Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4892? Dominant grass sword? (On)

Therefore, this sentence that sword is unparalleled is equal to white, even if the three Danadian sword repairs are embarrassing low.

And this result is also roughly almost the same as him. If there is a sword to understand that it is a horrified.

"Since there is no, there is still a strong plasticity, it is not a bad thing." The sword is unparalleled, "What is the maintenance of the sword?"

All the sword repairs each other, and it is the same as a few times, no one stands out.

Nearly more than 3,000 sword repairs, in fact, it is still maintenance and derivation, giving birth to the source, becoming a Dynasty is their ultimate goal.

It is more relatively reliable to become a deraptary.

As the sword is unparalleled, the sword is said, it is too virtual, even if this is the top, it will inevitably give up because of various results.

The Jianhua is not a matter of one, it is not a great goal, only in the long way to be clear.

Even if this Dawu is a thousand thousands of swords, but that is, it is a medium, it is a medium that increases his own imperative damage to the media.

These swords will be the truth in this truth.

Simple and popular, they modified swords, in fact, serving the dramatic avenue.

At this moment, the three swords were repaired in the Deman, awarded the old-fashioned fairy, saying that "Jian Tian official, if you are in your standard, I am afraid that I will wait, but the end of the elevated, for the real Keyway , I am afraid I have been waiting for the poor, I can't feel it. "

"But now the Jian Tian official appears, let me see the real Jen Road, not feeling, I only hope that Jian Tian official can give some merits, let us find the right way."

He finished, facing the sword where there is no double, and then more than three thousand swords should be given at the same time.

The sword is too late, it is too virtual, they can insist, this is a quite unable thing.

After listening to this story, the sword is no longer speaking, and the hands of the hands are released by the breeze.

"I should be there, I should have."

All Jian Xiu is very excited at this moment, "Xie Jian Tian official!"

It is possible to smash a three-way DVD, which is surprisingly, and has never been printed in their minds.

It turns out that the real sword is like this.

In fact, when the slave stationed in this letter, the sword was unparalleled, and the top of the Jian Xiu was created, creating the swords that they can control.

After holding all the swords in the road, he quietly stood in the center of the road, like waiting for something.

The road is quiet, there is no top-cut, all look forward to watching the sword.

Time drop, and the sword is unparalleled at this moment. That is asked for him to pick a weed of Xu Wei. It should be returned to it. It is not coming back now. What is it? Irregular?

At the same time as he wondered, an extremely powerful stream is full of lush from the horizon, full of pounds.

Seeing this scene, the sword didn't have a slightly, and he missed a little taste of some people.

Next, the strong and thick stream is getting practical!


The whole road is one of them.

The person is a strong bald man, and the face is fierce, he is naked with the chest, the waist is only a wide animal skin, and the whole body shape does not compare, full of compression.

In his left hand, Xu Wei, the nose, is almost too late.

When I saw this scene, Chen Qing outside the road is dark, and I have to go up and down this troubler.

However, the else will pull him, "Don't go first, there is no double can solve."

Chen Qingnhen, no longer boring, just looked at the bald man with a pair of bulls, ready to fight.

There is no double opening, that is high-tech, "Who is a guy who has killed many guys, who is the guys who have killed many ordered ..."

A number of bombings, noisy swords are somewhat embarrassed.

His face is gradually not good, "It is me."

The bald man is one, and then the sword is not a pair of swords. It seems that I don't believe him, "I will kill the peak of the peak in the district."

"Why, do you want to try?" The sword was gradually cooled.

The bald man heard the words, smiled, "Of course, this is coming today, just try your shallow!"

Looking at this exposure mad big man, the sword is unparalleled, "Now no time, you will be on the side station, maybe after the completion of my teaching, maybe I have a few tricks with you."

"This is not compiled, now you have to try with you!" He said anxious.

The sword is not double-finished, stepping out one step, I will go to the cloud, the sword is straight, and the heavens and the earth are turned!

"I will say it again, if you dare to stick, don't blame me to throw you out!"

Looking at the screams of the swords, the magazine sore sore, "Okay, wait for you for a while ..."

Astringent, the sword is unparalleled, "there is still, let him get it, now he is my disciple."

The bald man will then throw Xu Wei.

Wipe the blood of the mouth, Xu Wei got up, and then the footstep is until the sword is unparalleled.

Then, he trembled from the arms and took out a grass leafy weed, barely laughed, "Jian Tian official, the grass, I sent it, but I didn't touch it."

I reached out and took the weeds, and the sword was unparalleled, "he hit?"

Xu Wei flashed in the eyes and shouted, and nodded.

The sword is unparalleled, and waving a breeze after holding him to the edge of the road, it began to make a chance.

Looking at the seven-leaf weeds in the hand, the sword was unparalleled to fold after a leaf, put it in his hand.

"Next, I want to teach you the swords from Simply until, this sword is what I temporarily realized. For you, it should be a new starting point."

"This sword, a total of nine swords, step-by-step, although it seems unrelated, but also complement each other, the same is also shallow to deep, and the truth is simple."

The sword is unhappy in hand picking the grass, pointing to the clouds of clouds.

"That is," calling it to flow cloud grass sword. "

Four simple big words, completely complete the Jumen swords, I am afraid that there is no difference between the swords of the current sword, and the stream of clouds created will be so terrible in the future, how far is it. .

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