Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4862? Fish dead network

Sitting on the chapter of the sky is slightly fiddling, he looked at the tourist youth who came to himself, inexplicably felt an unable to describe.

The sword is unparalleled, the shackles of the invisible sword, the left hand holds a long golden gun, full of people's potential.

Even if it is in a chaotic, the fairy, or intentionally or unintentionally far from this killing, empty a road.

But soon, Zhang Tian's eyes are full of resentment and crazy, "I have a son, so I am so unclear, I can't report this when my father's lifelong is?! Emperor, even the emperor, I have to come back to a fair today! "

"This fair, you can't get back, with residual power and return to recuperate." The sword is unparalleled, "said the death of the chapter, sin."

"Good sin, there is a must, and what is the sin of my son!" He shouted, and he fell into his palm.

It is smashed by the overwhelming of the dramatically, and the sword has no double eyes, and the gun is proud.

The two criticized and laminated the layer of gold.

A shot of the sky, the dust is not reduced, and the whole body shape seems to be integrated with the long guns in the hands, with an unprecedented momentum, stabbing chapter!

Zhang Tian's heart is surprised, and the shackles sitting on the back of the sky are almost the back of the next consciousness.

Long guns and arrivals, then Tianzi Yang Tianming.

Just a shot, the sharp rifle tip, after wearing the thick neck of Tianjin, finally got in the whole root.

After the throat of the gun tip of the tremble, he stopped.

Tianjin's last low slim, pushing Jinshan pouring jade column, which is dropped in the void.

Zhang Tian is full of eyes, flying from the back of the sky, holding a long gun with Yinhong blood, and used a remember.

The sword is unparalleled, and the strenuous roar is resounding.

This shot of Zhang Tian, ​​the foot of its strength, the sword is unparalleled, it feels the pain of the tiger.

"Don't make a gongzi, I don't want to kill my people, now I will take it away now!" He held a long gun, bulky, and the sword was unparalleled.

The whispering is unable to break the kind of force.

A sword released three thousand swords, and the majestic swords were in the sky, with the great potential that could not be resistant, and the chapters will be forced back.

Then, the sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are calm and quiet.

"All the battlefields, there is no more than two possibilities, one is the death, one is to overcome, do you think which kind of?"

Zhang Tian and the eyes are straight, not only the face is never.

He has seen a lot from the eyes, and it is calm and calm. It will seem to have a feeling of all things.

This feeling seems to have set them average.

Who is this, who even got a son, who was a nerm on this battlefield, listened to his command?

He has a kind of premonition, and if it has been playing, the final fairy area will be bracked.

However, Zhang Tian is not willing, his child is sinking, just like a thorn into his heart, only one alone under his seat, now died, how can he be with killing enemy?

He has already decided to make a decision, even if you fight the fairy field, you have to squat a piece of meat!

"I am no matter what kind of, today you must wait until you die!" Zhang Tian's angry and shot.

"My fairy field, why fear this battle, even if all fall, there is also a salary, and the week is recovered!"

The voice of the high, like the Tianlei, injecting the fairy and the top of every fairyier, the sharp counterattack!

Even if the ancestral top has been repaired, it is impossible to cause effective injuries for the Deman of Xianyuan Xiangen.

So they made a move, nearly 100, and built it to a magazine, then spontaneously broke the source, and broke out of the fierce.

For a time, the situation of the original disadvantage was eased.

The void is completely shocking and broken.

Thousands of top-bearing and breaking the origin, it has already left awareness.

Even if the Dano is still able to survive under this mid-proof, but is extremely easy to get the fairy from the fairy in the fairy.

Six-day exported Deman, as well as the ancestral tops, started casualties.

At nearly ten dermations in the periphery, all of them were all in an instant, and they had signs of faintly bursting.

"Unparalleled, the situation is urgent!" The little monarchy, the sound is anxious.

The sword has no double eyed, and a seven stars in the eyebrows quietly flowed, and then his arms suddenly lift.

As he lifted his pair, countless hills did not have any signs from the void from the void.

One, ten, hundred seats!

Every hill will have a fierce fairy, or the top is scattered, and it is blocked, and the six-day DVD camp has a wheezing.

Zhang Tian saw this scene, and it could not help but have a shock. If this youth, if the youth, if the youth Deman is not removed, it will inevitably have a significant impact on the entire fairy.

When you think of this, he no longer hesitate, directly charge the gun forward, and launched the most violent offensive to the sword.

The hands of the handless invisible, the sword is unparalleled, facing the half-length than Chen Qing, like a giant's general chapter, he didn't feel afraid.

There is no double sword, the Star River Hai Jingyi.

First, stars.

When this is revealed, the sword has begun to be serious.

This sword is the cornerstone of the whole unreliantian, and the majestic is its intention.

Zhang Tian, ​​who came to the original mover, was seeing this scene, rushing to attack to defense, and committed efforts.

There are hundreds of Mangzhu tear the void, headed by Zhang Tian, ​​exploding in the fairy domain camp, and then torn a mouthful of mouth.

"Fully rush!" Chen Qingju lifted his true sword and then went wrong.

The little monarch hand holds a soft sword, constantly harvested the margin of the fairy wakes.

The two shoulders of Spring and Autumn and Cui Jing arrived, and there was a blessing of eight arms anger and continued to expand Shanghai.

Only one of Wei Zijia, who is still appearance, is quite a tasty, several dangerous icons, but he is still biting his teeth, and the sword facing the front.

The advantage of the fairy is no longer, and the speed visible in the naked eye is forced back.

After a star of the Star River Lake Sword, the armor on Zhang Tian has been damaged.

The sword is unparalleled without a slightest, and the hand-held sword is flushing in the void, and fights with him.

The sword is unparalleled, the sword is big, open is big, and a sword is over.

Every sword of his, just like a hammer of the sword embrye, the star is four overflowing, and the momentum is too powerful.

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