Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4805? Forty-two-party

Their fairy bones are large, and the treasures that are flowing are also broken.

The sky is faintly falling.

Zheng and the fairy bones guarded, there was an nearly 100 DVD, but the eyes were over half.

Although it has been bladed, the final obsession of the big Daman is still horrible.

Their arms they gave prevailing, so that this side is silent, and the heavens and Tiandi, which have been quiet, will be broken.

This is a war. With the constant fall of the Deman, these three fairy guards will end more support.

A fairy guard with the largest attack is ultimately scattered, and a smashing of a fairy bone is torn.

And the derivatives that were over-half of the fairy, and finally stopped the casualties, and began to use huge degradation, cover the pain to the fairy.

He has a total of forty-two Diqi, misinterprets crosslinking, chemicals for forty-two glasses, uniform delay in their weeks, condensed into one side of the sky, thoroughly cut.

The two fairy guards in the belongings, constantly weakened, a Yingrun Baoguang disappeared, finally turned into a slap in the abyss, and then in the abyss.

The last three consequences of the past, and this is dissipated.

When it hinders, the big array disappears, the forty-two mysteries, the ultimate fairy falls above the broken square.

Before this settled 42-bit Deman, there was a special alone, and the face was old, and there was a power of the host.

"I didn't expect, I found several Chinese years and finally found a look of ancient Tiand."

Looking at the unbeatable talents in front of you, there is an excitement, and obsessed with the old-fashioned fairy.

A thin cut, slightly wretched Danctuary stepped forward, respectfully, "Congratulations to adults to this day, it will certainly visit the big Deman."

"Dagan is the place ..." The old Deman whisper repeated it once, it seems very satisfied with this, "Now come here, if you can get the remaining inheritance, Dagan is not worth it. , Maybe, even the emperor can also master the hand. "

"When is the waste who can block me? Who can I still be subject to?"

"Adults are right, I am waiting for the people." Dwarf and wretched dermation bending and smiling.

Going back the gods of the old, a waving, looking at the silent heaven in front of him, a big arm, "enter!"

Forty-three strong body shape, the weighing is unpryed, and the trend of the public star is the big step.

"All give me a vigilance, I can't have any mistakes." The old Deman is unsatisfactory, then facing the talents of the Tianstrian Temple, slowly retreat, so that the remaining Damai walks the forefront.

In the face of such a look, he is also nervous, after all, when he just deals with the fairy guidelines, the nearly 100 Diki brought more than half.

If there is any crisis in this sky, it can be very bad.

The remaining forty-two Deman, all are elite, and he is confident that there will be any horrible things will happen. He can also escape before these dermal deaths.

Under the leader of the leader of the leader, the Tiantian Temple is slowly opened.

There is no crisis that happens, as if everything is quiet.

The old Cheng Dynasty that was surrounded, hurriedly opened the team, and the first rushing in the footsteps.

Entering the eyes, the temple is tone with dark blue, like an imperial ink, full of magnificent momentum.

All Di Dynamic is shocked, and it is incredible to look at this so-called heavens.

Even if there are countless years, it is a heaven, it is not what they can touch.

Although they are all Dynamic, one Fang Tianship is a high hub in countless days, only the emperor can control it.

After told them, even the big Dao Xian wants to go to heaven, and you will see the emperor is a luxury.

Unless a heaven feast of the year, heaven will be with them.

"Is this, is it a heaven?" All Diva is shattered, as if the next moment, directly promotion of the Tianyuan of the big fairy, appears in front of them.

The head of the old agenda is more than they are more than they, but they are not calm, and the two are all hot.

"Walk!" He ordered, and then stepped into this day.

It is more dim, even if it is a deraptary, it is difficult to see more than ten sights.

Watched a delayed beam, used to illuminate, the old agenda, the old, the old fairy brow, he always feels that there is something to look at him in the dark, there is a kind of nonsense, he will go to the team for a time Shrink.

In the whole, there is a mountain river column on both sides, and it is depicted that there is a strange bird in invisible, and a layer of pressure is applied to the crowns.

But they only have a hard scalp, and they cannot be estimated to make it waiting for them.

When there is no crisis in the darkness of the old-fashioned tension, the wretched derivative of the wretzel is pumping a cold gas.

"Adult, someone in front!"

Everyone is rid and puts out the gesture of the battle.

Old Chengyan is looking at it, and only through the dim fiddler beam, I saw the deepest place in this tasty, standing with a few shape, and there is a huge emperor.

An indispelling depression is surging.

"Put the ghost!" He secretly bit his teeth, and later, "Before!"

Forty-two diffraces light beams, suddenly illuminate for four weeks, together with the position of the emperor, all have a lot.

When everything is unbed, the air is stagnant.

I saw the ternary side of the emperor and standing four big men.

Every minimum of nine feet is nine-feet, the highest man is full of feet, and the light is to the one, it is like Tianshi Shenfeng.

In the middle of these four gods, the emperor is sitting on the emperor!

Although there is no sound, this scene is incomparable.

All Diqi is a breathing, and even the atmosphere does not breathe.

"They are dead, live ..."

At this moment, even the old agenda was doubtful, and the inner heart of the incompetence was unexpected.

"It should be dead, they can't live in that war, no one can live." He began to convince in the heart.

"Even if you don't die, so many Chinese people have passed, I want to weaken it!"

In the next moment, on the emperor, there was no Shangmili, and quietly opened the golden.

Old Chengyan took a breath and broke a whisper.

"I rely on, live!"

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