The Qing also opened his eyes and saw it. Then the old god was sitting in the same place, close his eyes.

He is not interested in the result that has not been destined.

A simple arntrium, this is carried out in Tiangong.

The little emperor who does not take the sword, the sword is about to be round, even in the ancestral, the sword is unparalleled with the sword of Jianxian, and the result is impulsed.

Even the sword is unparalleled to release any of the star rivers and lakes, and you can immediately defeat him.

But he did not do this, this is a sword who is innocent and elegant. No matter who loses who will win, it is just the meaning of the rise.

The swords are all in four, just like thousands of flying fish, magnificent.

The sword is unparalleled to hold the real sword, only the resistance is dominated.

However, the little monarch did not know whether the wine is looked, or the unresstimate, a sharp sword, the sharpness of the sinking, and even the emotional delay is cut off.

The atmosphere also became delicate.

Originally a relaxed arigal, with the little emperor, there is a good time, and the murderous swords are raging, all the DVF in the scene is dignified.

Spring and Autumn have already put palms in the short dagger of the waist, and they have been lighter, only the sword is unparalleled, he can violently violently.

Cui Jing saw the breath of the spring and autumn, and also downs, and pressed in the waist.

Essence has been closed, and it seems that it doesn't care about everything in the outside world.

Zhao Ting is slightly fluctuating, it seems to be doing what is going on.

Wei Zajia's face is more anxious. In his opinion, the sword is unparalleled, it is obviously not a small emperor's opponent.

However, the sword is quite calm from the beginning to end, even if it is a sword that is in the murder, it is easy to resolve.

When you resist to seven hundred and sixty-seven swords, it will be steep.

The sword has no signs of the true sword without any signs. The little monarch is strong and sinking. It also has a heavy squat on his shoulders, and smash it all the whole bones!

Spring and Autumn and Cui Jing got up directly, but then Chen Qing was suddenly pressed.

"Don't want the sword brothers, don't move!"

The atmosphere is dead, the little monarch seems to be awake from the wine, and the eyes are also shocked, and the hand is conscious of the hiking handle, touch him, "sword, swighter, I don't intention."

After the sword is unparalleled, I step back, avoiding his palm, the complex is still unlikely, ", the sword will have to be injured."

He finished, reached out from the soft sword from the bones, and got it to the little monarch.

"I don't want to break, I will leave."

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a drop of blood and blood from his shoulder and prints the ground.

The meaning of the original closed eyes opened his eyes, and he didn't look at other people, followed by the sword.

The spring and autumn immediately broke Chen Qing's palm and left.

Then Cui Jing also left directly.

Zhao Ting, Wei Hika looked at the little monarch and separated.

Soon this big Tiangong, only Chen Qing, and some Deman Guard.

"Xiaowei," Chen Qing got up, and there was some subtle changes, "You are too impulsive ..."

"Roll." He looked straight to the door of the hall opened.

Chen Qing sighed, nothing to say, and left.

Tiangong is dead.

The nature of the little monarch is turned to the ruddy, and the palm of the palm of the sword handle is white.

"His mother!"

He is angry, holding the true sword suddenly cut into a treasure, and overturned it.

"His mother! Customs to death, is it necessary to reveal?"

The little monarch is completely angry, the face is almost mad, and the sword will overthrow the one plan, so that the whole Tiangong is a wolf.

After a thin small robe standing behind him, neither blocking or speak.

"A group of damn things, actually unclear people, when this seat is air? This is a boring, it is the future of the big company!"

A high vooner is rooted in the Tiangong.

When he gradually be weak, when the thin and small robe was in a timely, he handled a white , "the temple is angry."

The little monarch has a heavy cough, and it is scratched with the mouth. "The sword is unparalleled! Sword is unparalleled! You should die!"

"Have you seen it? And this is the sword, he even a little sword has not made it, he can't look down on me! His eyes will not be from the beginning to the end!"

"Not only one of him, do you see the group of guys who brought back? Actually, everything dares to stand?! Do you want to do it with me? "

The thin little robe has been quiet, last, his calm, "His Royal Highness, you forgot, swords are not bidding for your ministers, but your friends, you should not govern the seat Set on his body. "

"Even you have to reverse this seat?" The little monarch was angry.

"I don't dare, I just talk about it, the sword is unparalleled is not your subject, but a friend." The thin and small robe finished, meaning the depth to him.

"Friends? I have no brothers in my son, how can I have friends?" His voice could not hear any emotions, and the empty hole was unknown.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Jun turned his head to the thin little robe. "Do you know how the sword in the sword is broken?"

"I am in front of it, I deliberately destroyed the sword heart, I just gave him a while, I deliberately did this kind of hand feet, you said that you can't laugh?"

Low-slogan, "There is nothing wrong with the Hall, but this kind of beat can only be used between the ministers."

Xiaofeng also said, "I am a sword, is it completely cut off all between us?"

"Yes, no."

"I want to make up, how to do it?"



In the spacious hall, the atmosphere is suppressed and dull.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not averaged when there is anything wrong.

The spring and autumn is cold, and the palm has never left the sword handle of the waist.

The elite is sitting around him in the same posture, and there are some flavors in the eyes.

"This is not like your act, I am coming with you, and I also try to figure out your character, but today, this scene still makes me not think."

"You don't have to do it for him, is it afraid of his true Wuyang, or treat him as a friend?"

The sword has no eyes open his eyes.

"This sword, I have some things he gave to me."

The clenched nodded, a guy who participated in the mids of the Wu Di Mu, and the boss and the bidist of the bidder were probably the true Wuyang was in the eyes.

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