Seeing your own safety, the son feathers grew a breath, and smiled and looked at him.

"It's so funny, but I don't escape, but I am invested."

"Tell me that the son is derived from what benefits, let you keep him like this?"

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no talk, it is obviously too lazy to reply him.

It seems that I feel the despiament, and the sonathe is born with anger, but it quickly calm down.

"No matter what benefits you are derived, I have given you a more rich benefits, as long as you are with me, how?"

"His son is not a good person, even your own cell brother can kill, you think you will be with him, will you have a good end?"

"With him, it is better to follow me, I will assure you, what do you want, what I will give you."

The son is slowly said, and there is a proud of the eyes.

In the next moment, responded to him, it is a sharp to the pole.

He was very shocked, hurriedly became a fantasy shape, but it was still a step later, and the sharp swords were directly left behind his cheeks.

God is not stopped, and his golden nails are soaked.

"The dead thing, you actually dare to hurt me ?!"

The son is extremely angry, and she is on the face of the blood, he suddenly sword, "All the Deman did not hesitate to kill him!"

The overwhelming derivative is crushing, and the Hao Sheng's delay is over.

The sword is unparalleled to stand at the same place, and the sword is sword, and the delay is exhausted, and the unparalleled sword is released again.

There is no double sword, the star of the Star River Sea Sword, the second style.


I don't know where to start the long river, I crushed the void from every crack, then gathered together, and the crazy pocked every derivative.

All Di Dano saw this scene, all shocked, they naturally felt the majestic potential contained in this Jianhe.

There is a foreskilled Deman, directly retreat, but there is also a fairy who intends to hard to fight, and it is directly used by the swords and rivers into a broken block, and even the sound is not sent!

Under this sword, there were nearly 20 Diva.

Just just this several times, the Deman of the Gong Yu Yu only has less than 50.

A spicy sweat flooded from his horns, and he finally understood that the original disappearance was clean and clean.

The sword is unparalleled, very strong!

Although he is a peak of Deman, it is easy to obliterate the Deman, not expensive.

"Don't I do it, is it true that he is killing?" The pupil of the gongyu suddenly turned away, and there was no regret that it was a mixed water.

Looking at the long river that is still explosing, there is constant to die.

The expression of the gongyu is cloudy, and the face of his British Wu has revealed a few points.

Then, he reached out and wipe it in the waist, and a sized bronze bell appeared in his hand.

With the emergence of this bronze bell, it is silent that the versatility of Million Void is silent, showing a small dark blue.

And around this bronze bell, a dark blue crystal is condensed, like life is generally rms.

Looking at this bell in the void, the eyes of the gongyu flashed a meat pain.

"Crowphotage, this last time, I hope that you can kill me all the enemies in front of you."

He murmured, and the latter bite directly took the bronze bell in his hand, threw it in the void.

Next moment, the bronze bell greeted the storm, almost the moment of instantly formed a terrible Ding Ding, which was enough to cover thousands of heavens!

This scene is really too shocking. As this, the appearance of this Ding seems to be included in it.

This is the world of Changcha Yu, let all the Divine are trembled, and the broken Tiandao can't bear the pressure, and the fragmented is broken.

The most central sword is unparalleled. I only felt that a big crisis between the unimaginable life and death, let him almost do not want to escape.

But this is a big clock, it is too vast, it is almost impossible to imagine it, so there is no other escape without anything in the sword.

It is prepared to escape him, and only the wealthy delay has become a dead water and mud tan, directly imprisoning him, and cannot move.

A cold sweat flows from the sword unparalleled angle, the kind of clamping, he can feel it, it is the heaven.

It is very old heaven, it is the rule that is not very old and terrible to the extreme.

In the face of the chairlry clock with ancient heavens, there is no way, but he is completely limited, and even the eyes can't be done.

This is a big ban, I am afraid that the whole day is clear, and it is impossible to get out of the pressure of this.

And this time is aware, and after the bundles of the sword, it will be quickly narrowed, from the original unparalleled distance, and turn a lot of thousands of miles.

Within this, the sword is unparalleled by the darkness of the darkness, and it can't move.

All Demai is surrounded by the clock at this moment, and looked at the clock.

Subsequently, the son is slowly moved, and a pair is full of resentment.

His boy bell, is a high-tech device that is the era of ancient times. It was once his emperor's true Wuyang hand in the hands of the treasure, killing countless big dermisy, which contained the heaven rules belonging to the power of non-defense.

Even the emperor will suffer.

Just, this crowbage is now gaining, and the service life is only the last time.

This boy clock is the most powerful life of the son feathers, and now it is used in the sword.

"The dead thing, wasted my last chance of this bumper, I swear, you have to turn it into blood, you can't help!"

The gongyu was angry.

As his voice falls, Zhang Yuzhao, countless magnificent Hua Hang blooms, illuminates no void.

And in the chairlry clock, the sword is unparalleled in a seven-bit sprayed the blood.

He only felt that he had to be shocked.

The rules that cannot be imagined ancient heavens have an unknown unknown, so that the sword is unparalleled.

"Don't I fall like this?"

The corner of the mouth has pouring the blood, he could not break free, the dark blue skyline rule was swallowing everything quickly.

It is unmatched by ultra-perfect chaotic lifetime, which is quickly broken at this moment.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but there is no way to break free. This is his first real harbor.

The kind of unobtrusive power is too overbearing.

The face of the son is yet in his eyes, and all the Damai is laughing at this moment.

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