl is watching, facing the Huang Huang Jinmang that swept the swept, but the arms of the vibration, illusion of thousands of blood of the blood.

Every virtual image has her strength, and then like a locust, the sky is covered with a hollow wheel.

" ..."

One is spreading, and the bloody image of the last thousands of times will be like a moth, and the speed of Nirvana is in Huanghuang Jinmang.

And this also gave her to seek opportunities, with ghosts, quietly, made a bloody, scattered.

"Air Wheel, this time, I want you to live!"

The cold voice of the sand girl is rising.

Next moment, her figure quietly condensed in the top of the horses.

A total of more than eight feet of long-term blood blade was mastered by her hands, and slammed into the top of the.

The blood is born, and the two lines of blood tears poured out from the eyes of the treasure, and then crashed.

Tiandi Seismy, the air turn is back, and there is no wave in the eyes.

The Sha Niang is broken, and the figure is not resorted, but holding the blood blade, and the air wheel is close, and the bursts are suddenly fluctuating.

The Hongying Bridge blooms fine cracks and has a breaking trend.

"The brother, no one can slack off, once the air turn is defeated, he will never be extremely dark, and it will not be able to follow the face, and we fully repair the burrow shallow lotus peak on the top of the head.

The remaining eight and the same faces are dignified, and they naturally know how terrible words under the emperor's brothers.

The airwhens are open, and they are sitting in the law, and there is an unimaginable understanding of the Buddha.

And his way of practice is difficult to abnormally, it is very different from others.

He has never taken a day under the Bodhi Tree, but a big place with a double feet, traveling to the mountains and boiled sea, is a bitter hardship.

So firmly moved, if the bitterness is true, it is a tragedy.

So, this battle, can't be defeated!

Above the rain, terrible derivation will tear the sky.

The vacuum is carrying the invisible Diamang arm, and the sand girl is fighting.

One time, who can't help but.

However, the airwheel is faintly with the horizontal pressure.

"Sword Brothers, Spring and Autumn Brothers, do you say that he will win?" Chen Qing asked.

Spring and Autumn carefully observe the moment, "I think, that monks will win, the general trend on him is very strong, there is a feeling of alpine."

Chen Qingnie, "I also think that the monk will win, he should have a vision without making it out, you can reveal the sings of the sheds, there is already a bit to catch the elbow, then play, there is no suspense. "

The sword is unparalleled, and his brows are wrinkled unconsciously.

His views and the opposite of the two views.

In meditation, he believes that Sha Niang must win, but it can't say any intuitive reason.

At this time, there was no clear, suddenly, "monk must defeated"

The sword is unparalleled, and it looked at it, and the two of them did not meet.

Chen Qing took the mouth and then goddened to see the front.

And the sword is unparalleled, but there is a bit concern. If the results are established, it means such a monk.

This is by no means a good result. For them that have been dyed, they are not a good result.

The sword is unparalleled, I have thought about the result of change, but now he is also difficult to protect, the strength is only a 50%, and the impact is minimal.

"I hope my thoughts is wrong." He secretly paid attention to the final result.

On the sky, the battle is in white heat.

The vacuum is tired of the eighteen treasure, and it will take advantage of the sanda girl.

She is equally weak, and a long blood blade is constantly harvesting his derivation.

Cui Jing in the top-repairing battle, has been paying attention to the battle of the sky, and the heart is very embarrassed.

Subsequently, he shifted his attention to the monks that were jointly released, and building a rainbow lotus peak.

Under the sharp turn, Cui Jingti stick, the rate of nearly 1,000, killing forward!

The real thing that is headed is true. It is aware that Cui Jing will go to their purpose, even if it is angry.

", I will always have you to go today!"

"No, ICAC," That net and still hurried, "If I wait for the delay, the air wheel brother must be disadvantaged."

"What should I do! Do we want to lead the neck?"

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