Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4901? I am above the heavens

You must know that it is not dead, and it is caused by superficial chaotic life physique.

It can be said that as long as the sword is unparalleled, it is not a heart, even the emperor can't kill him completely!

But in the eyes, it is not dead, but under a big dermatoma in a name, it is unreasonable, with an irreversible speed.

The aging is the precursor of the blain!

The sword is unparalleled, and his life is equipped with a very fast speed.

That kind of life is a feeling of playing, it is too strange and scary, even he can't keep it indifferent.

Not only do not die, the fairy begins to enter aging, but even the delay in the meridians is depleted.

And these are irreversible.

The sword is unparalleled to break this binding, but he found that the invisible sword in his hand is bleak, eventually broken.

He wants to release the fairy, but the delay in the meridians has been weak to the extreme, and he can't support him for any move.

Even the in the waist can't hold it.

From the death penalty, it is nothing more than a few, and the sword is unparalleled, and his body shape is still straight, but it has been designed.

As with the shore from the drowning, he began to catch the gas.

The black robe Dadan saw this scene, it seems extreme excitement, "Little generation, peace of mind, becomes the nutrients of this seat."

I saw this scene of Chen Qing, in my heart, he hurriedly flew over, facing this dead sky, he all worked hard, and even creating it!

"Sword brother, you must support it!" Chen Yanyu rushed, and then turned to the army.

However, nearly more than 30 Dani quietly surrounded him from all directions, and then broke out the most intense wa.

A round of black and white is rising, accompanied by this big rose, one sword, the unused Xiaowu appeared.

He handled the audition, and a sword will surround the number of Diamons of Chen Qing, and even decide the battle.

Chen Qingxi, Chen Qing, who is blood, "His Royal Highness, how come you?"

"I don't come, are you going to die here?" Xiaoli said.

More than 30 Divars that were surrounded by surrounded, under his two wheel battles, quickly disappeared.

I have already mastered the fairy-style derivative, and the fairy-style derivative is almost two.

It is precisely that the fairy Deman is extremely rare, so at this moment, although only the little monarch and Chen Qing are almost unpleasant, it is too laborious.

More than 30 Deman quickly killed the dead.

When the last sword, after breaking a Division of the fairy, the little monarch went to the death of the dead sky.

When he saw the sword in the array, the brow might vibrate in the irreversible aging.

"Xiaoli, this fairy, I tried it, I can't open it all ..." Chen Qing wiped the blood on his face, tense said, "I am afraid that in addition to keeping it around the sword brother, who is also Can't open. "

The little monarch said, "You will come over, just say that there is a parallel trap, I am going here."

"No, you have to go with me, it is really dangerous here!" Chen Qing said.

"Go!" He is full of self-contained words.

Chen Qing helpless, only had to lengthen and fly away.

Then Xiaowun took the soft sword, and he slammed into the dead sky in front of him.

However, the fairy is not moving, it seems that it is not injured at all.

However, the little monarch is like this, just like this, just a sword and a sword stabbed to the fairy array, trying to open it a gap.

At the same time, among the deaths, the sword is unparalleled to the extreme, and his fairy has been cleaved.

The black robe was laughing, and the fell is turned to the sword.

"Little generation, this is the price of you provocative this seat!"

He said, slowly reaching out of the bones and documented palms, separated the black robes on your body, showing the content inside.

Under the black robe, it is not a full fairy body, but a bombie without any flesh and blood.

And in the surroundings of his skeleton, a unclear, and a piece of zone of a piece of nail size.

Inspiring, the big Damadi of the black robe reached out from the arms, and gradually close to the sword.

Originally, I haven't been old, and I haven't doubled at this moment, and the eyes of chaotic returned to Fengrui, just like the world's windless and unsuccessful sword.

Like the show of God, the worsened eyes are directly retreat.

"No, how can it be ?! Isn't you already sentenced to this seat ?!" The big margin of the black robe was shocked.

Huafa resurrected, all the old states on the fairy disappeared between the moment, and he became the appearance of the handsome youth.

Like the black waterfront, the filament is surprising, and he reflects him like God.

He smiled, "You are very good, although you can make the Tiandao to applaud, but you will never be equipped with the heaven, let alone, even the heaven is no longer able to leave any traces in me, I will rely on you?"

The sword is unparalleled, step forward, and the black robe is back, and the look change in the eyes.

"You think that you can derive the heavenly law, will you use me?"

"Stupid! You said that heaven, tall the heaven?"

Time seems to be solidified, and the big Damadam of the black robe suddenly can't move, just like another more old heaven, let him move.

Then, the sword is unparalleled, holding his neck, "I will let you look at it, who is above the heavens."

The dead sky is not controlled, and a road gully is filled with rigback.

At the same time, a more ancient Xuanao Weiwei is coming!

Ability to derivate the death of the heavens, suddenly broken!

"No, no, I am wrong, let me go, I don't dare to be good, I don't dare to say anymore!" The big margin of the black robe was suppressed by the special energy suppressed.

A long-lost death breath, let him be horrified and tremble, he never felt that the real out is close to himself.

He also believed that this youth Deman in front of him, the fact that nine days of Xianjun often killed.

"Now tell me, who is the heavens above?" The sword is unlikely, the sound is like the heavens, full of majestic.

The black robe of the neck is tightly clamped, and only the situation is affected at this moment. "Adults, you are all of you, you are the real Tiandao!"

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