Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4871? Dark stream

But when he is still in the face of the sword, he is not a double cast, and it seems to have worked hard to find any thicker mart.

He always thinks that the sword has seen anything else, and some things are associated with some things.

And there is this feeling, and there is a gammon feathers.

From the inadvertently founded in the past, he was hitted, and after a little bit of life, the son Yu returned to his own sky, and he lied down today, and he barely recovered.

And after unparalleled pair of swords, he also faintly had an illusion like once.

However, the sword is unparalleled, even the iconic fairy is not used, even if he is sitting in his arms, it is absolutely noticeable.

However, he is still a little worried that it will reveal again, so he looks at the Xiaodijun.

The little god will lead to the gods and get up and get ready to leave.

At this time, the son is incorrect, with a marker and smiled, "Big Brother, so rushed, hurried, don't you want to narrate with a few younger brothers?"

Xiaodi's figure is slightly, then stopped in the cold voice, "Don't call me big brother."

The son is correct, and it is not careless to shrug. "It seems that the Temple of the Xiaowang is really unique."

"Shameless!" He coldly, and then prepared the same sword.

"Hey, I said, you have to go, giving the emperor's greetings!" The son is correct, obviously not going to let him leave.

The little monarch stopped, turned to a smile, "What do you count, dare to ask me to give a gift, even I am preparing, do you dare to take over ?!"

After the words, he turned directly to leave.

The son has a colorful color, and a pair of eyes must be dripped.

"Waste things, one day later, you will squat down!"


Leave from the sky, the little monarch is unparalleled with swords, and continue to look for the existence of a day-free zyclanch.

This is more than ten days.

The sword is unparalleled, this time the sky-striped bones have not appeared, he and the little emperor have brought almost every corner of the Tiandao Shuge, but there is no trace.

"It seems that this kind of thing, I will only get it by the machine." He sighed and looked at the heavenly zip nail in his hand.

Xiao Yan said, "Even if you can't find other bones now, you may wish to change the idea to break the text of the bones on your hand."

The sword is not a double brow, the method of Xiaofei said is indeed a good idea.

This big dome is large, even if you can't find the sky-striped bones, you should find it simple to find this ciphertext.

Immediately, he asked, "Do you know who is proficient in this?"

After the Mun Mun slightly, he said, "I don't know," I have a minority in the big Si Dynasty. In my cognition, I should have the artist, I can be unlocked. Ciphertext on this bone. "

"What is the name of this artist?" Where is the place? "The sword is unparalleled, after all, the text of the text of the textured bones is too important for him. About Xuan Yi, the old The news is very likely to be on this.

Xiaodi also did not sell more about it. "The famous family is over thousands, but it can be called the arms, but more than ten artists, there is a kind of artistic, acting style. Some weird artists, I have had some intersections with him, and I will give me a little more. "

"This artist is called Xu Duo, lived in the three-inch mountains, and there is a passive energy."

"Xu Duo." The sword is unparalleled and muttered, and I feel that this name is somewhat familiar.

Since he suddenly thought that he had heard the name of the monk Xu Duo in the big one in the son.

In the first place, the Lord of the Fuliti of the Bangbao, I have dedicated the handle of the Shenmin Xu Tuo to avoid clear and clear, very crazy.

The sword is unparalleled to the Xiaodi, "After this time, you will go to the Sanchi Mountain to find Xu Duo."

He nodded, "I will go with you,"

I have no longer finding the Tianzimi bones in Tiandao Shuge. This is a regret, but I got another news, and I also calculated a new road to the sword.

From the Tiandao Shuge, Xiaofei stood under a green tree, and he wandered a cloud of Xianyun, turned into a look of Xianhe.

"This is my emperor's first time, no matter how he wants to send a gift."

He is like talking with the sword, and it is like a crane with Xianhe, and then places a delicate small box in the back of the crane.

"Go, be sure to drive the greetings before I left the big company."

With the departure of Xianhe, Xiaofu put a posture, "The Jagan, let's take a walk here."

The sword is not a double nod, travel together in the heavens.

"My emperor has built a skyline from dividing the border of the big diversity, and then I have not left the big section, but he now leaves this time, and I will gather together, and I will give a warning. Can the Jugny see me the intention of my emperor? "

Xiaofei looked at him asked.

The sword is unparalleled, and then said, "" The purpose and possibility of this, I think there are two, the first possibility is that he will take the brothers, will not be true between your brothers. Hand and feet kill each other. "

"As for the second possibility, he really is because there is something to leave the big company for a while, a short period of time, and will take away all the ministers, so he has no time to take care of the largest domain. Things, before you speak, please advise you. "

Xia Jun heard, deeply sucking a breath, and his eyes turned sharply.

"The brother, once it is the second possibility, then the killing between us is afraid that from this moment."

The sword is not a double brow tap, "If it is the first possibility, isn't it the body of your emperor?"

"I am afraid this time, it will only be the second possibility," Xiaowei said, "We are there, it seems to be a lot more than the imagination."

He said, looking at the sword is unparalleled, "My strength is originally relatively weak in the rest of the six emperors, whether it is going to start war, and the strength will be urgent, I can't wait, I can't wait. Otherwise, the courtyard is inevitably, it will be my end. "

Xiaonjun took a sigh of relief, solemn, "the Jagan, if there is a way, do you want to go to Dagan?"

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