Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4882? Warfare Damai

This is the sword without double second condensation.

The first condensation is completely defeating the main chapters of Tianzong in the fairy field, so that he has burst his suffocation fairy.

This is the second year of the sword, the second year, is a special fairy that is independent of a little mountain river.

Along with a vivid, like the true shadow of God, the sword is unparalleled.

The elite did not stop, and a black Wubao phase gradually condensed and continued to expand the millennium in the big array.

Chen Qing, Spring and Autumn, etc., also refunded, and the stretch is tightly looked at this scene.

Through the colorful flow of the colorful circle, you can see a parents, a blackwood has skyrocketing. It is almost a few more than a few words.

However, there is no signs of the array of broken.

Sixty-bit Deman is the foot foundation, making the array of laws.

Although each Deman has risen red, but the continuous energy is still firmly fastened to the sword.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled without my true shadow has grown to hundreds of millions of feet. It has exceeded the height of the day and the fairy sky, but still did not support the big array.

The clenched black Baoxiang also reached a certain critical point.

"His mother, this group of mixed waits for me, I am grown into a meat!" The color of the face rose, and his true life is no shortcomings. The strength is far from recovering, and this is like let this array. Siege.

The sword is not a double eyebrows, if there is no dream, I can't tear an array, I am afraid he wants to find another way.

With the completion of the array, the remaining more than 200 DVDs started again from the next three days of the six-day domain.

They are obvious that they have issued orders before they come to six days, regardless of all of the six-day sources.

On the occasion of this array, the black robe that has been mysterious to the extreme, and when the time sent a hand, it is the topmost of the big array, and the hand is quietly condensed out with a long-short dark short sword.

The little god of far away is quietly condensed, and the next moment, his body shape directly, holding soft swords and resolutely rush to the big array.

The thin little robe is also moving at this time, follows the little monarch.

A people who act as a large array of feet, constantly swap positions, release the degree of reinforcement.

Just in the next dermndant exchange position, a black and white breath is quietly plundered.

That is the fairy of Xiaofu, full hits of the fairy, and burst out of the world.

It is not easy to fully act as a box, and it is not possible to stop this full-time ha.

Ten Dynamic, the scene was four, and the remaining six were all hit.

At this point, six seats, under the full blow of the Xiaoyun, I crushed one.

It is precisely because of this hit, the entire big battle is on the verge of breaking.

The sword in the array is also noticed, and I will directly pull it again without my real shadow and black Bao. I finally made the entire squad!

"you wanna die!"

The black and short swords of the black and short swords fell from the top of the big array, and the impervioled look at the little monarch, and the behind the body was suddenly turned to a cloud smoke disappeared.

When the Xiaowun was noticeable, the Huangshu Dani has been re-condensed in front of him.

The short sword of the black delay is directly dropped directly, and it is easy to enter his heart.

There, it is basically a place where the Damai is generally condensed.

This sword is rushing to kill.

The little monarch is suddenly condensed, and then slows down.

"His Royal Highness!" The thin little robe is at this moment, thoroughly disappearing, he flipped, and the palm is condensed out of the dramatic dramatically.

The black robe is clearly obvious. After the reaction, I will lose the Xiaoli's fairy body like a losing garbage, and then escape.

The thin small robe took the little emperor, and the body was full of stubborn faces. "In the Hall, you ..."

"Big companion, tell, tell the sword, unparalleled, quick escape." Xiaonjun barely opened his eyes, and after telling this last sentence, he will be dull.

The thin small robe nodded, and after tightly tightly, he flipped toward Chen Qing.

The sword of this scene is all the swords of the foot, and the eyes are gradually icy, watching the black robe of the desire, he does not have any hesitation.

It is like a sword that is covered with the killing of the gods, and there is no Deman to stop him.

Equity, followed by the sword, there is no double break, it belongs to the strength of Jiu Tao Daguan, and it is also revealed at this moment.

There is a mountain river to add, but it is a few breathing rooms, and he will flatten the black robe, and then the same sword has been smashed.


Fundamental is not as good as the black robe of the dodge, directly by the sword.

He took care and turned directly.

The sword is unparalleled without dodging. After the hard-lived troubles, it is a sword.

The black robe has a sword, the sword is contained in the invisible sword, almost in an instant, hurting his meridians.

"The dead thing, today you have a one, one can not live!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the invisible sword in his hand is a shock. The unspeakable swords will eventually pull it into a powder.

In the next moment, a virtual sound was opened in this broken void.

"It's a good life, whether it is speech or acting, it is full of ."

Silence in the world, all Diqi Qi Qi looked at the place where the sound was sent.

The clearance is denied, and he smells a breath that is only a big fairy.

The dark red void is torn open, followed by a middle-aged body shape from which a hands carrying hands.

He is surprisingly surprising, which is more purely more deep than the Di Dynasty. With his walking, even the broken Tiandao has begun to slowly repair.

This middle-aged man, dressed in a conternity, and the net face does not have to be quite embarrassing.

After coming here, he looked at the sword and shook his head.

The sword is unparalleled, and the corner is also coming, "What is it?"

A middle-aged man who is quite convinced, obviously did not think of a small margin, and he would open him.

When he reacted, the original Confucian length shirt suddenly shocked, a force that could not be imagined and surpassing the fairy, covering the entire crushing.

Under such a perfect pressure, all the Dancto only feels bored in the heart, and the fairy is shrunk, and even the trays of the circulation in the fairy is slow to a certain extent.

"Good old man who has no blocked children, since you are going to die, then you will promise you, send you to death!"

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