Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4823? Fusang waterway

The sword is unparalleled with a pride, a unprecedented.

I am afraid that he will not know that he is because of this kind of trait on him, it will make more broken ancient energy.

After entering this greatly, he has done it with the previous red dust.

But reading everything is extremely, who can be able to cut off the past?

Everything is unknown, everything is like the new dew.

With the washing pool around him, sometimes stole him from time to time, and quickly put it in other directions, so that you are tired, you don't know how tired.

The meaning is always a brow, and finally can't help it. "Unparalleled, you just hit it, if it is a trap, I am afraid that I will wait until now."

"Sorry, I am really impulsive. I just felt that the kind of voice is too kind. It is like a certain number of friends who will be deeply in-depth." The sword has no double with apologies.

Essee looked at him. "The next time it is like this, it is best not to be involved, every weird world of this big downtown, all lying up full of fairy bones, true Wuyang's original battle, Make a killing, far is not your imagination. "

"Nowadays, the extent of today is included in the presence of nearly eight emperors. It is just that I have known, and there are four emperors to fall in his hand."

"Don't try to make it right with him, he is terrible."

At this moment, the eyes of the Qing have become uneven.

The sword nodded, "He was free with me, I will never confront him."

"Is it clear that it is very complicated," Is it true that this big thing is very complicated, even if you have no irritation, you will not die. "

The sword is unparalleled, and it will no longer speak.

Washing the pool feels that the dialogue between them is shallow but complicated, it is difficult to understand, just like an elaboration of a thing of a hogger housing of a cloud, full of uncertainty.

But soon, she is coming to himself, because the eyes of the two will look at her together again.

"Girl, the road is said."

"Well ... Just just take it forward, I am cooked ..."

Washing pool in the heart, this lie can only continue to continue, it is already unable to look back.

She believes that she just said that the facts, I am afraid that the color of the face is going to die.

Under the passage of the washing pool, the sword is unparalleled and clear all the way, and each message can across the number of the sky.

Going to the Gongzi to face the big sky, the trip is so far in the void, and every day is like a wild, there seems to have never been involved.

But gradually, the more, the thoughts of the stars are only the fantastic spikes, and began to become ä.

It is like the general, stunned by the presence of fresh blood.

The sword is unparalleled, I still have a different, but it is clear and cautious.

He smelled a family familiar.

Then, when the faint scene of the first became in the eye, he finally knew that the familiarity was from.

It is a mulberry tree, endless persons.

Every as the branches of bronze cast, the emptiness of the void is bluffing, and it is also from the branches.

At the moment, the voids in front have become ethereal, and is replaced by one side to the unimaginable sea area.

And those endless supporting trees are growing in this sea area, listing two rows, have been spreading to the endless distant far.

This scene, let the sword are unparalleled, like Xianji, unimaginable.

They will not think that the road to the front of the front, will be replaced by one party that cannot know where the latitude is in the sea area.

After hesitating, the sword is unparalleled and the meaning is looking at it, and then forwards, flushing above the sea.

Each of the two sides is like a fuudan tree like a Xianji, and the halo emitted by the magnificent branches is shining on the body, and there is a kind of warmth.

The supporting tree growing on this sea area is far more than the Northern Tianxiang, only the supporting tree is bigger.

Jin Wu, who is flowing on the body, is proud, will only reveal this phase on the convulsion, then rest.

At this moment, he has been extremely relaxed, and it has a golden flow in the skin outside the Chinese suit.

However, the sword is not relaxed, the more unexpected place, the more unexpected things.

For example, in the big sailing of him in Dachang, no one will think of a terrible giant sea chapter in the sea area.

So he was always vigilant.

And the washing pool of the beast, I have already turned around, and amazed.

This is a fantastic to the extreme, just like the place in the fairy, let her can't help but lose.

The sword is unparalleled to use the delay to beat her, and she will not let her lose.

The three-way body shaped this through the supporting waterway and went forward.

"You said that the end of this waterway will not connect with Da Miao?" Hey opened the mouth, "We have been traveling now, and it is necessary to arrive."

The sword is unparalleled, but looks to the washing pool next to him.

Her mouth is stiff, "Don't worry, soon, I have a kind."

"I hope so!" The sound is sinking, and I don't look at her, flying in front of it.

I don't know how long it is, I have a lot of a few in the past, and I'm going to have a white hoe, and I'm floating leisurely.

The sword is unparalleled directly, while the dark transport derivation should be the situation that may appear next.

The Ye Bai Peng is leisurely, regardless of how the sword is unparalleled, it is a hanging in front of them, not far is not too far.

"You may, the road is rushing, it is better to diagonally, it is good to solve the problem."

A slight voice sounded from the sound of the boat, and it was incompat in the sword.

Essend, watching him, there is no trace shook his head, indicating that he don't want to go.

But at the next moment, the turbcommunications, see they can't, and the Ye Bai Peng slammed up again.

When switching, stopped in front of the sword.

This speed, let them be one of them, all are prepared.

"You may do not have any worries, board the ship, and you will carry a paragraph."

In the lonely boat, a old man wearing Danqing Daozi, looking at them, face peace, his two fingertips, a generous chess, will fall.

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