The richness of the extremely pole is still in vortex, and the crazy pouring into the broken body shape in the ground.

The sword is unparalleled and the little monarch looks at the eyes, then the sword is slow.

Then, it was never built into two broken body shapes, and there seems to be in slow healing repair.

"The brother, never let him recover again!" The little Jun said coldly, then took out the waist soft sword, and a sword killed half the body nails after the ground, he prevented his recovery.

Chen Qing also went to the front, some shocked, "What is this guy, shouldn't it be a Deman that is falling on the battlefield?"

The sword has swayed and shook his head, whispered, "will never be a Diva, even if the fairy is broken, but it is obsessed with the Deman, which will have a fluctuation, and this is not there."

"That is a blame." Chen Qing screamed.

Rotary, the sword is unparalleled and condensed to the broken body shape.

Since I can't see his face, I can only see that the two is shot from the eyelids, with some kind of shocking power.

Inexplicable, swords unparalleled consciousness reach out, want to take off his face.

"Sword brother!" Xiaofei suddenly held his arm, "Be careful."

He nodded, then slowly squatted, reaching out, touched the talents of death.

It started to jean the ice, and the complex and precision surface of the nose blooms from the nose, and then a face is revealed.

Accurately, it is a well-preserved, and persistent face.

Everyone did not think that this body is about to cultivate the dead spirit, but still saves such a face.

With the blocked niche, the face is slightly rotated, and the sword in front and the sword in front.

This eye, as if wearing a look of the ancient star, trailing in the long river.

This eye, let the sword are shocked.

For a long time, the sword has no double light, "Everything has passed, and now it is not belong to the past."

The perseverance of the strong Yingwu has some movement. He opened his mouth. It seems that it is very hard to say, "Why, in you, you will have a familiar feeling."

With this sound, he was smashed into two or the body is dissipated, and it has disappeared with a disappearance.

In the face of the incomplete and British Wu, when you are about to dissipate, you will not have a slight shower with a molten shape.

Because, when the dead body was finally disappeared, he said silent to say a word.

"You are not from big derivation."


Then his body has a flying ash with a raging dark gas.

The surging black gas dissipates, this whole unknown abyss world has begun to collapse quickly, and the dome of the top stone begins to give a fine crack.

"Come, here is here to collapse." The little monarch reminded that there is no abyment that has not exported, and it is not far from cracking a gap and is export.

Nowadays, the dark source of the first day in the next three days has been eliminated, and it is natural to be here.

Xiaofei is all ready to leave.

The sword has returned from Shen Si, and he finally looked at the place where the death of life disappeared, suddenly saw it in the face of the black beep.

His hearts have been in the heart, reach out, and the black beads fall into the hands.

"The Sword Brothers will go, it will not be supported here." Chen Qing's voice is far away.

"Come." The sword is unparalleled with a brain to put the black beads and faces into the , plundering forward.

Because the black gas disappears, it can naturally operate the delay.

With the help of the delay, the four Deman easily flew out of the abyss.

When the restented on the abyss, the little monarch did not have traces.

Decocted the black gas source of the whole sky, all crisis is released.

In the next time, the monashan of the first day will definitely continue to exploit.

Looking at the Montenegro under the sky, the sword is unparalleled, there is still a lot of mysteries without finding, no solution.

The original quite tricky thing is to easily solve this. After leaving the three days, the little monarch immediately told the board, and the treasures of the life of the 20 cars were entered into the small episode. All gave a sword. .

The sword is not refused, directly let Chen Qing, Cui Jing take over, good things in the temple, the remaining treasures will pull to Wan Duo Musou.

After returning to the small lonely from the next three days, the sword is unparalleled, and the top of the top, and begging the meaning of the dark source.

Instead, there is always a silence of the body shape of the San Dijun, the first initiative, all the face is quite dignified, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Little friends, this is not happy." The sheep of the old man is the first to open, and the face is full and vigilant.

Tao Gong and the Su River are also attached to the nodes.

"Hey, what is the three predecessors, what is it?" The sword was unparalleled, and some asked.

Sheep is not much, and then reached out, a black item wrapped in a rich and tramped, flying from the .

"It's this matter, what do you get from you?" Yang Hao seriously.

Looking at the black beads that still exudes strangely, the sword is unparalleled, and the things that will happen before the next three days.

At the end, he said, "This black bead and the face, are found in the abyss, is there some impact on you?"

The sheep nodded, "Not only there is an impact, but it is more important, we find that this kind of thing can make the knowledge, and the delay, even we are no exception."

A short sentence contains too much information, can't help but shock the sword.

Under the abyss, the dark source that seems to be smashed, the black beads produced, actually can be eaten from the emperor's knowledge and delay!

Emperor, currently the highest controller of the sword unparalleled, although there is no step from the big Dami, even the existence of easily rushing to the nine-Trendy Dynasty, is a founder of a heaven.

Even if it is the true Wuyang Emperor Jun, it is possible to kill the soul of the nine-to-earth Deman, and the emperor is here to not imagine.

Even if sheep, Tao Gong, the three emperors of the Su River are destroyed, but it is a real emperor.

At the moment, the black beads can cause a practical harm to the emperor. It is really too incredible.

"This thing is great to our influence." Tao, which has been silent, also opens.

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