Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4926? Refolding Battlefield

Xiao Yan said that there is only a clear laugh in his eyes, "Whoever has done that kind of thing, only whoever is clear."

The gongyu is heard, only the ear is hot, he bites his teeth, "I still argue, the emperor, you will never listen to his words!"

"I am the word, then you are not a word, of course, if you have evidence, you may wish to put it on the spot!"

The little monarch said that the inch is not letting.

After hearing this sentence, the son is dark, and the evidence is that he is naturally can't be taken.

Because the son is really too rushing, the mysterious person who kills the son ink, there is no evidence at the scene.

Even if you leave evidence, as the North Tianxian is completely destroyed, it has no longer existence.

Just in this stiff atmosphere, Zhenwuyang looked at the merits, and then waved, "Don't talk about it again, you take the Daman to leave."

The son is a glimpse, and then hurriedly, "the emperor, how ..."

In one sentence, I didn't finish it. Zhenwu Yang suddenly released the unparalleled percentage, and the pressure is everything!

Under this percentage, Di Dynamic could not be based, and the dangerous director was too much.

"Well, the emperor will leave!"

The gong feathers who can't lift them in the void.

Zhen Wuyang no longer looks at him, and directly opens the pressure.

If you have a long-lost gong, you will resent it in your heart, and then quickly leave the void battlefield quickly with less than 50 DVD.

At this point, the entire void battlefield is finally calm.

And the real shadow of the true Wuliang, is about to dissipate, and countless stars emerge from behind him, then disappeared in the void.

This is not known from what the era of being treated by the true Wuyang seal, which is about to dissipate.

"Derry ..."

This real thing in Wuyang is full of embarrassment and dismissal at this moment. He reached out and want to touch the cheeks of Xiaofu.

But the little idea has escaped his palm, then he bowed.

The true Wuyang's eyes flashed, but immediately resumed calm, and finally the emperor slowed down.

On the occasion of dissipating, he suddenly said, "Derry, I am sorry for your father."

Xiaoli looked up, and the eyes were confused, but eventually did not find the answer.

Along with the true appearance of the real shadow of the true Wuliang, the void battlefield is completely dead.

Some of the swords have been restored, and if there is no appearance of Zhenwugang Zhen Ying, he is at this moment that he is in that the charity bells into blood.

The little Jun is standing in the same place, and it seems to be recalling the scene just happened.

"Hey, son, do you think you can escape!"

At this time, an angry drunk roared from the darkness of the void, followed by the chaotic void, and the gnual fairy headed by the gongyu actually did not leave but also returned.

At this moment, he is full of anger, and you can't hate the little monarch.

The sword is unparalleled, he didn't think that the son is so bold, but still dare to return.

At this moment, he even has not recovered, and I want to deal with this dozens of Deman, as well as the meal feathers that have poor means, I am afraid it is a difficult thing.

If the son feathers will sacrifice an ancient fairy, I am afraid that I am so weak.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled to look at the little idea, "You still go, you can't help it here."

Xiaowei gods, smiled and laughed. "I will return it back, just change you, now you rush, you can't say it too."

"Listen to me, you can't wait any longer, the son is caught, and if you don't dare to do it, you will leave first."

"Want to go?" The son is a smile, a pointer is unparalleled. "You don't want to live in here today, in addition to the son, the rest is killed!"

"Nuo!" All Diqi Qi Qi, and released the tragent maturity, surrounded by all directions.

"It seems that I can't get rid of it." The sword is unparalleled, and the palm quietly condenses a handle of the invisible sword.

Seeing this long sword, all the Demonstons are bold.

They are all escaped from swords without sword, and they naturally don't dare to be a sword.

Under his Jianfeng, the Deman was not trembled.

Every Deman is the first time to deal with the terrible swords. They have never seen such a terrible opponent that can use the swords before this.

But they have a hand, they can only fight hard.

In the power of the 50th Deman, the magnitude of the mation of the rumor, the sword is unparalleled and the little monarch surrounded.

The sword that is far from recovering is unparalleled, I am afraid that it is difficult to have a battle.

He estimated that he can release two swords, will be exhausted.

When the clutch the wall bar is almost thick to a certain extent, the original calm sword is unparalleled, the sprint is suddenly changed, as a thoroughly emerging true sword.

Thousands of swords are linger, full of sinister.

Next moment, he held an invisible sword to fall down.

Unparalleled road, star river sea sword, first style.


As the starting sword of the unparalleled sword, the star is the most embarrassing sword, full of sorrows.

It's just that this is flat, but it makes countless derivatives.

Infinite swords, crazy venting, there are nearly a hundred mouns burst open.

Under this sword, even the void is shocked, the endowed end of the 50th Demonira, it is directly opened, and then the collapse is not collected!

Seeing this scene, the son feathers were shocked, "I will blocked me, who is dare to let him go today, I live over you!"

All the Deman is endless, but in the end, it is still hard to go up. Every every one is at this moment, completely released the dramatic and striving, and strive to trap the sword unparalleled.

They did it, this sword, this is a sword who has no trivial swords, and after lack of weakness, can't take off.

Infinite swords disappeared, watching the swords that are trampled, the small emperor, thin little robe, and the son can't hold a smile.

Six days of destruction, the son is prisoned, is the ultimate goal of this battle!

However, when the smile on the son's face has not dissipated, he saw the position in front of the front, and the number of flowers came from here, and the speed quickly, even turned.

"Not good, there is a change!" He took the eyelids, this is to see that the Qing people actually have a Deman!

The sharing seven weeks of dismissed the body shape, step forward, like the most sharp sword, and the gongzi.

He is back to the next consciousness and then bite the teeth.

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