Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4899? Destroying the fairy

In order to leave the one-line room, it has fallen into the faceful son, and suddenly slammed into the treasure sword. "All Deman gave me a hierarchy, if there is a violation, die on the battlefield! "

More than a hundred Dano also released the realm of the delay in this moment, all followed the sword.

After seeing a look, the sword is unparalleled.

In the face of the Danadian Army, he holds an intangible long sword, and it seems that all of the front do not stop.

After his body, follow more than 100 Deman.

The meaning is also moved here. He has a shock of his arms.

He is like a master of death, and the magnificent Hua Man is shot from him.

Foots with tens of thousands of golden feathers that condense infinity trends broke through the void, and all pouring to the Deman army.

The whole void is like a complete burning, Jin Yu swept it, and instantly curb the impact.

A star river Hai Jingyi burst, unparalleled swords were blown forward, and there were numerous densities to respond, and they were crushed into powder.

Just under this face, the sword is unparalleled with the power, directly to reverse the situation, there are nearly 30 Deman, the spot!

In the big rear son, he saw this shocking scene. He jumped. He didn't think of it. In the six-day camp, this terrible kill will be hidden.

He looked at the emint of the end of the venium in the void, and couldn't help but hang the throat. It is already a bit coveted.

However, the son will soon recover cool, this situation, but just start, everything is not fixed, not felt lightly.

Just when he was ready to pick a safe place, he tried his best to hide it. The little monarch around him was rapidly sword, and directly joined the battle!

"Gongzi, do you want to live ?! They can all rushing you!" The son is humble, but the little monarch has far away, and he has not ignored him.

"Damn, all are a group of goods!" He is anxious, and it is nervous to pay attention to this, but it should be crushed, but it can't be plagued.

There is a clear body behind him. The pressure of the sword is unparalleled. His whole body is like a sharp sword of a sharp edge, without anything can hinder him.

The four-headed cattle is shown in a graphic formation. At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, that is, it will destroy it one by one before the fairy array is completely opened!

At the nearly 100 Di Dynasties behind him, he was together with the Daman army.

It is still afraid that it is better than the last battle.

In order not to make this war again to expand the situation, only if they will be sent to the fairy array to contain it.

The first euro is not passionate from the sword, and the fairy is about to open.

The sword is unparalleled to lock it.

Under the struggling to fight for nearly 100 Deman, the surrounding loop was torn out of hardening.

The sword is unparalleled without hesitation, and the second style of the Starhe Lake Hai Jingyi directly released.


As if from the sky, there is a long river with endless weight.

All Di Dynamic saw this scene, all shocked, and hurriedly tried to withdraw a road.

Under this sword, the sword is unparalleled and self-confident, and it is possible to deliver the fairy!

But at the next moment, the transition protrusions.

In front of the cattle, it suddenly condenses a deep red nest of more than 10 million feet!

The earth-shaking river word sword, collided with the dark red juncture, and endless trays crazy.

He has been collided with this horror, and the deep red nesting starts to delineate the gully, and it seems to be broken.

But at this time, a body shape wearing a width black robes quietly appeared behind the neighborhood, but also stretched a palm of the past.

Time, a fine dark red silk wire in the spider is climbed in the comic, quickly repairs the crack.

The two mutually offset each other, and the final river word swords are all dissipated, but the rigback is intact.

The sword was unbeded and looked straight.

Waving the disorder, the black robe is hand held, and the cold and cold said. "Where to come back, we have to kill the gongzi, and the peer, etc.

"Go to your mother, the old animal, you will only fight the guns?" Chen Qing, who is standing on the sword without double, and can't wait to cut the sword.

"The mouth is stinky!" The black robe is cold and cold. Suddenly, a violent wind is gone to Chen Qing.


The sword came out, directly cut off the madness, swords unparalleled cold and cold glance, "I want to live, let it go!"

"Ignorance!" Heavy hands in his hand, the black robe is angry.

Time, thousands of dark red tragers, from his black robe, like the petals of lotus, in this void.

There is a slutty, the two dark-red pitches have exposed it from his pupils.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, there is a discomfort when you see the face.

Chen Qing low, and he had to give a heavy lesson of the old people in the black robe, but stopped by him.

"You are not his opponent, he is a big Damai." The sword is unparalleled.

Chen Qingyi, and after the back, "" damn, when is the big domain in the big domain? "

The sword is unparalleled, and he remembers that Chen Qing said with him, except for those veteran under true Wuyang, the big Di fairy existing in the big downtown is more than the number of hands.

From the demanding conditions, as well as the environment of the largest domain, Chen Qing said correctly, and it can be rare to be extremely rare to promote to the Dagan.

But in the eyes, there are two big Damadam who participated in this battle, which is a little terrible.

Plus the previous often, can mobilize three big Damadam, the master's hidden strength is much more horrible than the strength of him.

At the moment, this big Damai is the initial environment, and it is not promoted to three turns, but the breath that he is emitted is very weak, which is the most purely dead.

It seems to be a mysterious dead fairy.

It's late, this is an unchanging truth, so the sword has no pair of swords, and it will be welcomed.

This battle, must be speedable as soon as possible, he daresfully imagine that if the fairy on the back of the fool is open, how many troops will be transported crazy to crush six days.

Once the fairy is open, you can imagine that the six-day domain will inevitably break!

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