Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4858? I have passed from East

He also looked at the distant Xianyun. "The Gongzi is now in chaos, it seems that I have a movement."


Xian Yun, the sword has already incorporated the pouch, but he is still thinking, after the first and the Yushu first, the strange feeling is from where it comes.

"Do we know more than a long time?"

The sword is unparalleled and shook his head and shakes his head. He practice so far, but even thousands of years have not been reached, and the old friends know now in the Shenli universe.

This big derived is brand new and unknown, only Xuan Yi and Laozun will be here.

During this time in the big domain, the sword has already made the sword unparalleled, Xuan Yi and Laozun must be among the big derived, and only here.

Because, Da Yan is really too vast, and the inclusiveness is unable to imagine.

The thousands of contacts left before, pointed to the only top, Dagui.

Astringent, the four-way body shape is flying above the cloud.

At this moment, a body shape attracted the attention of the sword.

That is a body shape wearing a width black robe, in a state of moving forward.

After reading an eye, the sword was just looked back. After all, in the common domain, the Deman is not a few, but it is all in a hurry.

But soon, after a constant flying distance, he found some unreliable.

The body that wearing a wide black robes has been hanging in the absence of not far, which is unable to be close, and it is strange.

Then, the sword is unparalleled and suddenly thinks about it.

On the way to the auction house, there is a mysterious person to offer a jade auction.

Due to the time urgent, no one cares about what the mysterious people who offer the Yuping is.

"Is it, the mysterious people will be the top of the black robe?" The sword has no double sinks, and suddenly there is a strong sense of intuition.

'Should be him! '

The sword is unparalleled, and his body shape has also violently, and it will go.

It is strange that he is happy, and the moment will go back to the body shape of the black robe.

He wanted to reach out and touched, but he couldn't touch his clothes at all.

"What is the crime, dare to touch Yu Wei ?!"

A fried drink is like a nine-day thunder, and there is no double ear in the sword.

However, the sword is unhappy, and the rumor is a wave, and there are hundreds of tragent matters, and the road to the black robe is blocked.

Then, the shade of the black robe really stopped, and the sword was unparalleled, the sound was low.

"The little girl is small, why should I block me?"

"I really want to block you to the road, but just want to ask for a matter," The sword has no double Lang said, "Is there a jade head in the Wancha Wushuang Auction, is it yours?"

The shackles of the black robe continue to be son, "What is it, isn't it? The little girl wants to delay the trip of this seat."

"In this case," The sword has shrugged, and then there is no signs of violence, "Then I will try your pounds first!"

Little rays turn from him.

Little mountain river, from!

From the clouds, the clouds have long, blocked his way, and there are countless meteor-like flavors, and fall.

There is also a surging Tianhe sweeps up and swallow the shackles of the black robe.

This is a sword, a unparalleled fairy, as long as it is in the field you think, you can call all the mountains and rivers, and after the big battle, the fairy-style mountain river has a great change, and it is already possible to call any What you want, power is multiplied.

The sword is unparalleled in the same place, looking at the heavens and elements of the earth, calm, and he seems to be unfamiliar with the hazard of the black robe.

After a moment, the clouds have a rain break, a whale-like scary suction, absorb all the heavens and the earth.

And the suction vortex is from the shade of the black robe.

"Hey, the sedation of the sedation, the sculptor small skill."

The shackles of the black robe are easily integrated into a bulletin size, and then shot to the sword.

He is watching, and then it is resolved.

Just this time, the sword is unparalleled, and the black robes are not simple.

And the figure of the black robe does not seem to be anger herself, no action in the next step.

"Xiao Xiao, since you shoot the head, you are with me, you will change you today."

"Some things have far beyond your understanding, this is the level you should not go to touch, now returning, so as not to regret in the future, no power back."

The sword is unparalleled, not talking, but the condense looks to the black robe that does not expose any characteristics.

"Who is it? What is it mean?"

"What ideas must be clear, some things should not be handled by you, but you have entered the bureau, so that everything is unknown." The shackles of the black robe said that they will continue.

And the sword who heard these words is unparalleled, and it is already a body shape, and then urgently said. "Who are you? Who is to tell me? Xuanyi is still the old ?! Xuan Yi is still the old? ! "

The shackles of the black robe are silent.

"We are the fate of Pingshui, and there is no meaning of this day. Don't delay this day ... this is a road."

He said, turned to get ready to leave.

The sword is unparalleled to come, and I still say, "Can you tell me where you are going?"

The shackles of the black robe stopped in the original place, and the back is against him, leaving the last sentence.

"I have passed Yueyang from east."

Then he disappeared, the whole body is like a smoke, disappeared in the clouds.

The sword is unmainted to muttering, "I have been in the East ... East Capital, Shangyang, these are the names of the sky, or have other meaning?"

"What is you staying? Always broken here?" The sound of the clear voice is like a big hand, pulling him back the reality.

"Well? Isn't it all, how can I still leave here?"

He was shocked, and his body was returned to half, and he set it out.

I saw it in front, and the head is still quietly placed in the crystal cover, and the eyes of the jade are revealed, and the rays are ray.

Here is the midst of the auction, Qing, Spring and Autumn, Cui Jing, Zhao Ting, Wei Zijia standing behind the sword and unparalleled, all with doubtful eyes look at him.

"I have never left?"

"Everything happened, what happened?"

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