Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4788? Looking for airs

Chen Qing and others don't solve it.

The sword is unparalleled naturally, because of the three sentences of the else, he will take him from the son ink.

You must know that in the previous Northern Xianzhou, it is also hitting him, if it is not because of the reasons for the fairy, I am afraid he is in the current possibility.

Clear again, "Now he is dead, this seat has naturally there is no relationship with him."

Chen Qing's laughter did not laugh. After reading him, the arms were leisurely, "We don't want to know the situation before, after all, the death of the son can not have some relationship with us."

I heard the words, and the face showed a long and long. I didn't talk again. I turned and returned to the Salmon Cave.

"His mother, I want to set up the old man, you are still tender." Chen Qing took a breath, and quickly reached out and touched his face.

Their face has no disappearance, still the image of a middle-aged man with beeded.

In this way, even if it is clear, it is a good to tell, and I don't know what they are truly.

The inflamed woman looked at them and looked at them and then disappeared.

The sword has no eyes flashing, and the hatred of his hatred, and it will be awarded the next day after the day, there are two questions.

The first one is to restore its own strength as soon as possible, and the second piece is to erase the causal, and the big killers.

The sword has no double thinking, and "" You said that the vacuum is still what is it? "

Chen Qingnhen, the heart, "Sword Brothers, you want to find the monk, with this to resolve the causality on us?"

"Yes, I have this plan." He nodded, "But if you need to find a vacant monk, I am afraid that it is difficult."

Spring and Autumn suddenly said at this time, "Sword, you remember the bloody sea that we fell in the past?"

The sword is unbounded in the eyes. "You said, is she possible to imprison a vacant?"

Nice to spring and autumn, "It is very likely, after all, the vacation is suffering from the first, seeing the light, seeing the wind, the body is rot, seeing the land, seeing all the things, the spirit is suffering, you think if you think if you think Which place will he placed under the premise of him? "

The sword has no passion, and the above suffers have a harsh to the extreme, but will be placed under the deep blush sea, can you avoid it?

Bloody sea is, no light, no wind, no land, no one million spirits.

When you think of this, he no longer stops, you are ready to explore.

Spring and Autumn Pulled the sword and sword, shake the head, "Now this node is still not, our strength has not recovered, and it will be in the case of uncontrollable situation, will be in passive."

"I think, the best time is to wait for a few years."

"Yes, Spring and Autumn Brothers, the analysis is so thoughtful, it seems that I Chen Qing Xiaowei." Chen Qing took his shoulder, and made a thumbs.

Spring and autumn, "I can't help in the battle, so I want to help the swords in other places."

The sword has no double smile, but also stretched his shoulders, "According to you, then start again."

Since then, the sword has lived in this Saffi Glone, and the Ying Ying woman does not know where to go, do not see the trace.

The earlier Cui Jing also secretly touched him three, until Chen Qing took a collar, he did not visit the door.

And one hand created the Sha Niang Niang, who was in the Salawth, did not have any audio after the battle.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is still in the previous pavilion, and it is fully resumed.

For four years, it flicked over.

At the fifth year, the sword is unparalleled in the first place to wake up, and a golden mood in the vastness of the vastness. It is circulated in his deep hole, full of tutors.

But he also frowned and seems to be extremely dissatisfied with your own recovery.

Chen Qing and Chunqiu also woke up from the realware, and the same eyebrows.

"What is going on, I only recovered 40% of strength?" Chen Qing did not believe it.

Spring and Autumn are holding palms, then loosen, "I also only recovered 60%."

"I am 50%." The sword is unfuddled.

The battle of Beixia, has passed five years, and it should be completely recovered.

But now they are three, the best spring and autumn, but it is 60%, and there is still a long distance from complete recovery.

"What is going on, is it because of the reason why our so-called causal is in this way?" Chen Qing asked.

The sword is unparalleled, "should not be the cause of the causality," I will be the reason why I am injured in Northern Xianzhou. After all, in the cataraction, it is fortunate. "

Chen Qingnie, it seems to have only this explanation.

50% of strength, for the sword unparalleled, even if the situation is no longer, he also has the three emperors, even if it is the same, the same as the land of the Danadian, is also There is a battle force.

In the entire Salmon Grota field, dim is the main color color here, even if there is a big sun, it is just a flash, which is undoubtedly more convenient to make swords.

Take out the cabinet, three like a ghosty figure quickly disappeared in the dark.

With the memory of the first time, in the case of flying, it is half a day, and then came to the ancient temple of the Sha Niang.

Resentful, crying, crying, blood sea silence, but the flies of the layers, there is no wonderful resentment of the soul of the soul to roll in the blood sea, and it is shocking.

The sword is quiet, then he has two people, "You are away from this place, I will sneak in this blood sea one by one, and I don't want to enter the blood sea."

"No." He also refused with the same voice at the same time, then sneak into the blood sea.

The sword is unparalleled, and persuaded that the two doing the two will end.

"The brother, we can't go on, but we will hold here, once there is anything below, we must check you."

Spring and autumn, then place a delay in his palm, it is used to contact.

"Don't worry, it will be innocent." The sword was not a hyperbidden head, and then turned around to face the side of the bloodless, stepped into it.

Blood sea boiling a moment, there is a variety of uniform ugly blood strange, all along the sword unparalleled, floating past.

Chen Qing and Chunqiu have seen a look at the opponent's eyes.

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