After listening to the mind, he smiled and smiled. "Xiaoyou will laugh, one will have a return, if it is not returned to you, it is unfair."

The sword is unparalleled, this argument is no result, just smile.

This sea area is originally widespread, but everyone just got a few games in this lonely boat, there is a sign of the end.

After watching the pool of the sea area, there is no difference in the void world. The sword is unparalleled to look at the old road, ask if the old gentleman, take the liberty to ask, where can you know where there is a wasteland? "

Washing the pool, the face is tight, the fiber hand is boring to the beast in his arms.

"It's over, this can be completely revealed, don't kill me ..." She cried in her heart.

The old road, "Shang Wai Domain, it is not far from this room, you only need to cross more than ten worlds along the way," you can go to the top. "

The sword is unparalleled, "Mr. Xie Lao pointed."

Wash the pool, some don't dare to confuse, but then she grows up, I am proud, "How, I have said that I have arrived with you soon, you still don't believe this ..."

She didn't finish her words, they were cleared and went back.

A plate of chess is over, this sea area is also ended soon.

The sword is unparalleled, and then it will continue to go to the front.

At the end of this sea, under the huge support of the mulberry tree, the palartry standing on the bow of the gods to see him disappearing.

The cold face is also coming out, fighting with him.

"You ask him to ask him, where the gas is attached."

"I know, because I have made a small means, I borrowed two hundred years of air transport to the little friend."

"You have to be clear, you have to be doubled."

"You have a boy to shut me, I still use you to teach."


Leaving from the Fusang Waterway, the sword is unparalleled, and after the first brush, it has been able to have a dark red sky-domain plane.

This is the main battlefield between the emperor and the emperor, and the unimaginable emperor will burn unable to count the heavens and voids, countless creatures.

After the real Wuyang Emperor successfully acne successfully, it created a party as a glimmer of purgatory, to commemorate the battle.

And the square of the sky, also known as the labeling.

Such iconicity is unable to fake and cover, and this is also representative, and then go straight into hundreds of heavenly fields forward, and arrive at the Gongzi's big Miao.

This time, I am afraid that it has to be fierce than the previous North Tianxian.

Whether the silver bell in the world is finally fled to the big sky, this problem is still a question mark for the sword.

Only by the phrase of the Ying Ying, he has to be involved, and it is a bit crazy.

Pensive moment, swords are unparalleled to the washing pool next to the pool.

Wash the pool and throat, "No, no, you have to throw me here."

"Throw it here, I will send you a relatively bustling skyrier, and then I will receive you after waiting for us."

She watched the words, the head was shaken with the routine, and then his mouth, "can't do it, I have to follow you, even if it is dead, otherwise, you will lose me in a sky, I don't care, I can I can't go back ... "

"We are going to go is very dangerous, there is no time to take care of you." The sword is not a double eyebrows.

Washing the pool, hurry, "You don't have to take me, take me around you, my family Sanqing will protect me."

The sword is unparalleled, I want to say anything, I don't have to take her, "it is, anyway, it is alive, I don't have to be responsible."

"You consider clear." The sword watched her.

Wash the pool nod, "Don't worry, I will not give you any chaos."

The void of the original birtel and silence took many days in the way.

But these skyroads are generally in the six-day somewhere of Xiaofen, have already shown a state of martial law.

Falling an emperor, which is a big thing throughout the big dirty, and the real Wuyang Emperor will naturally "take care".

It is difficult to see the Deman in the void, and they should be more cautious, and they are not discovered when entering the sky.

Nearly a hundred vast days were thrown behind by swords, and they slowly show them in his front.

Just when the sword is unparalleled, how to enter the sky, suddenly violently violently violently violently in the darkness of the front!

He was vigilant, and he wanted to take a clear and wash the pool to quickly escape, but those killer came too fast, but they hit a few breathing.

However, the sword is unparalleled.

That dozens of piercing the void, carrying a strong murderous body shape, is a woman who is shaking, seems to have the possibility of might.

And that woman, he is very familiar with one of the seven swordsmen who assassinate the son and finally inform him that the bliss woman coming to the sky.

At the moment, the killing of this void has been close to the end. It faces nearly more than ten Deman, more than 20 ancestral, how can she escape?

"The son has made, as long as the death, you will do it!" Head's Deman anger, while the arms were shocked, and the army was released, and it was the potential to strand it.

The void is illuminated by the tragent, and various trays is like a prisoner that cannot be counter-balance, and the pressure is pressed toward her.

The blood of the Ying Yingqi, the blood, in this last got, she also stopped escaping, watching the derastine in the ground.

At the next moment, there is almost no situation in any suspense, but it happened!

I saw a broken body shape, facing the intertwined of the countless terrorism, he was calm and raised his hand.

Suddenly, the void is broken, and the floods of the ink are rushed out from the void, and the derivative of the interleaved landing is directly swallowed.

There are seven tiny stars to surging between his eyebrows, emit a scapered potential.

The star is always in the fairy.

Only by mastering the fairy can be directly rolled directly with the derivatives of the same world.

The sword is unparalleled, named a little mountain river.

Between this mountain river, all things are used for him, and they are taking all enemies.

In the face of such a large number of Deman and top, he is not afraid, and it is easy to swallow their derivative move.

Then, his eyes looked at the blister woman who was a scar, browbowned.

The four eyes are relatively, and her eyes are full of confidence. She didn't think that he would come so fast, so fast.

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