Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4834? Yang eyebrows

The rich and fairy is obviously one of the seventeen mountains, a pair of flashing, the small eye, does not stop the clothes on him, and tell the previous words.

Wei Zajia is wearing the clothing in this moment, and the sword is not double gift.

This is a long dress of the hill river. It is a long-awaited, and the sword is unparalleled. Every line consumes countless embroidered mother. It is also a rare treasure, and he is transferred to Wei Zajia.

The Fu-state Danifian also saw the extraordinary of his clothes, the eyes were dripping, "Hey, Wei Xian brother, how do you always wear the true sword around you? Why don't you put this head, sell it? "

As his voice falls, the remaining more than 10 Huanguiti is a laughter, and it is very busy.

Wei Zajia has risen red, and he will rush forward the theory.

But in his side, the sword is unparalleled, but the voice is slightly, "Can Anng and the dog?"

"Kid, what do you say ?!"

The sword is not deliberately hidden, naturally it can pass into his ear, let the rich fairy have changed.

Wei Zika is inexplicable, and the mentality is also unknown. He faces the rich fairy, he faces the fear of the fear.

"Wei Six, giving this seat, I want to ruin the origin of the boy." Fu-state Demanic anger.

Wei Sajia heard the words, slowly lifted his mouth, "Ding Chunshan, Laozi is always too kind, let you ride on the old man to pull it? Don't forget that Laozi is the mountain master!"

The Fu-state Danctic is stunned, and some can't believe Weiha, who can't believe in the shot of the gas field.

The Tiangong is still quiet.

"Good Mountain Lord," The rich fairy of the reaction came to the rich, "The owner dare to do this for you, the whole big Miao, I am afraid that the supply is already can't stand it. It is not to come to Laozi. s position?"

"How many contributions do you do? Even if Laozi is lying down and sleeps, it is the mountain master," Wei Zijia also wizards, "How do we make a bet, this time, I am pressing you, you give How do I take off my legs? "

"As long as you can press me, don't say that it is to give you slippers, it is the bottom of the shoe." The rich state is the cold channel, "If you don't come over, you don't have me, then please The main position, and how do you run around the sky in the sky? "

"Laozi should be." He was obliquely, Wei Six turned to take a big step into the Tiangong.

I ate a sulking, and the richness of the richness of the face, and there is no need to swallow him.

"Wei Six, give this seat!"

In the vast cloud ladder, Wei Zajia excitedly full of red, "His mother, I have never been like today, I have been there today, the birds I have received, I have returned today, it turned out to be so happy!"

He finished, seeing the sword is unparallled, "I can completeize the eyebrows today, but also to the blessings of the adults, Wei Mou is thankful."

The sword is unparalleled, "In fact, even if there is no the heritage of me, you can still raise your eyebrows."

"You have been staining in your own opinion, I don't know if you have to go back."

"From the material, it is far more than spiritual, and there is a flesh." The sword didn't have a passion, and the words were no longer open.

Wei Sijia also pondered his words, and a little awe for a while.

The cloud ladder nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-tenth order until the last order, the sky of the Tiangong Tiangong appears.

This Tiangong, which is enriminating, is full of a sense of greatness, and a little bit of the sky, which is a little bit of the Northern Xianzhou, which is less and smart, and has a sense of Tiantong. A bit of the big breath.

This makes the sword unparalleled a bit of illusion, and the son correction is a real little monarch.

Every time I opened a DPRK, after the feast feast, the regulations under the bonus were intertwined, which was embarrassed to ranze the mountain owners in the sky, and the Lord of Fu Di, to prevent the second heart.

The Tiangong door has already opened, and there is a scent of the fragrant breath floating from the temple, so that people are quiet.

There is a top-bearing guard from the temple and sequently accepts them.

In order to highlight the facade and send, each of the mountains who came to the Tiangong, they followed the five or six top-bearing, and each of them was an unparalleled inlaid box, apparently the gift.

Especially the rich fairy that has been in the Tiangong and Wei Chika in the Tiangong, behind him follows the top of the eight top, and the inlaid number of the inlaid is less than 20.

But Wei Zika is very bachelor, holding a slap in the hands of a slap in the hand.

This scene is incorporated by the rich and fairy, and there is a lot of laughs. When you read the treasure countless him, you can see the Yushu glazed in Weihua hand, and even the heads of him are not as good.

"I have to see how you and this, just wait for the arrogance to Rao Tiandong three laps!" The rich fairy fairy glanced at him, then entered the seat.

As early as these mountains came to the temple, the sword was unparalleled to the head of the throne, and the six old people have already been situated, and they are all the most old, and they should be the Lord of Fu.

Sitting around Wei Chika, the sword is unparalleled, always looks at the throne of the empty.

He is expected, and he expects the body that disappeared with the heavenly zibo nail, appeared in the next time.

"Adults, are you waiting for the second end?" Seeing that the sword is unhealthy fluctuations, Wei Chijia is lowered, "After the morning bell rings three times, the second end will move from Sendai to Tiangong. "

The sword is not a double point, and concentrate on the waiting.

When it seems to be silent from the ancient times, the whole Tiangong is still quiet, all the mountain owners are sitting in danger, even those who have closed their eyes open their eyes.

There is a crane in the temple, and there are thousands of fairy clouds.

Under the receipt of hundreds of fairy cranes, a negative hand and dressed in the body of the emperor, slowly into the Tiangong.

At this moment, the Lord of the seventeen mountains, six blessings, as well as a lot of Dancto has been carried out, "the minister met the Second Di!"

The sword is unparalleled to look at his back, and the son tap is more than a few points in the heavenly feast. It seems that all the things are in the chest. a feeling of.

This is a very strong opponent, you will never guess his ideas.

The sword is unparalleled to now, it is the true power of the son.

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