Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4940? Competition Top Ten Deman

The black bone whip will rise to the storm, and each of the black bones are all protruding and infinite.

Such a whip is smashed, I am afraid that the sword is unparalleled to withstand the fairy.

Seeing the arrival of these black rugs, the old people who squatted on the ground were almost scared, and they quickly fled.

These black robes are the messengers under the seat. This is the truly enforcement of the so-called land.

The light was killed in the ground, and the fairy was filled in the mainland. He was taken out of the soul, enduring the whip and disciplinary endless years.

So the big Damadam on this day, even if it is a battle to kill, I don't dare to destroy a little dim, because if it is destroyed, there is the most severe discipline.

But now, the sword has no double-standing four big Damadan, the swords released, almost soon to completely tear the land of one side.

The destruction capabilities he can't be terrible, and land has been overturned by him.

Like the gully of the sky, the land is four-fold, the dark water of the dark, and the tumble is running, and the last day scene.

The sword is unparalleled, only one instant is spread, and the ten black robe is surrounded from all sides.

Each of them holds a blacklite whip, with the waves of the arm, the bones are like the real dragons, and they will be unparalleled.

Ten bone whip, the storm, block all the way, and close to the middle.

The sword is unparalleled, but you have to choose the hard resistance.

"Hey ..."

The fine voice is directly rooted in this moment, ten bones whip, and the heavy pumped above his fairy.

The sword is unparalleled, only a dark, and the danger is sorrowful, and the bone whip is smashed on him. If there is 10,000 hills, I have smashed it.

Ten whip has hundreds of thousands to million, even if it is a six-turn big Damai in this bone whip!

At this moment, the nine-day clothing blooms out of the blueprint, and fully protects the sword unparalleled fairy.

But even if so, the fairy under the nine-day Xuanxuan has split the road to create, and the blood is sprayed.


The sword is unparalleled, and the double eyes becomes red at this moment. He directly reached out and holds the whip wrapped around the neck, and earned!

In an instant, the whip of the Black whip is directly broken, and the whole bone whip is scattered to the earth.

However, this is only the beginning, the sword has no double-handed body is lingering with scarlets, killing the way again.

At the same time, there is a blushing without my hair is also holding this moment.

The sky blue, combines the nature of Scarlets, showing an unprecedented terrible trend.

This is the first time in the sword, will not be blended with my real shadow and killing, and hundreds of millions of Huang hurt at this moment.

Wrought the french brunette breaking tape, dancing in the air.

His double-eyed is red, and the does not have any impurities of the sky blue, and the magnificent sacred to the extreme.

Will not be bored with my real shadow on the killing, the reaction is far more terrible than the sword unparalleled imagination.

This is far from one plus one equal to two, but the rise in the geometry.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and it feels that it is unscrupulous to die.

At the next moment, he shooked out, he was centered on him, and Tian Da was directly torn, and the black water in the ground also set off a huge waves.

The wrapped around him, his black bones, even at this moment, he couldn't live with the great power, and it was broken.

The headed black robe is hidden in the hood, and he feels a tremble with his heart.

"No, it is impossible, how can I feel tremor, he is not a district, a Division!"

If he thinks, it is soon being shocked by this scene.

The swords that are almost locked in the limbs are unparalleled, although there is no action, but the binding of his bones is rapidly covered, which is about to break.

All the black robe is shocked, watching the bones whip covered with cracks, and increase their strength again.

The headed black robe felt a few points wrong. He tried to collect the bone whip, but the shocked found that the osteorate is sucked by some kind of suction, but can't break free.

His heart rose a wonderful, then directly threw away the blackllic whip in his hand.

Just when he relieves, the sword is unparalleled.

A heavy giant will run from him, and the bones on the limbs will not bear this moment, completely broken!

Then, the sword is unparalleled to hold two bones whip in the waist, and the two hipster are rotated in an instant, and the bones of the previous roots are crushed into powder.

The three-way big Damadam that controlled the bone whip did not react at all, and the skeleton in his hand was screwed by the terrible giant.

However, Juli did not disappear with air, but passed on the bones to the two large-scale arm.


Exciting sound, the unimaginable Juli is twisted while twezing the bone whip, also directly screwing the two big fairy arms!

God spilled, two arms dropped void.

All black robes are all shocked, and quickly retreat.

Can break away this constraint, he can never be as simple as the Dano.

The binding of the body broke away, the sword is unparalleled without any stay, and his whole body shape is like gathering the ultimate swords of the extremely tragent.

In an instant, the originally broken federation was broken, and the two big Damadomed that were disconnected from an arm could not afford the sword unparalleled offensive.

United without my true shadow, and the way of killing, the violent scarlets directly slammed a big cave in a big hole, and the fairy is broken.

I don't know why, all big deanities that are bored in this unbeatable sea, the strength is more or less drop to a certain extent.

This is also why swords are unparalleled, which will so easily rush the reason for the unusual big demonstrators.

After a punch directly killed a black robe, the sword was unlocked, and his entire body has a great potential that is difficult to look directly.

It is also a punishment, and the other is broken by the big dermatoma that is broken, it is hidden in the spot.

He is like an Devil, even if there is ten big dean, it is not afraid.

The Huawang of Billion Honbishi flows around him, blocking most of the offensive.

The original ten big Damadam, only eight were left at this moment.

After the initial shock, the remaining eight big Dami quickly resumed calm, released a thick and sharp delay, and then went to the sword without double crushing.

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