Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4831? Landa Mountain Wei Six

Seven hands and eight feet will put those treasures into the arms, and youth men have to rush out of the day.

But then, wash the pool to open his arms to stop his way, "can't let him go, otherwise, the security of the adult cannot be guaranteed."

Young man heard his words, hurriedly closed his eyes. "You are relieved, I didn't see anything, a word won't pass."

Clear also realized what, directly released the rope to take him the whole person, and throw it into the depths of this small hole.

The youth man who fell into the ground, like a thrilling rabbit, panicked, unsterescent, "everyone, I Wei Zijia is a good person, in this big lonely mountain, diligent, I have not slanting every day, Even each Hua Ye is also in a time, I have never been dropped. Shang Cang can make a sincerity, I am loyal to the second Di ... "

I was too lazy to listen to him nonsense.

When this is the day, it is quiet, and it is clear that the coma's sword is unparalleled on one place, and it began to explore his situation.

At this time, even the cleansing are somewhat surprised, the sword is unparalleled, and even the internal organs are almost emptied, they have been recovered. Seven or eight eight, and the shocking wound is also visible to the naked eye. The speed is repaired.

And, his breath is unknown by the previous fluctuation, it has become gradually stable, and it is only a time problem.

"This guy is what a freak." He has some whispers who don't dare to confuse.

The washing pool is also on the time, and there is still some micro-red, "adults ..."

"He is very good, there is nothing wrong with temporary." He is clear, and he is obviously more disgusting for this woman who is almost culprit.

"Then can I take care of the adults." She lowered.

"No." The clear and cold voice, "he doesn't have to take care of it, soon will recover."

Wash the pool of the pool, the lost return.

Time drop, this is quiet in the cave in this fairy mountain.

I haven't known how long, a small slamming, the excitement of excitement is far from the distance and near the day.

It turns into the moment, a feet of the feet have grown into the cave, and the snow is embellished with the extreme hair.

That is the dream of washing the pool, but also the culprit of all fairy bones in the Tomb of North Tiantiao.

At this moment, it has entered the hole in the sky, and the four black eyes directly saw its master, and the excitement had to flutter.

But responding to it is a strong foot.

Almost uses a finished pool of 10%, and it will go out of one foot.

At the same time, Zhao Ting has not responded, and directly took out the sword in her waist, she wants to cut into the dream.

But in the end, the long knife that turned the tragent did not fall, but hovered on the head of the dream.

Washing the pool and red, watching it cold, "I will not be your master later since this time."

Dreams whisper, the front claw is uneasy, it does not understand why his owner will suddenly be so cold.

It is awkward, and it is low, but this time, responds to it is a sharp long knife.

One knife is cut down, tie up the neck of the dream opens a bloody wound.

"Roll!" Wash the pool cold channel, and the long knife in the hand point to the cave.

Dreams, I can't move in the same place.

At this time, a tired voice slowly sounded, "Forget it, the things that have passed have passed, and a small beast is not open, and it is also reasonable."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is soft and coughing.

"Adult, you wake up!" Washing the pool surprised, the long knife in the hand stands on the ground, and then a little bureau is uneasy.

"You can really don't sleep again." He shook his head helpless.

I have been accompanying the heart to take a careful and carefully, and then a little eyebrows, "it is also a good thing to recover."

The sword has no double smile, "I am lucky to hurt the source, and the restoration is still smooth."

He finished, and slowly got an eye four weeks, "What is we now?"

Essence a copy, "Among the hinterland of the sky, it has already been out of the north."

"It seems that it is a smooth, this small hole is good, although the delay is thin, but it is also a good understanding of the road." The sword nodded four weeks.

This small hole is hidden in the wind, and although the cold is in the cold, it is still an elegant, and its owner is obviously a concurrent.

When he was ready to return to the eyes, Yu Guang suddenly glanced at the corner of the wall. There was also a body shape that was bored in the scorpion.

And the scorpion glared at a pair of eyes, and looked at them.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

I heard the words, and then reached out, the shape that was wrapped into a scorpion rolled over and took the luggage chain on his mouth.

The old young man saw the eyes, hurriedly closed his eyes, I have a word in your mouth. "I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything, I don't know if there are a few people, ask for a big person to put it in the next horse."

Swordless is a little crying, "If you have nothing, let me see it open your eyes."

The young man heard the words and eventually slowly opened his eyes.

"Are you the owner of this hole?" He asked.

The young man nodded, and the voice had some tremble. "The next is the second mountain owner, Wei Six ..."

"Wei, Sixth? Good name." The sword nodded and said, "How many people like you are like this, how many of this Tiantiao?"

This named Wei Zijia is like a bean, and it is said to the old bottom. "The whole big Miao has a total of dozens of trees, but there are only seventeen seats like I like this, and only There are seventeen mountains, and the mountain owner is the hereditary, and it cannot be taken by others. "

The sword has no double touch, "Seventeen cave days, the seventeen mountain owners, it seems that your identity is in this big one, should it be a higher?"

Wei Sika heard the words, the face flashed a piece of color, "The identity of the Dongtian Mountain is high, but my father is dead, I only leave me the Lonely Mountain Lord. .

"Said that Dong Tian Mountain is the Lord, in fact, the whole big Lonely Mountain Tiantian is a light rod, plus every Chinese New Year, and the family will not leave a little treasure to treasure. I really can't get to Baobao, so this is the same. Below, I became the existence of the bottom of the seventeen cave, not being taken by any monks ... "

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