Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4895? Moon Black Wind High Night

After returning to the temple from the highland of Lonely, the sword is not relaxed.

After the war, he has slept in the past ten years, and there is no time to comb your own situation, so he is going to do, that is, the Xinghe Lake Hai Jing and the fairy .

After returning to the temple, the sword is unparalleled, but sitting on the top of the temple, overlooking a small lady behind.

It seems that there is something to say to the exit, and when you see the sword.

"Do you have anything to say to me?"

"Yes." The meaning is slightly surprised, and then I will ask, "Where did you go before the last battle?"

The sword is unparalleled, I have nodded, "I got some comprehension in three days."

"The same is not simple," the sound slowly said, "I felt his breath, and I felt his power."

The sword is unparalleled, and the essence of the proud of him knows, letting him say this sentence, the strength of the Yuanjun is afraid to be above him.

On the nine turn of the big Damadam, I am afraid that only the peak is big.

"He is too huge at the same time. This is also the first time I saw that there was a fairy," "Take a clear look at him," I mean what you say to you is, hope You'd better stay away from him. "

The sword is unparalleled, "he cultivated is the way of killing, so it should also be a matter of common sense."

The meaning of clearing his eyes to the void. "In addition to the gas, I also feel some of the breath that I can't tell the unclear."

He nodded, "I will pay attention to the perception and vigilance."

The clear words, and finally didn't say anything.

After all of him stood a moment in the top of the temple, he returned to the temple.

The jade seats sitting on the top, the sword is unparalleled, and the words that are still saying, and more and more feel that he said.

Due to the difference in time, he worked for nearly two thousand years in the field of Yuanjun, and in this long time, and Yuan Jun was fighting more than a thousand years.

In this whole, he did not feel any idea of ​​Yuan Jun, very mysterious.

And the sword is unparalleled, there is some reason, because he is also a time to say that the Yuan Jun is unknown in a period of time.

That kind of quirky, very awkward and mysterious, even if the sword is unparalleled, you can't guess what is.

"Don't he have any attempts?"

The sword is unparalleled in close eyes.

On the side of the other, I thought he fell asleep, directly reached out, using the unparalleled rules, and put the bright light of the whole little orchotian.

Little lonely enters late night, silent.

Time drop, just when you are ready to sleep, a quiet fluctuation is made to make him alert.

Next moment, his body has disappeared directly, followed by appearing outside the temple, then he looked at the temple of the hall, and the wave of volatility was from there.

The black wind high night, the ghosty.

I saw the night of the night, and I didn't have a sneak up. Two petals were distributed with a strange glossy figure, and they were squatting on the wall.

"How, is it unfortunately venting, is it a baked?"

A light fluttering inquiry sounded.

The light butt of the wall climbing the wall does not return, and the consciousness is coming, "Do you manage it ..."

Then, he is like a real thing, the tiger is shock, and the stiff slows turn over.

The else is cold and cold, and the punches are directly smashed.


The sword is unhappy, only heard the battle outside the temple, then clear the shape of a small mountain, appeared in the temple.

After the "bang", he saw the scene of spicy eyes.

I saw a light butt of the Temple of the Temple, and the nose blindness was obviously hit.

The sword has no double eye convulsions, although this man has already smeared, but he still sees this product is not ahead of the sword in the sword in the sword.

"This guy, isn't it let me throw?"

Clear, "Who knows, the sneaky is in the temple, I don't know what I think."

Then, I was cleared a little bit of the bald man, and I used to smoke my brain, and then I looked around.

I saw the sword where I was sitting, and his eyes suddenly gotten, and then got up with a very fast speed. Heavy knee knees down, and his hand was drinking, "Fengshan has seen adults!"

The sword is no longer convulsions again.

The bald man heard the words, hurriedly waved, "No, adults you misunderstood, Fengshan lost the mouthfuls, the reason why I returned back, purely, I would like to understand, I will follow the adults today."

The sword is unparalleled, and the brow is picked up. "You are planning to follow me? Why?"

He touched his head and smiled. "Since I achieved Demai, I can play only the power of my unveiled hands in the same realm, so I will be angry with you by you!"

The sword has no double smile, it is obviously to be smiled in the blunt of this unique, and then reached out and took a long service from the quie, "or put on the clothes first."

The bald man took the clothes and smiled. "When I was thrown out, I was fainted. When I woke up, I became this."

Waiting for him to wear clothes, the sword is unparalleled to sway, "Hurry back, I am drifting, there will be no big one by my side, I will delay you."

He listened, hurriedly said, "I am not afraid of adults, as long as I can follow your side, I will have a lot of hills, I have this achievement today, even if there is no big work in the future, I am enough to travel together with adults. area!"

Seeing him, the sword is unparalleled, I don't know how to refuse, I have to say it. "If you don't stay here, wait until you want to leave, I will never stop you."

I am unworthy, and the else is directly flying directly to the temple, and I will close the temple.

The sword is unparalleled, "Clear, you are ..."

"What is the unforated goods of this mind," "Qing patted her hand," he born twice two times. "

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