Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4950? Junjun

The big belly is screaming, and he is angry when he is broken.

Then he used the only one left to rush again to the sword.

The space was torn, and he quickly evaded.

Looking at the big belly Buddha who has lost a sense of reason, the sword has no double heart, and the next moment will directly increase their realm to the top peak.

Endless ,,

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled as there is no real fairy, and all the heavens are under his feet.

Seeing this scene, even the arms under the big belly have a moment of hesitation.

The sword is unparalleled without avoiding it, just extending a pointer to the forefront.


The two collided, and that is like a true dragon arm being sealed in half an air, it is difficult to enter half.

The big belly is flashing in the eyes of the Buddha. He found that it didn't really start.

Then, the sword is unparalleled. "Let me leave, I will let you live, or I can kill you a arm, and you can ignore your fairy source."

"I'll I will let you leave. "

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no real thing behind the back.

It is possible to condense without my true shadow. When you have a void battlefield in the previous six-day, you will be released once, and the mystery is endless.

In an instant, the high of tens of thousands of feet is completely condensed, and it is even higher than that of the big belly.

Seeing this terrible scene in front of you, it was still stuck in the big belly Buddha, and even forgot what to do next.

"If you don't let the road, I will be welcome."

The sword is unparalleled and the huge no my true shadow, at this moment, it speaks, and the boundlessness is scattered, it is terrible to get the extreme.

Looking at the big belly that has been stagnant, he secretly, in the heart, secretly thinking about it.

However, the next moment, the original stagnant Buddha was suddenly laughed, and the only one arm suddenly stopped the confrontation.

At the same time, his huge belly, at this moment, there was a cracked, showing a giant mouth that can be swallowed almost swallowed.

His whole belly is actually a mouth!

The sword is unspeakable, and he wants to withdraw without my true shadow, but it is found that everything is already too late.

"I, I have to swallow you all!"

After the last sentence, the big belly was said, his odd and unparalleled stomach suddenly opened, showing a big mouth, and it is unparalleled.

Under this terrible suction, up to 10,000 unless I didn't have actions at this moment.

A spoon of cold sweat from the sword is unparalleled, he did not think that this big Buddha actually had such a killer.

Under this terrible suction, his fairy was shaken.

Up to 10,000, no, my real news is directly broken at this moment, and I am in a big staminated belly in the big belly.

More than just the disappearance of my hair, even all the trays of the swords in the bodies are rapidly lapse.

He was shocked, and it was no longer the release of swords.

There is no double sword, the star of the Star River Sea Sword, the second style.


The Tianhe rushed from the sky, which is a Hao Sheng, which is composed of billionth swords, with a unique view of the camera.

This sword is sufficient to oppress 100 Deman, so that the heavens will be quo.

But this Hao Sheng's sword, the unfareful sword, but in the next moment, disappeared!

It is more appropriate to have been caught by it, but it is more appropriate to have been swallowed.

The sword river is also swallowed down under the terrible suction.

The sword has been completely shocked. As his strongest sword, it is even tawatted, what is this big Buddha? !

With the unspeakable energy, the energy of the river character sword is swallowed into the belly, and the body shape of the big belly has increased again, and the whole belly belly is almost bombed, and it is very big.

"I wanted to swallow? Are you not afraid of killing ?!" The sword is unparalleled and stable, and the anger.

"Proud me? Who can't stand me, I can swallow the earth!" He said with a whisper, and his face was mad.

"Swallowing the sky, then I will die today!" The sword didn't bite the teasade, and the next moment, his fairy suddenly blunt it.

This billion tragent is almost instantly swept the white bones behind him.

At this moment, the true sword originally inserted in the ground seems to be a kind of calm, silent Jianfeng, suddenly emerged as a cold.

A cold.

Ten colds.

Thousands of cold.


Wan Dao Han!

At this moment, all the silent swords of the white bone road were completely awakened. Every sword issued a clear sword, just like being summoned by the owner.

The sword is unparalleled in the void, the arms rise.

As he lifted his arms, Wan Dao cold is all bursts, and the Trinity really swords.

They all hung behind the swords and unparalleled, exudes endless trend.

At this moment, he is like the monarch of the sword.

Jianfeng fingertips, that is, the journey!

"go with!"

The sword is unhappy, and tens of thousands of swords have exploded their respective magnificent.

They seem to be perceived, this is the last moment you can bloom, so that endless swords are at this moment, it is a very bitter.

They seem to have returned to the eve of the owner, excitedly issued Jian Ming.

Then they rushed to the big Buddha.

Hao Sheng's sword illuminates the entire white bone road.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is a soul, and they are talking to the owners, and even resonate with the soul.

At this moment, they are willing to release the most peak sword in his hand.

After that, it is ended.

When the swordsman, all the swords broke.

All crushed into a powder, no possibility of repairing.

"no, do not want……"

The sword is like a mountain sea, and the big belly is swallowed directly.

Ten thousand swords, and finally unreserved blooms.

The white bone road is rolled out of the dust, and the blood river in the top is fluctuating, it seems that it is possible to pour down at any time.

The sword is unparalleled to stand at the same place, and the eyes are somewhat fluctuations, eventually attributable to calm.

He looked at the place where the sword was bloom, he already known in the bottom of the heart, the big belly no longer survived.

When all the swords are dissipated, the miserable scenes are reflected in the eyes of the swords.

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