Broken Tianzhu, the destroyed Daimei disappeared.

Instead, it is a vast palace.

The painful feeling of the frying in the sword in the sword suddenly disappeared, everything became clear.

However, the only change in the world is still a wild boar, still standing around the wild boar.

This time, in addition to this pig's giant, the sword is still standing on the top of the stream, all is ugly twisted, body shape or bloated or strong giant.

The sharing of eight body shapes, all in the hands of the red cloth.

"Nine brothers, this attack on the battle, you have set up a big work, just wait for the reward of the big brother!" The giant Han with a wild pig touched the sword and whispered.

The sword is unparalleled, but he doesn't know when you don't know when you are in your hand.

The tray is covered with red, there is a bump of fist size in the middle, and in slight jump.

He reached out and wanted to open it, but he was interrupted by a thick voice.

"Come in."

With this sound, it is like there is a kind of irresistible power in the meditation, and the sword is unparalleled.

He frowned, but it was shocking that he could not resist, and it can only be allowed to drive forward.

The movement into the giant house, the scene of the eyes let the sword have no double brows!

This is a palace.

The whole vast hall is concave, and there are countless gods, broken and smooth gods inside, can't get down on 100,000.

On the top of these gods, it is sitting on a giant mountain. It doesn't have a face, and even almost can't use the life to describe it. It seems that the contour of all kinds of creatures are formed together, the camera is incomparable .

"I have seen the big brother." The rest of the seven shapes shouted, and the tray in their respective hands was extension.

The mountain's general figure did not respond, always silent, just like waiting for something.

The nearest Jenan, which is unparalleled to the sword, and then reached out, opened the red cloth on the tray in his hand, "Big Brother, please enjoy, this Deman's taste is not the same."

The red cloth was opened, and a double-eyed head was revealed.

The sword has no trounters, I saw the head of the head, and it was the head of the else who disappeared!

He also looked at the tray in his hand, reached out slowly opened the red cloth on the top.

A bright heart is in a weak jumping, it is the fairy source.

"No, how can he be so inexplicably dead? This must be a fantasy." The sword has no doubles.

At this time, the mountain in the countless gods sat on the macro motivated, he waved away, directly took the clear head, stuffed into the mouth, chew it.

The space is like still a normal, and the mountain must stop the action. After a while, it lifts the arm again, and the body rolls up in the rest of the rest of the tray.

But when the turn is unparalleled, he suddenly grasped the origin of the Qing Dynasty in the palm of the palm.

"Nine brothers, what are you doing ?! This is dedicated to the boss!" The giant happily said that he had to reach out to take the fairy in his hand.

The sword is unparalleled and cold, and the figure is directly withdrawing. The cold channel, "When is it going? This illusion is time to break? Do you want me to destroy?"

Several giant people are all glimpse.

"What are you talking about? What is the illusion? I am your three brothers!" The big man with a wild boar's head is anxious and amazed.

At this moment, the space suddenly shocked, the dome of the palace broke.

Billionaire abjects from the broken gap, and there is a gold scales appeared, covering the sword unparalleled head.

The sword is unparalleled, and I have a breath, and the figure follows the golden scales.

But at this time, that huge mountain body moved, he suddenly waved his arm and smashed the power of the Danadian!

He is very shocked, this hit is that it is absolutely hit.

The scene in the imagination did not appear, the gold scales were completely wrapped in the sword without double packing and blocked the blow.

The whole palace is instantly broken, and it is starting to collapse with all the pictures.

"Nine brothers!"


When the sword is unparalleled, the familiar scene has appeared.

Temorable is completely fallen, and the void is shrouded by a blood, and he still stands in the ground, just makes a posture.

Essee and he side, and you are picking him with him.

The sword is unparalleled, and the throat of the throat, "I just did a dream just now?"

Equity, I will succeed, "Strictly speaking, it is not a dream, even the illusions can't say."

"Amount, what is the place just?" He was a little confused.

Clean up the mouth of the mouth, "If I talk to you is a situation that may happen in the future?"

The sword is unparalleled, and some is wrong, "that is, what is not false, but true, and possible?"

"It can be said so, but it is not correct, this is a bit complicated, including I can't fully explore."

Clear, "But there is a little, I can determine that all the things you have experienced is based on the illusion. It is this should not appear, but the world being created, it is about to move forward."

The sword is unparalleled, but it is very complicated, and the amount of information contained is quite wide, which is equivalent to explaining the psychedelic scene that is just now.

But in any case, he did not believe that the scene of the class will be possible in the future.

"In fact, we were confused at the beginning."

"But he apparently underestimates us, will leave a gap like this."

He said, waving a shock, directly cleaning the blood of the whisper.

A hundred baby has quietly turned out and I can't retreat.

With his appearance, it followed the void and screamed, and the son of the jexture was slow.

"It's really amazing. It seems that you can come to my big man in a guest, it is a good hand."

"The son does not know if there is a place to do, causing two dissatisfaction, will they come to Big Miao?"

The sword is unparalleled, I don't want to confront him.

The son is correct.

The sword is no longer open, the palm is already condensed out of the sword, and only the son is difficult to do.

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