Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4967? Black Ball

And this black-bead has been lying quietly in his arms since he is seized by him, and there is no vision.

In addition to the Three Di Jun Zhen Ying's vigilance, this black beads have no sense.

However, this is not a sense of black beads, but drilled out from the sword in the arms of the sword and flew into the void.

Its speed is fast, even grabbed the front of Yan's return.

"What ghost thing?"

Yan returns to doubt, and the palms who have gripped the sword handle are also loose.

But under the chaotic broken sky, the broken garden is above the plane, without any big Damai will care about such a small black bead.

The big dean fairy that was confused by the blood flowing away from the side, all rushed from all directions to the sword.

Due to the unveiled split fraud due to the falling space, all the big dean fairy that were fastened in the land was brought to freedom at this moment.

That kind of strange barriers above the sky disappeared, with nearly half of the big Damadi, no matter how long the sea is terrible, or flying or swaying, escaped from Tianlu.

There are still nearly half of the big Damadi, all rushing to the void, crazy.

These indulgence in the sea in the sea, they have been the strong people who have controlled the battlefield, but they have fallen, they have become thirsty monsters.

Almost at the same time, when the Tianlu is sword, there is no double, it is not a distant walking sea, and it suddenly walked out of the beast from the water.

He seems to have just woken up from the sleep, nine huge heads like the big days looked at the upcoming garden plane at the same time.

Then this huge beast is coveted, after thinking, he didn't enter the sea directly, and it was done toward the sky.

At this moment, hundreds of big Dawns crazy rushed to the sword.

Jiang Zhiwei, picking the sword without double, then rushing to the swallow, "I still have anything, speed up speed!"

Yan Shi, facing the big Dali fairy that is covered with the sky, ready to cut out a sword.

Only the sword is unparalleled to keep the black beads that are rotated in the void. He feels that there will be terrible things.

It seems to be in order to confirm his idea, in the void, the black beads, and scattered hundreds of millions of wings at the next moment.

This kind of strange black purple, like waves generally all over the entire void.

Almost in this moment of such black and purple, the sword has no double feeling a trembling.

Unable to suppress trembling.

This trembling is like a true weakness of the day, and even transcends the imperfection of the emperor.

The sword is unparalleled in the body is quilted, and some slight dizziness in the mind.

There is also the same symptom, there is also a river from the sword to two swords, their faces, and directly look at the black beads that keep rotating.

At this moment, all crazy big Di fairy began to release various horrible fairy, and violent trays spread.

But the terrible scene, almost the moment of tragent spread, and the hundreds of millions of teachings that were thrown by the black beads!

There are hundreds of fairyles that are sufficient to destroy any heaven, and the extension is all disintegrated.

Then, the big Damaded fairy wrapped in the tragent, the fairy was sprayed with the blood visible at the naked eye, and it took a dry body directly in a short moment.

In this moment, nearly more than 300 big Damai is only in this moment, and the fairy has become a corpse.

The boundless black purple storm is still in the earth, wherever it is possible to cover, the delay is pulled by the disintegration, and the Dagan is also pulled out of the fairy source, turning into a corpse.

The sword is unparalleled, and he is like a real thing. It is not to open his mouth, "Don't release the delay, you can't!"

The river nodded, she did not be directly killed under this quiet place, very probably because they did not release any derivatives.

Swallow is also pale, even if he has seen too many tragic wars, but so strange scenes, he still saw it for the first time.

That black bead, what is something, the wadens who have been emitted, and it can be swallowed up in the moment.

At the same time, Yanqian also has an inexplicable intuition. If he released the delay instead of the sword, I am afraid that the end is not too much better than those big dean.

Under the day of the hundreds of millions of Qihang, all the big dermatoms that released the delay were directly absorbed with a dry corpse, and even the half of the fairy rhyme did not leave.

The son has been surprised by the soul, almost at the same time, he turned and fled.

However, the ultimate is still a step, and the release of his consciousness has been delayed.

Those black and purple stories are like a bones, and they directly wrapped his entire fairy.

"Hey !!"

He screamed, the fairy was slightly smashed in the naked eye, and the fairy is a moment of crushing!

In the face of the early temple that has already broken, the side is far from the finalization of flying gray, completely disappears.

This scene, was unparalleled by the sword, and he did not think that the side would die so rushed.

It was originally an unpredictable blood battle, but after the appearance of this black bead, it ended directly.

The sword is unparalleled and the river is from three, under the shroud of this quiet man, quietly standing in the same place, no one dares to do it again.

The unknown wiped, has the power sufficient to harvest any big fairy.

With the thorough death of Dagan, hundreds of millions of Hua Hang come quickly, and it will return to the beads in an instant.

Then the black beads turned, turned into a dark meteor, drilled into the sword unparalleled arms with an unimaginable speed.


The sword is unparalleled, and there is no buttocks sit in the void.

Since coming to Da Yan, he has never been a moment, there is a big horror feeling like this moment.

The black beads with unknown power are really too terrible. It is easy to kill any of the ability to kill any big Damai. It is easy to kill the sword.

And he finally knew that the San Di Jun is so nervous.

Now there is no double regret, very regret.

This black bead is simply an extremely unstable factor. If you have released a little delay, will it be directly killed?

"What is going on, just, the black beads just now?" Yan took the head and swayed.

Since the speed of the black bead disappears is too fast, it doesn't see where it will disappear.

And the sword with the black beads is unparalleled. I want to cry at the moment, even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

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