Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4920? Attack

Hao Sheng's river-character sword is in the void, almost the whole void is swallowed.

The tragent matters released by the old Mai Daiyan have no longer supported, and the swords of the four sides are swallowed directly.

The void is silent, only the long river of the sword.

"Save, win ..."

There is a top-repair, can't help but say.

It is almost a courtesy of the death of the son, the most excited at this moment, the more than 100 Diva under his seat are all falling, but he is still intact, and even the delay is not lost.

This is what he can't think of before, he has even considered seriously injured.

But now, everything is already in the air.

The son is humble and excited.

"His mother, sword official, the world is unparalleled!"

Like a stone, there is a thousand layers of waves, and all the top six days of the domain, and the Dano is shouting.

"Swordian officials, there is no double!"

"Jian Tian official, there is no double !!"

The sound is shocked.

This battle is for them.

This is a battle that cannot be imagined, with nearly a thousand dermndants, joining the two big fairy.

The six-day territory only has more than one hundred Deman, facing the impact of nearly a thousand Deman, has saved six days.

This is impossible to imagine, and the battle.

But every survived Danadian and the top repair are clear, there is no two, will not have such an end.

All the sounds they spoke, they are the most authentic ideas they inner.

However, at this time, I watched the sword unparalleled and looked at the void of the day.

He has a kind of premonition, and that Da Yan will never be so easy.

At this moment, the sword is unlawful, his eyes are still staring at the top of the Jockey River.

This sword can kill it almost good, but if you can't kill, you will have to fight again.

When the Jianhe is completely dissipated, almost stand up in an unstable body shape.

His fairy is almost on the verge of breaking, and the fairy derivation is dissipated from the body, and then dissipates in the void.

What can be seen is that his fairy is about to be collapsed.

The sword is unparalleled, and the fairy is collapsed. Even for the big dean, it is a sign of unrebeatic.

Old Mai Dawei, is about to fall.

Although it is already standing unstable, he is still very straightforward, and the sword is fixed.

"You, too much, I thought, the old man was defeated,"

After that, after this sentence, he didn't sit in the void, it seems to be waiting for it, "but the old man, I still want to live ..."

The sword is unblocked before, and there is not much dis impression on this old Dai Dai Fai. More calm.

And before, it is to ensure that it will not release the mind.

Just when the sword was unparalleled, the old Dao Daw is insufficient, and the old, the old Diva, who was originally awaited, and suddenly opened their eyes.

Then, he used a speed that could not be imagined, like Tianlei critcrented to the sword.

This is too fast, even if the sword is unparalleled, you can't react.

A squadron and a sharp to the pole, and he joke into his heart.

Old Mai Damai changed the previous decline, the eyes were crazy and proud.

"Then, although you are very strong, it is still too tender, then you haven't sure that I have no chance to fight against it?"

Looking down at the handle of the blade before his chest, there is a bit of fluctuations in the sword.

Then, he founters, "Ido, you didn't take it."

Old Mai Dawei, the idea of ​​the consciousness is in the hands.

" ... ..."

Then, the crystal cracking sound is rumored.

The black black rod turned into a blink of cracking, and slammed directly from the position of the tip!

"No, it is impossible, how can my cane be like this ?!"

Old Mai Dawei was shocked, but I didn't dare to imagine everything that happened.

"You think, don't I have any guards?" The sword didn't say a pale sound, while waving the broken black robe on the body, blooming dark blue Huang.

Every zoom-blue pecry-leaved image is a life, all in the regular rhythm, and is magnificent.

"This, this is, often the nine days of nine-day clothing ?!" The old Mai Dawei is a sharp to the extreme, he has finally known, why didn't you cause the sword?

There are rumors in the entire big domain. Nine days of Xianjun often have a treasure, but all the external power, and even block the full blow of the emperor.

The nine days of nine-day clothes is only a blue color, consisting of nine thousand of slices, magnificent.

At the moment, the layer of blue armor on the sword is unparalleled, isn't it necessary for nine days? !

Old Mai Dami only felt the blood in the body was completely cold, he did not think that the sword was unparalleled to wear nine days, thus resisting him.

The sword is unfolding is a drama. Let's completely break the black-legged rod before the chest, and then he reached out and holds the neck of the old Mei Dai.

"Often it is saved by you ... Killing, his nine days is also won by you." He did no fight in his eyes, only desperate.

"I didn't want to capture his nine days, this Ah was his last moment to give me." The sword said unparalleled.

Old Mai Dawei Wen said, it seems that he suddenly grinned, "Also, it's also, you are like this, and who will not love it when you die ..."

"You have no blood hat, this battle does not have to happen, but since everything is still irreversible, the old man is finally requested," he looked unparalleled, "the old man wanted to break."

"No." The sword is unparalleled without any hesitation, and there is no room.

Originally he still somewhat awkward heart, but this last hit, if it was not a sword, there was a lot of clothes in advance, I am afraid it will immediately be hit hard, and even the fairy is broken.

Old Mai Dai Xian also knew the reason, and it was no longer asking other, and he only closed his eyes to die.

The sword is no longer hesitating, and his right palm is directly condensed with thousands of swords, and then hosted above his fairy.

The sword is teasing, and there is no hindrance to tear the old Mei Dai.

The fairy source is shattered, and the fairy is chemical into the powder, which is scattered in the void.

A three-transposed extension, this is falling in the sword.

At this point, this game has almost included the battle of five emperors, with the cost of losing more than a thousand years, and ended.

This battle is the most tragic battle after the truth, Wuyang opens the big branch.

There are countless days, countless gods are under this battle, quietly disappeared, and even the derastines have no died.

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