Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4790? Give the life

In this blood sea in the abyss, there is a hidden shape of the sword, and after listening to the true words of the vacation and still, stop.

The causality he contaminated, this is not contaminated without reason, there is no reason, why is there a hollow wheel, this is no cause of no reason?

This is not too arbitrary and simply.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled to sit in countless bones, double-eyed, black air wheel, 'Isn't he thoroughly spawned into a mood? '

"Sale still?" The vacuum monk asked, he slowed his hands and ten, facing the sword unparalleled direction, I made a gift, "I have given a heart, I can't teach and pretend all beings, such as good mage If you don't discard it, we only do chat. "

The sword is unparalleled, no change in his mood has changed, but there is a causal and big robbery, let him only hold the attitude of trying, and talk to the vacant.

He said, "Xian Shi, I don't agree with you, this 10,000 things, how can I not have no reason?"

If there is no cause of no reason, is there an inevitable connection in this world? I think it is never. If I am in the world, I will save a monk. For him, I am his causing, I don't have any causality for me? This is just my moment. "

The airwheel is heard, smiled, "Sale, in fact, when you talk about this sentence, you have already involved causations, because you have made the result of the cause of the time."

"The reason is that in this case, you have dominated the dominant, and it created because of it."

"There are all things in heaven and earth, all the causality about itself, in fact, is not always in your own hands."

After you have finished this, the vacuum is no longer talking, both hands together.

It is possible to grow to the avenue, and the Tiandi Avenue, all the general laws, and the sword of terrible sentiments, and how can I understand what he doesn't understand.

The sword has no double damages, he asked, "Xian Shi, you mean, the leading power of everyone's own causing, in fact, has not been held in his own hands? But with all things in the spirit?"

"So, not this." The vacuum said at this time that ambiguous answer, but he did not answer it for this, "Everything is in the heart of the mate, waiting for you to change."

The sword is unparalleled, he is combing this association, if he is really like a vacant and still, he has entered the cause of the Saffi, and the dominant has been in the so-called sand girl.

It is her, forcing the sword where it is contracted to these causations, and there is a big robbery.

"You don't want to provoke causations, causing causing to take the initiative to provoke ..." He helpless sigh.

The sword is unilaterally, after a moment, after a moment, he said that the forefront of the whole thing, said with the airwheel.

At the end, the airwhere has both hands and ten, "Hardestins, this is both your causality, and your disaster."

"I don't think about it. I came here, I was looking for the law of the resolution." The sword is unparalleled, "Xian Shi, can I know?"

The vacuum and Shang Dao, "Everything is in the heart of the mate, in the hands, waiting for you to change, the external force is only external force."


The sword is unparalleled very depressed, I don't know how to open it again.

This cause, the meaning of the vacant monk is extremely obvious, only him can change.

The next time, his two people were in the end of the day before the end.

The sword is unparalleled, and most of the doubts are all eliminated. At the same time, it is more admirable to the airwheel. Even if he has already gone, it is still sticking to his mind, and does not let the resentment of blood.

Under this extremely dark blood, he he worked with the tenure of ten.

His Bona, for all the unique insights, and the fearless spirit, enough to make the sword unparalleled.

The final conclusion, Tao, "Merry, in just a few days, the old man also felt the understanding, never had a comfortable heart, you gave me, all the things and dust, but not independent It is like being born with some kind of heaven, like a shock. "

"The immortal is awesome, the sword is a thousands of years, but it has been turned down, but not stopped." The sword was unparalleled.

The air wheel raised the head, asked, "Are you tired?"

He one, did not expect to have such a question.

Half, swords are unparalleled, "I, don't know."

"It's the old man," the air wheel eyebrows stretched, then he slowly lifted the palm, from the neck of the beads, the beads of the squad, took a larger, pan-Ying's meaning .

"Sale, I know that this life can not be entered back, now give you this now, it will be left behind."

"This ring is my own source. I think all the students in the first half, what I think, I have been blocked here, I hope to give Hao Si for a minute, the old man will be able to help."

The sword is unparalleled, directly refused, then take a vacant to go out of this blood sea.

The airwheel is smiling, "This world is no longer, only in the painting is the real prison, my heart and the road have been attracted by the magic bar, and they will see the past, here will be my final destination."

"I am very happy with the mate. In this last, I hope to meet it."

"Can ..." The sword is unparalleled, and he hides to the body shape, because of the four bitter words of the vacuum and still, the last one is the bitterness of the knife.

"Nothing, even when you see it, it is worth it."

I heard this, the sword is no longer resientation, his original shape is slow, and the weighing is surging the Wan Mang, and he reflects him like a man.

The dark eyes of the vacuum are clear, then he is headed, and the source of the origin in his hand is sent to the sword unparalleled.

"Today, I saw the sideline, so that the old age was all the hardships, it was not awkward."

"I used a fruit that was about to die, I should not be born, but there is a blue bird with the perseverance. Daily water is water, 30,000 years as always, save the mother tree, and I took me from the tree, and I was listening to the Buddha to listen to countless years, I made me a gain, I got a way. "

"Nowadays, it is also the pity of the blue bird, the oldness, only to break into the extreme, tolerate the cold, and atone this."

PS: ask monthly ticket

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