Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 489, Tree Tree Area

Although the sword has not found the opportunity, he is not too worried.

As early as the universe, he was difficult to promote the road because of his own constitution.

It was originally promoted to a big threshold. Now I am afraid that promoting the big dean is also a big threshold, even more difficult than promoting supreme.

From the ultra-perfect chaotic ganglun, it will become a lot of experience in the realm, will also be more difficult than ordinary fairy.

But good, the strength of the sword is not border fighting is still there.

The battle with nine days of Xianjun often made the sword unparalleled, and he also made him know that his current strength is.

No lake-like swords, his strength is enough to fight with the initial situation, if you use the lake word sword, the sword is unparalleled to kill the three turn!

In this large country, in addition to the elderly veterans around Zhenwu, as well as the meaning of nine turn, there will be few promodes to threaten him.

The battle with the orders, has passed for nearly ten years, he has also been sleeping for ten years, but everything happening seems to be like yesterday, vivid.

The six-day territory was destroyed two skydomads. Although the foundation of the next three days did not be damaged, the little emperor's underground power was hit hard, almost all were overwhelmed.

Only there were only less than ten Diqi, more than 9,000 top-bearing, and played some super forces in the big downtown, I am afraid that it is far more than that of today's little monarch.

This is a war that has been scheduled for a long time, four hundred Dano, a big Damadam, so big hand, I am afraid it is the rest of the emperor.

"Let me go out with me." Xiaolun looked at him and then turned to the temple.

The sword is unparalleled, and after getting up from the bed, he went out.

At this moment, there are nearly 10,000 famous buildings, and I have seen the little monarch and swords, and I suddenly beaten, nervous.

"Jian Tian Official -"

They all called this official, the sword was unparalleled, and then went to the desolate sky.

"This is a little lonely site, big orchoes are on our head."

Xiaowei pointed to the top of the point, "Now they have been destroyed, this is the first time I have been in charge of the six-day sources since the first time, if there is a swordsman, I am afraid that the whole seat has been completely. "

The sword is unparalleled to him. "Do you know who is it, this time I can assemble so many Deman, I am afraid that behind the forces will never be small."

He nodded, "When you break, I found a familiar hole in so many Deman, one of the prosthesis of the son, but the son is incorporated out after the previous major It is impossible to assemble more than 400 margins in such a short time. "

"Therefore, this assembly forces have at least two emperors."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also roughly in the heart to guess the two emperors.

"No matter what, this time, the heavyweight is not much better than me. I have damaged the two domains, and the Deman is only 100,000, and each of them will lose more than 2 million Demai."

"But even so, the battle will not stop this, will only be more intensified."

Xiaofei looked at the sword and soft, "Jian brother, Little Lonely is the original I gave you, now I will return to you now."

Said, he touched a generic seed from his arms and greenered green seeds, and handed over the sword unparalleled.

"this is?"

"Is the seed of the tree, you only need to throw it in the void, it can grow into a square field."

"Then your big orcho?"

"I still have a seed."

The sword is no longer talking, he waves the green seeds in the void.

In an instant, the kind of seeds greeted the void storm, and the momentum was expanded to 10 million miles away.

The green and rich to the extremely peer cover forms the sky, and the roots of the Great Tree becomes the earth.

Even the Tiandao rules such as the Xuanzhi, are born.

It is finally illusion from a seed to a vast world.

This is a miracle, even if the sword is unparalleled, it is shocked.

At this point, small orchically constructed.

More surprised more than the sword, there is the most primitive life in which the extent to which the delay is rich, and even less than the previous little orchic.

"The brother, the little lonely is re-delivered to your hand." Xiaofei said with a smile.

The sword is unparalleled, "I just stayed with it, it is still yours."

He flashed in his eyes.

The long wind is slow.

"The Jude, there are more than those of our agreement, it seems that it is not enough for 30 years?"

The sword is unparalleled, "I can't remember it, let's take a step first."

Xiaoyun looked up at him, half a smile, "Brother, thank you."

"Don't thank, if I have a message, I am afraid I have to leave."

"I know, but the brother, you remember, no matter where you are in the future, what crisis has been met, the son in this large country is always open for you."

Little lonely reshapes, the little monks use the last trees and seeds to reshape big orchids, so on, the six-day domain is restored as early.

Just fallen from the fairy and the top nearly 90%, the remaining Dikai and the top repair are not enough to have the war that may happen next.

"Brother, I still want to ask you something."

"whats the matter?"

"It is what I want to ask you to advise the Six-day extent of the fairy and top repair, let them improve some."

The sword is not a double brow micro-thorn. "If it is about the growth of the delay, the promotion of the realm, I am afraid that every Deman has their own avenues, if it is forcibly twisted, I am afraid that it will be counterproductive."

"I know, what I think is, can the Jugny point to point their sword swords?"

"This is probably more can't, if it is not a sword repair, it will now pay and return to the proportion."

Xiaolun smiled, "You can rest assured, the rest of the rest, only the swords have nearly three thousand people, and there are three main swords in the Damai."

The sword has no eyes convulsions. He feels that he is now saying, I am afraid that I can't escape.

However, he does not resent for the teaching of teaching.

In the universe of the Shenli, he went to the Yunxiao Palace to listen to the Pu Group, teaching an invincible supreme.

That feeling seems to be very good.

PS: Ask the monthly ticket!

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