Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4979? Old Daojiang Parade

From the field of fairy in the field, the sword is unparalleled, and the sigh has been hidden.

Swallowing a mixed championship without a breakthrough in the realm.

There is no air transport in that way, but it is simply absorbed by three avenues, and it is not able to break through the realm.

In other words, the sword is unparalleled. It is no longer able to break through, and the extent of the Deman is his final fate.

Without a fairy source, he did not promote the possibility of promotion. He will only be a deraptary.

This is undoubtedly fatal, even if the sword is unparalleled, it can kill the three-way Damai, even in the state of the three bits, can kill six transfers, but this has changed the problem of his upper limit.

The highest in the upper limit is the Di Dynasty. When he faces the nine-turn Damadam in the future, he is only the next place that is easily killed.

"Is it true that this is really unable to change?"

The truth of the fairy giant tree, which contained there is too terrible, enough to let a Diva to visit the big Damadam.

It is precisely because of this, it will make the sword have worrying.

He can't believe that it will be in the Deman, but it is impossible to make a breakthrough, and the land of Dagan is not expected.

Perhaps it is the loss of the sword, there is a loss of the sword, and Yan return directly to take his shoulder, then he said, "This is definitely the problem of the dog, Master, I am still as always, I'm always optimistic about you. You can definitely be able to register! "

"I want to have a long endless year with Jiang, and I have been promoted to the Yangtze Range. After all, it is not so simple."

Jiang Zhi is also a temporary eyebrow, "Yan Qian said, you will be promoted to Dagan, because you have to excel."

Then, Yan's return will only give him the last gas freight forward.

I watched the hand in my hand, and I didn't overflow the way. The sword was unparalleled in the heart. Then I went to thank you.

"Okay, now I can't do this again later. These are the books of Master." Yan returned to the old smile, "Now the top priority is the first to find your friends first."

He nodded, and then he tried three people and got to the distance of the distance.

The so-called unpredictable sea is the unpretched, even the big Damai can be lost in it, and if you want to find a big Deman, it is difficult to know.

Looking at the perceived ability of the fairy giant tree, I am afraid I want to find the story in the next time and need a short time.

However, the sword is unparalleled, it will be found, no matter how long, after all, the meaning is because he will be exiled in this sea.

With the continuous forward, there is no edge of the sea to return to death and birting.

The sword is unparalleled while thinking about some problems. Since entering the sea, it has also passed a short period of time.

Although he has been a few blood battles, he still feels that this is sleepy in the sea in the sea. It seems that there is no imagination, and it can even be said that it is impossible to be exiled.

In particular, Jiang Zhiyan returned to these two swords, and Yueyue Xianjun in Guiyue Xianjun, Ting Tingxun, and a white Damadam, there is no bloodthirsty violent, Some is just pure.

These ultra-righteousness, and even the power of the emperor, but they are all exiled in the sea.

The sword is unparalleled, all of which is very likely that it is the dominant release of the emperor.

Just when he couldn't help but wanted to ask some questions, the distant endless sea area suddenly looted.

Yan Hui brows wrinkled, "It's a group of damn guys. Did you have such a chaotic sea in the time of my sleep?"

Jiang Zhi also said, "You have slept so many Chinese, it is already chaotic than you think."

"Then, you will be able to kill clean, you will not be annoying." He said again, the palm has quietly held the waist sword handle.

Just in this short film, those who sang the breath all the way.

More than 20 shaped shades, such as dark flow light.

And these body shapes are all chasing the forehead.

After the moment, almost the sound of almost flying, came over from afar, "the front is a good man, help!"

The sword has no double eyeliner, and the palm of the hand has already gathered.

With the sound of the sound, a body shape is thin, wearing a shackles of the squad, turning into the sword and unparalleled, and then disappearing disappearance.

The remaining more than 20 years, the body around the horror, directly stopped in front of them, each is actually three turns!

"The thief will be handed over!" Said that the first big Damadam is said to have directly released the trays, and the sword is unparalleled. "If you don't call it, don't blame us. "

The sword has no double dark and shakes his head, and the sigh is there.

If these big Damadom have been asked in the beginning, it is possible to know the fallen of the guy, but now, there is only one deadline.

Yan's return is too lazy to fill the sword, and they will float them directly. There are hundreds of strong swords, and they all tend to strang.

From the opening, it is all broken into a meat, but it is only possible to make a bit interest rate.

The sword is returned, and Yan returns to the cold voice, " ."

For enemies, or potentially unfavorable factors, he is simply exiting the sword unparalleled imagination.

However, it is probably the most soft place in the heart of the ancient times.

Waving more than 20 three-way DVD has become a powder, and Yan Qian will look at the sword.

And the sword is unparalleled, and it is also true that it is cold, "I hide, your end is absolutely better than they."

A moment of silence, a sound that can't be afraid of fear suddenly rang.

"The three Xianjun is fighting for life, and the Laodaojiang Parade will thank the three Xunjun Shande ..."

The space flies the layers, the shape of the original disappears, directly squatting in front of the sword, five-body investment, shaking as sieve.

Seeing this scene, I have already killed the heartless sword, and I don't have fun. It is cold, "Why do you want to come to us here, don't you be afraid that we will also kill you?"

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