Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4971? Old friend

Then she said, "How can you be in this place?"

The black hair is also like, "Too long-lasting years, I don't want to continue to sleep, so make a partner with the ever who have been here."

Jiangzhi cold laugh, "Torge is idle and elegant!"

"How are you?" The black hair is inquiry.

"Not a good, let go, the old lady will flatter this!" Jiang left and resumed the previous cold, and said.

Yan Qi rushed over, first deliberately coughing, then low voice, "the lady did not be angry, let's go."

The black hair is laughing, looking at him, "Yan Xiong, since it is coming, come in and sit, let's have a lot of Hua Dynasties."

Yan Qi quickly returned, "It doesn't have you, we will continue to go back to sleep, just don't disturb your good things."

He finished, and he was ready to pull the river away.

At this time, the light fluttered and charming the extreme voice came from the Fairy Palace.

Jiang Zhen is a swallowing of Yan Hui.

Yan returned to a shock, then slowed down, the words of righteous words, "I didn't have done anything, but I just tired today, I won't go to the door."

Jiang Yu is too lazy to listen to him nonsense, and directly in the fairy palace directly.

Yan return, such as a dead ash, is unparalleled against the sword, "The disciples came to save me."


The sword is unparalleled, and after shaking his head, I also walked into the fairy palace.

The might of the fairy, the clouds are vast, and a faint fragrance comes, giving people a sense of cozy.

And in this fragrant taste, the delay in the meridians recovered in a very slow speed.

Walking in the last side, the sword is unparalleled to incorporate everything in this fairy.

The fairy elegant, everything that is warm and jade is less oriented, but it is not empty.

A small star, as well as a round of round, the millennium size, embellished in each space, let the entire fairy palace like a flowing star river, is inchabulent.

Under the receipt of the black hair white, the river left the anger.

At this time, a whispering spread from behind him in the sword.

"It's a strange, there is still a little Daiyan, come back, should we give him out?"

"I didn't see them, is it very unaware of our relationship with our Xianjun?"

"I have given me a mouth, but I still haven't been shameful enough? Who is not polite!"

Those guys who were born with a sword of the river were reprimanded by the old white dress, and the old man was in the same side, and they didn't dare to speak.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no way to put them in the heart. In this sea, your strength is far more than saying, it can prove some things.

With their entry, in the depths of this Fairy, it began to float a cloud fog.

Along with this cloud, it is a gorgeous woman.

It is different from the illegal illegal blends of the water.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, there are very little to see this gorgeous and warm woman, just like the moon is generally all the meaning.

And in her arms hug, a long haunt, but also a bit of soft and charming.

Seeing this scene, Yan's face is extremely unnatural, but it is still a smile.

Then, all white clothes in this fairy are governed, "I have seen Yueyue Xianjun."

A gorgeous woman known as Yue Yuejun smiled slightly, reaching out to illusion of thousands of cloud smoke.

Then, she was slowly swept, and finally fell his eyes on the river and Yan.

"Last time, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Jiang Zhi did not eat her set, directly stepped forward, cold channel, "Why do you want to go to the way? Today, if you don't explain it, don't blame me to give you this bad margin."

In the face of her threat, Yue Yuejun can't help but laugh, "Jiang Zhiji, you are still as violent."

"Gure ..."

Jiang Zhi's palm in the lumbar sword holder suddenly grasped, and it seems that it is possible to hold the sword handle.

"Madam, I am angry ..." Yan returned to whisper, and the body shape was slightly trembled.

Yue Yuexun laughed again, "But, according to me, I can get yourself, only you."

I heard here, the river is slightly elastic, and the palm is also released.

At this time, Yan ride, "What, this is a misunderstanding, now misunderstanding, we will not stay here."

"Urgent, I haven't seen it for so long, don't you want to sit down?" Jiang Zhizhi smiled and smiled, "I sat down!"

Then, Ren Wan returned to the whole body, it was resistant, or was taken by Jiangzhi in front of the case.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is forcibly arranged in the middle of the two people.

The British Middle-aged man of the black haired white is next to the Jiangzhu.

Terring all the best, Yue Yuejun also sat down, revealing in the eyes.

"Last time, we are still a silent monk, now goodbye, the middle of the Chinese, the number of days, has become a person."

Yue Yue Xianjun is emotional, although the face is very calm, but the face is already quietly showing red dizziness.

She launched the little rabbit in his arms, pat, and then two fairy handhered a delicate silver pot, take the cloud, and then put it in front of them.

"This is the monthly dew that I stayed after we were separated. Today, I finally put it again."

The sword is unparalling, and the silver pot automatically pours a glass of wine, and a strong fragrance spread out.

Even if he is not good for drinking, it is not from gentle throat.

The reason is nothing, it is really that the show is too sweet.

After Yan's return to the monthly launcher, the saliva is not sprayed out.

Then he didn't care about the eyes of the bones, and drink it directly on the wine glass.

"Drink together, you know what you have in the moon." The black hair said with a smile and wandered a cup from Jiang.

Jiang Zhen is cold and cold, did not go to the wine glass, but directly picked up the pot, his mouth pitched the pot, the cow was drinking.

The wine line blooms in the air, watching such a luxurious walker, sword unparalleled and brunette white is a little crying, and then take a glass of wine, drink a little bit.

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