Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4969? Small landscape

The sword is unparalleled to listen to some clues, and when I ask, "That place is very dangerous?"

"Ansuals, this is not dangerous, as long as we are by your side, whoever is not allowed to you," Yan returned to his shoulders, "just that place is not dangerous, but some, weird ..."

Jiang Zi smiled coldly, a pair of bodies almost kill the swallow.

"It is a weird, I am afraid it is an old feelings."

"..." Yan's mouth touched, and then he was very righteous. "What did you say, the old things, I have already made it out of the past."

Jiang Ziyu snorted, the six-handed long sword in the waist made a clear, "I don't have the relationship." I will help you with a sword. "

"The apprentices are coming, it is not good." Yan returned this sentence, and it will prevented it first.

The sword is unparalleled, it seems that he is still carrying a lot of old bonds on this cheap master.

In any case, he has been a slightly a happily.

Going to find a goal, far more than enough to find too much.

There is no embarrassment in the sea, no edge, all things are difficult to float, only the fairy bones can float it.

The previous mighty space is completely composed of the dermnding bones.

With the continuous forward, the different sizes of different sizes appear in the eyes of the sword.

There is no great difference between a place and the overseas world of overseas, it is simply a small universe!

And with their front, there are all kinds of poor and unleading big deansens to kill them.

Unfortunately, if the sword is unparalleled, naturally, there will be something to avoid. After all, the six-turn Damadi has been able to let him drink a pot.

But there is two swordsmanship.

Even if it is a six-way Damadan, the one who is going in the forefront is not in the sword. He even only needs a point, the unspeakable sword, it will easily tear any six-turn big Dairy. source.

The top 100 million miles, the six-turn big Damadam who died in Yan's hand has been in dozens, and the three-way Daman is already nearly 100.

And the sword has no double one, and the strength of the swing will return to the unspeakable strength. On the other hand, it is a shocking such as the sea. How many big dermations have been exhibited by the true Wuyang Emperor.

It is no wonder that the big Damadam in the big domain is less than the point of finger, and they have been exiled in the year before counting.

So far, the lowest realm in the sea in the sea is the big Daman, and the sword is unparalleled. It has been exhibited here.

But the end of the Deman is not too good.

With the continuous forward, the plane of the sea does gradually disappear, and the endless bintering and death.

The sword is unparalleled as much as possible, I hope to find it as soon as possible.

And an old god is in the appearance of Yanqi, and gradually downs in the continuous predecessor, and a pair began to look around.

"Well? Tree? How can this be a tree in the sea?"

Seeing an extremely quirky scene in front of you, the sword is unparalleled.

Because in front of him, the original boundless black sea area has gone almost a trendy tree.

Tall trees and only stretched branches, and there is no leaves, it is not a kind of fairy tree.

Just in the sword without double a god, the whisper has changed, and the Jiangzheng and Yan return to this moment have quietly disappeared.

"Well, is it a fantasy?"

The sword is unparalleled, and he is almost the first time, it is observed that he is already in the illusion.

"Is it because I saw the reasons for those trees?"

It can make him fall into a fantasy in this short one moment, and there is indeed some skills under this fantasy.

Just, it encounters the sword that can be seen.

Then, when he is ready to open his eyes in front of the immigrant, a snow blossom sword is first step, and the illusion directly opens a crack.

Then a big palm pulled the sword without double.

"Good guy, actually dare to find out the illusion in this seat, I see you is not affectionate."

Yan Qi's face angry, when you want to do it, Jiang Zhi is first step, directly reach out.

In an instant, the entire illusion was broken, and it was taken in the hands of a huge hair.

That is a huge rabbit.

The river is so hard, and it is ready to cut this rabbit's head.

"Lady stayed!"

Yan rose, a red rushing, and won the rabbit from the hand from Jiang Zhi.

"What are you doing, want to die?" Jiang was full of angry.

Yan Hui squatted, holding the big rabbit smiled, "This, this rabbit can't kill, it is a friend of a woman."

When I finished, the big rabbit suddenly broke away his embrace and turned directly into a smart girl.

"Hey!" The lake girl was angry, and then turned directly and ran, soon disappeared.

"This death." Yanqian's dark self-evil, and licking again, "killing, killing, ..."

Jiang Ziyou, a pair of old lazy, get careful, pull the sword without double, ready to leave.

However, at this moment, it is a good voice, and it is like a nineteen, and I can't say a wonderful.

"Since it is coming, it is better to come to me, what is the old feelings?"

Swallow, the face is changed, and there is a bit white, "Mrs., go ..."

After hearing the charming sound line, Jiang was almost ejected to anger, and he went straight into the nine days after the expression of life.

"The old lady did not find you, you dare to find the old lady without hurt, today I am smashing your Guiyue Xianyong!"

This is the first time in the sword, I saw the river from the sword. Her whole body has endless swords, and it is broken to nine days.

Yan Hui is pale, and the scorpion is drinking, "the lady, small, the pattern is small -"


100,000 swords will fall from the sky, and some of him will shout the smell.

The sword is unhappy, and he didn't think of it. These two swords were angry, but they were all true swords.

After avoiding 100,000 swords, Yan Qi's huge look at the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, which can let Jiang from soaring things, I am afraid that the owner of the sound, there is no relationship between the Hall of Yan's return.

It is also a boring.

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