Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4874? Yuan Jun

The sword has no double slow retreat, the invisible sword has quietly condensed.

At the moment, this height is surplus, as if the old man walks out from the black fog, there is no delay in the blunt, but the general trend is really unable to make no one.

He also made some understanding, although this old man is not a mountain dew, I am afraid that I will definitely fall against the wind, and may even fight.

At this time, the little monarch was in front, stood in the sword where there was no double, and the sound was a bit of nervousness to say two words, "Yuan Jun?"

"Well?" The old people were condensed to see the little emperor, and there was a doubtful color flash.

"I am a son." Xiao Jun added again.

The old man's old man is suddenly condensed, "Are you a derivative ?!"

The little monarch was a sigh of relief, and then smiled. "It is me, I thought Yuan Jun forgot the kid."

"Good kid, I didn't now, I have turned this like this now." The old man is steep scattered, and then condensed in front of him, and the eyes can not stand the color.

Seeing this, the sword is unparalleled, and it has a sigh of relief, and it has collected an invisible sword.

Avoiding a battle that will have a great price, this result is native.

Xiaofeng flexed his head, "Years too long, if I still remember the Yuan Jun, I still have a long time, I am afraid that there is trouble today."

The old man known as Yuanjun looked up, and then said, "Difficultr you are with confidence, even if you don't remember what I have, I will always remember your appearance."

"The kid understands." Xiaolun is also a laugh.

"Well, since you come to see my old bones, then go to my temple to sit on the hall." Yuanjun sleepless robe waved, said.

Xiaoyu nodded, and immediately watched the sword.

The sword is unparalleled and shakes, and there is a vigilant flash.

He smelled a bit of dangerous taste from the open temple. If it ran, I was afraid to meet uncontrollable crises.

"Is this?" Yuan Jun Dynasty sword was not a double cast.

The little jun hurriedly added, "This is my friend, the brother."

Yuanjun nodded, "Since it is the friend of the Danzi, then I will not be able to drive, come in."

Brief, his body shape is like a fog, floating towards the main temple.

Seeing him first leaving, the sword is unparalleled to the Xiaoli, the brow is slightly ward, "How much do you know about him, how many things he do, you know?"

Xiao Yan has a little dumb, a moment later, "Yuan Jun is one of the veterans of my life, although he is self-reliant, but he cares for me, if it is, He will not leave it to me. "

Said, he stretched out the palm of the palm of the sword, "Sword, believes in me, Yuan Jun will not have malicious to us."

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no opening.

The two stones immediately entered the monette.

He did not speak, it is actually quite important.

If it is the little monarch, the Yuan Jun is self-solving the source, only left a touch, and the situation is completely different from him.

Yuan Jun did not have the blanket, in other words, his fairy is very abundant, and the body shape is not his last obsession, but it is really no broken fairy.

This is why, the sword is unparalleled, after all, in the face of a concealing and powerful to the extreme, is aware of the correct performance.

In the giant temple, the kind of dark breath was dissipated.

In the eyes of the eye, a pretty model is quite an elegant pavilion, which is not a solemn temple.

"Difficultr, come, fishing with the old man."

On a dark-eyed, Yuan Jun sat in the top, and it was holding a fishing rod.

"It's coming." Xiaolun should sound, and the sword is unparalleled.

After handed him a fishing rod, Yuan Jun also looked at the sword. "Kid, like fishing?"

The sword is not a double point road, "It can be emerging in the past time."

"That's good, you can indulge your heart, it is a good seedllar." After throwing him a fish, Yuanjun caught the fish.

The little monarch sits in the center of the center, wants to ask some situations, and I don't know how to open, I'm not comparative.

It is Yuanjun to open a mouth, "Danzi, can Zhenwu Yang Emperor have changed?"

The little monarch replied, "Father is still old, claiming to have established a big downtown, is stable, always live in the heavens."

"That's good, his mission is completed, it is time to rest." Yuan Jun heard the head, "said, how do you think of me?"

"Amount, that ..." Xiaolun scratched his head, "I originally wanted to receive inheritance ..."

Yuan Jun listened, hurriedly tackled him, "Danzi, your fairy is good?"

"No, the defect is still there, or can not practice, the family uses the secret law to upgrade me to the Danctuary, and then I can't ink half." Xiao Jun said.

"Damn, you belong to the blood of the emperor, how can this happen." Yuan Jun's brow wrinkled, "Don't you have a chance to change?"

"Yuan Jun, I have accepted it, and my father doesn't have any way. It is still not bad now." Xiaoyu smiled and said, "And I am, it is not for yourself, but prepare for the brother. Accept the inheritance of Yuanjun. "

Yuan Jun Wen said, and his eyes will look at the sword again. "For him?"

"Yes, I am just a unprotected Deman. If there is no swordsman, I have already fallen in the assassination of a time."

He said, and said that there will be intricate relationships between several emperors and listen to Yuan Jun.

At the end, he founcing, "our generation, eventually will only kill the souvenir."

Yuan Jun silently did not speak, and the hand stretched out and patted the shoulders of Xiaumu, "I bitter you."

"But my inheritance is no longer."

Xiaodi can not solve it, and the eyes are puzzled.

"If you come to accept my inheritance after I originally destroyed the fairy, I can see it naturally, but everything is changed," Yuan Jun sighed, "although everything happened, even me Unable to explain, but it happened. "

The sword is unparalleled at this time, he knows that Yuan Jun wants to be true secret.

"The so-called Danctuary is even Daman, and eventually no extraordinary words."

"Xianyuan is the true foundation, complementing with the fairy, is the most important thing of the Dano, and the fairy is broken, it means a thorough fall."

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