Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4880? Killing

A rumor is like a mountain gull, and he has rushing in the upper half of him, and it seems that even the void begins to tremble.

The sword is unparalleled in his meridian, and it seems to reach a certain critical point and needs to completely explode.

Uncontrolled burning, it seems to make his fairy thoroughly burned.

The shape behind him is like the god peak, is a distinction between Yuan Jun, completely attached to the sword.

Waiting to the disappearance of Tianhe vitality, the hundreds of Di'an is unfair, and the heart is looked in front.

Spring and Autumn, Cui Jing, etc. also stabilized from the previous panic.

As early as the Six-day somarium at the Danxian army, the sword in the third day of the next three days was unparalleled, but because of the inheritance of Yuanjun, the time passed, natural to the outside world Sensing is minimal.

If you don't hear the sound of Spring and Autumn, I am afraid that the third day is destroyed, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Since you come out, it will be done, is we escaped or play?" He looked at him, and the bottom is inexplicably raised.

"Of course, it is hit." Looking at the sky, the sword is unfolded, even has even transported the delay to the peak.

The bloody blood in his body is too strong and terrible, and it is simply two people who have not been to the third day.

And all of this is from the inheritance of Yuanjun.

Although it is not enough in the field of Yuanjun, it is completely different from the time, and the sword is unparalleled, and there is a hundred years in the outside world.

In other words, the sword is unparalleled to have been waiting for at least two thousand years in the field.

Two thousand years of continuous fighting, the causal causality in the Salmon Caves in the Saffi Cave is robbed to thorough blood.

Yuan Jun stopped to kill in the war, promoted the big Daman in the end of the infinite killing, his way is simple and pure, only killing two words.

And he handed over to the sword and is four words.

Kill the way.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled to try loose bottlenecks and break through the big Deman!

Before stepp.

Equity, Spring and Autumn, Cui Jing is no longer ready to escape, all followed by him, facing the sky and fairy, no fear.

Under the big Daman, the sword is unparalleled into the enemy.

A seven-star star is slowly flowing, and there is no hair with my body.

"Put the ghost!" There is a big drink, and then take the lead in leading more than ten Deman.

All kinds of overwhelming derivation are bombarded, and this is even in the fairy!

The sword is unparalleled, reach out of the right palm, facing the flying fairy, and refers to the sword, and the slightest is smashed down.

A scarlet sword, the storm rose millions of feet, cut the void for two halves, crazy broken.

Those the top top of the Deman, hurriedly released the delay, tried to get the swordsmanship.

But this scarlet sword is too vast and grand, and even the rules of the heavens are easily broken, and the voids are pulled, and they wrap them in a moment.

" ..."

A total of thirteen Deman, under this million feminine scarlet swords, the fairy was broken, fried into a group of blood fog.

A sword, it is easy to destroy the thirteen Dynasties, so the scene is so shocking, and once again, he shocked the sky.

They are unbelievable, this is just the guy of the peak of Damai, why can you kill you dozens of Demai? !

Not only is it, but even the refreshing head is jumping.

He felt that the change in the sword was a bit too fast.

When I was in Beixian, he was still a slightly colorful Deman until I was born into the past, and the big Miao, the fairy domain, after this series, he was completely educated.

Just this growth, it is too fast, and even the clearing is a bit moving.

The sword of this, is a handsome sword, but it still has a very powerful force.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, swords, and the swords are unknowingly being immersed in killing, become bloodthirsty.

He is no longer a pure golden color, but is doped with silk scarlet.

" ..."

It's like a lazy pensive rain, the sword is unhealthy yuan, the syndrome is like a wake up, and the raindrops on the gown.

"A group of bug guys, only have a few years of air transport, have not completely become a climate, will go to a discrimination, if so, all stay here!"

With the dull voice of Yuan Jun Zhen Ying, the original broken void begins to be covered by a dark red tide.

In this dark red tide, all the Deman only felt the fairy source, and the delay was quickly transferred, and the meridian could not inhibit the incompetence.

"Kid, these bugs are given to you, after all erase, it is only my recognition for you."

This division is the real shadow, after the release of these dark red tides, it exhausted all the energy and then disheaded.

Looking at the sky, the sword was boring, and then became cold and then won.

In the next moment, in the face of the sky, he was actually taken the lead.

The figure is broken, and the two big pauses are directly covered.

Several Deman attempting to block, even just running the delay, the head of the head was smashed.

"All together, slaughtering for six days!"

For the head of the black robe, the narrow red dragonfly is criticized from his sleeves, and the sword is directly twisted!

"Embassy, ​​Laozi also makes you long eyes today!"

Clear and drink, while millions of emotions collapsed, from a huge eddy current, it is a giant claw that surging Jin Mang!

With the fall of this giant claw, the entire void is completely chaos, all kinds of heavenly order rules are all disordered, and the wind is from broken places.

Every golden scales are clear to the boulder, and they are grasped, and there is a Danctuary to dodge, and the soul of the soul will be off!

Along with the Equity and Qing Dynasties, the pressure on the sword is not a loose pressure.

He boosted the sword, the original intangible sword in the hands, but also became dark red due to killing dip.

A sword crushed a middle-aged Diva's fairy source, and the sword was unparalleled to start crazy killing.

In the field of Yuanjun, he didn't stop working together for a thousand or five hundred years. He only did one more than a matter of 5,000 years.

He is a hammer, which is the most primitive pull-up, smashing, and completely abandoning any swords.

And what he did, because he had a day after the day, and I didn't know how many Spring Chun, who had cast the sword.

The avenue is simple, derived to the time.

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