This treasure is really too high.

There is a Wan Xiancai, and there is a long sword of the sky, and it is not easy to do.

Ding Chunshan bite the teeth, dark, "This is to see how many treasures do you have!"

However, in a half-day kung fu, dozens of treasures have emerged.

When I was in Dingchun Mountain, he arrived in front of the front step, the palm of the palm, the two slowly rotated Uppere appeared.

"His Royal Highness, this material calls doctors, divided into Lei Yun Double Pearl, Ray 7 has cast efforts, and Yunzhu has destruction."

"One casting is a small field, and the destruction is also a small field."

Ding Chunshan's Ding Tianshu is out, all the Xiangshan Mountain Lords are whispering.

It is possible to seal the two extreme strengths in a small bead body, which is amazing, and the effect is also good.

The son who is sitting on the head is rare to open, "Not bad."

Ding Chunshan heard the words, the heart is happy, "I like it in the Hall, I am a blessing for my Dingchun Mountain."

The remaining fairy hills have gone, they are not laid, and they like the game. This goods are definitely a good hand, no one can go out.

After the Tianshuo, Dingchun Mountain only feels comfortable, see who is pleasing to the eye.

Next, I turned to Wei Sijia, and the atmosphere in the entire Tiangong suddenly got a little.

In the eyes of the son, it also obviously reveals a smile. For the Lonely Mountain Lord Wei Six, his impression is also extremely profound. Every time the DPRK is wearing a rock robe, it seems to be poor, each time The treasure is naturally like a place, even the treasure is not possible.

However, the son does not care about these, and the father is in the shade. Wei Chijia is still qualified to go on this Tiangong, become a hill of Xiangshan Mountain, after all, his father can once be praised as the God of War. Wei County.

Slowly spit out a feet, Wei Zijia and sword have no pair of eyes, and they will hold the Yushu glass to embark forward.

"His Royal Highness, this is the thing of Wei Sijia, named Yushu Glass, with nourishing meridians, recovery, is treasure."

At this point, the entire Tiangong is completely laughing, and the White Robe, the gongobe, the god robe, the gods, did not smile.

The most ferocious Dingchun Mountain, "It seems that this time is the second hall, entertaining a banquet, but the result is a broken, this Tiantong admission seems to be mentioned. "

Sitting on the sword is unparalleled, if it is not in this Tiangong, only with this noise sound, he wants to screw Dingchun Mountain's head.

The master's face is calm, slight smile, "Okay, I have received it, sit back."

Wei Sijia's promise, solemnly lifted the Yushu glazed to attract the boy, and touched the exquisite wooden box of a slap in the arms, "His Royal Highness, Wei Zijia also has a Dan Pill."

The Tiangong is silent, and all the mountain owners have stretched the neck waiting to see what other ocean.

The son is always interested, helping to care downal, "Open the spot."

Wei Shanna nodded, and then reached out to light the box.

At the time of the time, the colorful, the colorful, Huang is scattered, and the concentrated to a few desires, the medicine is not open, and the entire Tiantong is full.

Originally, the arbitrary bonus is correct, sit on the body in an instant, stare at the box in the box.

All mountain owners, along with the Lands of Fufa, is not from the origin of the origin. What is the way that the Tan Pill is actually like this.

A fat face in Dingchun Mountain is even more nervous, he smells a touch of unusual!

"This, this Dan Pill, what is the effect?" The son is inquiry.

"Back to the temple, you can make it into the dragonfly, have a fairy."

The short dozen is like a thunder, and it is completely fried in this Tiangong. Its effect is fierce, and the sky is more than ten times!

It is a uninterested son to correct, and I can't help but take a sigh of relief. "This is true?"

"His Hall of the Ming Jian." Wei Chijia said, will pass the boy with the Tan Pills.

The son is in the hands of the son, looking at the dark golden pills that flash in the box, half of him raised his head, downgrade, "Six, what reward?"

The entire Tiangong has risen, this is no longer available in the DPRK in the Dynasty, and the son correction has never said this word, but the eyes have opened a precedent.

Wei Zajia immediately shook his head, "the minister did not, as a result of repaying the forever of the previous Chinese New Year."

The son is touched, and he wants to reward but have not been by his head.

The appearance of this Dan Pill means that it can directly cultivate a Deman! A Damai is the strategic heritage!

It is equivalent to, Wei Hechao has sent him a Deman, and the importance is self-evident.

Ding Chunshan has a fat face, he is strong in the heart of the heart, directly getting up and arrogant, archway, "the second temple, the minister has a treasure to offer!"

After finishing, he reached out and showed a bronze bell.

"His Royal Highness, this abortion is a nine-turn bumper, each turn is a sound, all the nine turn, one turn more, only need to sway, there is a heart, the town seals the soul, even if you are afraid It is a Danctuary that is unable to escape! "

He is almost, all of the hills of the hills are secretly nodded.

This nine-stroned belt is indeed a treasure of the treasure, it is still a bit less than the Dan Pills, which can be taken from the Danada, but it is still a bit more than the Dan Pill.

It seems to be extremely hate, Dingchun Mountain is clearly looked at him, and the eyes seem to sign this seat and many treasures have not been taken. How do you mean?

However, Wei Zijia just obliquely, reached out, this time directly took out two parties.

The air is in a suffocating atmosphere, and even the son cannot be calm.

"His Royal Highness, these two to Pinan Pills, with the same utility, all of them can make ordinary access to the tricks, have a fairy root."

The Tiangong is completely boiling, and all the mountain owners get up, and it is incredible to think about Wei Zijia's hands.

Ding Chunshan face is slightly trembled, and the body is not consciously refunded half.

The son is correctly cleared in the palm of the throne, and the eyes are shot.

Immediately, Wei Zijia looked at Dingchun Mountain around him, smiled, "Dingshan Lord also did not have to offer? I have been waiting, I can't wait for the remaining collections."

Dazzling, naked and rich.

All the owners, the Lord of Fu Di, is not a letter to him. This is the Lonely Mountain Lord of the Ocean, which is doing the ocean in several Chinese people. It will have a strong force in this time. The six mountain owners, the six blessings of the land.

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