Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4860? Temporary Tianshi

He can't believe that the son of Xianyu has been killed, and the starter is still so light, and it is completely in the eyes of the fairy.

"Temple, His Royal Highness, isn't you afraid of the entire fairy sky and your blood war ?!"

The green robots have trowed, and the eyes reveal the painful expression.

Xiao Jun smiled, "Taxi, you are a fairy sky, just ten, what do I fear?"

"Okay, good, since you are not afraid, then ..."

He didn't finish his words, and he was clamped by the thin and small robe in the dark, then smashing the fairy.

Like a flying gray, the messenger of the Qingshi will fall.

"It's really noisy." Xiaojun slowed down and lie on the bed.

He put his head in one hand, and the other hand touched his incense, took out a Dan Pill that exudes the colorful rainbow.

Good long, "big companion, you said this Dan Pill, how is the sword unparalleled?"

The thin small robe is slow, "the His Royal Highness, no one has their own secrets, don't tell you before he doesn't know you."

"I know, you go to call the unpassing, and negotiate together, I don't want to put it in my eyes, but I want to come to a bloody battle to minimize."

Skinny robe, and then turn away.

Looking at the mysterious Dan Pill in his hand, the little monarch is silent.

"Unparalleled, I am unparalleled, when can I see through your mind."


When the fog night will arrive, the sword is unparalleled, and the shoulders are dripped in the mist.

"The brother, you are coming."

Xiaodi seems to have been waiting for a long time, and there is a black-headed big man to go to him.

The sword is unparalleled to stop his behavior, just picking up a big place.

He rushed to the theme, "The kid you kill is a son of a fairy field?"

"Yes," Xiaowei nodded, "The power of Tianzong in the fairy is, and it is still good in the big domain. After several China's development, the Danadian, the junction is very much."

He said, the connection between the dragon to the dragon and the sky, said that the sword was not listening.

At the end, he looked at the sword. "If this time does not completely sett it, I am afraid that Zhang Tianshui will rate the whole fairy area, completely open to the Gongzi to correct the sky."

The sword is unparalleled, it seems to be thinking about what, "If this is the war, it is necessary to completely destroy the fairy sky?"

"Yes, once it's war, it means that everything to me, I can't tolerate it." Xiaofeng said, gently put his palm on his arm, "Swordsman, help me once."

"Good." The sword is unparalleled.

Killing sink is a critical point in the outbreak of the war, regardless of the idea of ​​Xiaofei, is for him.

Xiaowei's words, smiled and gave, "Thank you Jianjie."


"Slowly maybe half a year, will be a month, we have to prepare early." He said, "I have a deraptary in my seat, I have been tried again, so it is already a hundred, I have never happened. Loss. "

"So, I want to temporarily invite the Jagan brother to go to the official one, and they will be crushed into the graft!"

The sword is unparalleled, just want to refuse this position, was blocked by Xiaowei, "Jian Jude, please go to Ren Daxian official, just temporarily, responsible for the sixty DVD, non-Da Nian official , This war is all, you can unmount it at any time. "

"It's also, I will arrive." The sword nodded, "If there is no thing, I will leave."

"The only thing that happened in the previous day, it is my incoherent, paying attention to you today."

Xiao Yu said, suddenly pulled out the waist soft sword, and made the left arm.

This sword did not fall, was blocked by swords without pairs. "It is inevitable that in the next crisis," the sword is inevitable, if it is restrained, it is no gas. "

He finished, he turned and left the Tiangong.

Looking at the back of the sword, the little emperor flashed in the eyes of the monarch.

Half, he bowed his head to the wrist, there is a quite strange feeling, just like a certain sense.


A few months flicked, the original calm six-day territory has also fallen into some kind of turmoil, and the derivation in the void is a bit.

In recent months, dozens of streamless power majors have been lie in the void.

Then in the six-day defense, the dozens of stones didn't use the tragent, and quickly outlined a road in the void.

That is a fairy array that can be transmitted on a large scale!

Standing on the big palace dome on the big pair of Lonely, the little monarch stands, in his back, standing nearly more than 60 impersonal fairy, and the top army of the sky with black fog.

These are his heritage.

"Please come to the official to come." He condensed.

"His Royal Highness, Jian Tian official has come." Skinny robe low channel.

The world is quiet, the five matters are broken and the clouds are broken.

All the eyes of all Deman and the top are attracted.

For the first person, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a black shirt Ranger, the eyebrows are exhausted.

After his body, Chen Qing, Chunqiu, Cui Jing, Wei Zijia four, all of which were in the power of Yue Yan.

"This is the day, the little junior officials of Xiaofun, is it too tender?"

"No, let's have a whole six days, don't you have all the big officials, the little emperor has not opened a precedent ..."

"Take him, when the battlefield will be died, how can it be a big man?"

I heard the whispering whispering in my ear, the sword is unparalleled, and I will go to the small emperor.

"See the swordsman!"

Nearly more than 60 Deman, as well as the unclear end repair, and the sound of nine.

In the face of such a battle, the sword has no Shuangtairan, and the Zheng Zhong's arched is seen.

Xiaowun smiled, then reached out, "" Sword, you and see. "

Look at each other, I saw the portal of the six-day sure to void, one party is condensed in the outline.

Such a fairy array, it is certainly the bloody battle of the loftyfield!

With the condensation of the fairy array, the total three-in-one pre-station, the extension, and mounted the fairy!

The light column is smooth, as a dusty day door is opened.

With countless Huang Mang, as the dark army of the dark weather is from the fairy array, the murder is almost condensed.

The little monarch is drinking, "For this moment, all the Deman in this moment must listen to the official order of the sword, if there is a violation, die on this battlefield."

"Nuo!" All Deman Novo, the void atmosphere is uneven.

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