Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4984? Explain City

The gray black Demaniki is accumulating each other, and it is unimaginable. It is no longer known to soak how many Hua Yeo in the sea of ​​failing.

They have been the hegemony of the world, but they have long fallen at this moment, becoming the cornerstone of the horizon.

And on this day, a magnificent giant city stands.

"Is it exchanged with the treasure, or leaves a gas?"

I don't know what the material is cast, and the inner corridor is in a deep corridor.

Standing in front of him, it is a thin big Dairy.

"Leaves the air transport." He whispered, then reached out, caddening a drop in the palm of the palm.

The old people did not say much, after reaching out, then put it in this giant city.

As the team is constantly moving, the old man is not tired, and a drop of gas is charged.

When a head is shrouded in a large shackle, the original dirty air is known for knowing a clear.

The short black robe is rare, looking at the shackles in front of the black robe, he felt this is a very young figure.

"Is it exchanged with the treasure, or leaves a gas?"

There is no more words in the black robe, and you will play a drop of air transport.

The emergence of this drop of air, let all the filth begins to excess, and then fall in front of the old people.

Looking at this dripping, the old man hidden can't hurt the horror, "It's really good, I haven't seen such a pure gas for a long time."

Leave this dripping, the shackles of the black robe are then flashed into the giant city, and the three movements behind him are also entered together.


This is a giant city, and it is also a city that kills.

Dozens of hundreds of Da Yanxian were thrown here, they kill each other, only to leave.

The Dagan fairy delivered to the air is delivered, and it is not involved in the killing, fully acting as the identity of the visitor, and appreciates this tragic and extremely bloody battle.

In such an exiled city, all big Di fairy is already crazy.

The big Di fairy who pays the air transport acts as a visitor, and the leisurely sits in the void, and the big derivatives who have fallen under the light curtain.


"Boom !!"

The huge fracture is cleared, and a large-scale fairy is completely smashed.

A three-way Damadam, a three-way Damadam, a scar, and the exudative of the big dean of the two initial territories, and the excited rumors were excited.

But how long he is not excited, it is broken by a thin six-turn big Damadam, from behind, and the belongs are eloquent.

Under this confusion, these supreme big Damadam have become the most desirable existence.

They smashed with each other, only to go alive.

Continuously there is a big dean, but then there is a big Damai added again.

This exiled city, it is completely a city kill!


After successfully killing many big dean fans, the skinny six-turn Damai did not shook it, but as ghosts usually quietly left.

He specializes in killing the order and the micro-Damai, often unfavorable, the big Di fairy fallen in his hands has been more than ten.

Then this thinned like a ghost six-turn big Damai, saw a big Damadam who sat in the corner.

This is a big margin that falls and weak to the extreme. He seems to have been severely injured. The ground also throws some seven-color gods, and there is some broken.

Seeing this scene, the slim is a six-turn big Damadam, the eyes flashed a greedy.

He slowly moved forward, and the killing that happened to him seems to have nothing to do with him. At this moment, he only has some mysterious big dermation in front of him.

But when he is about to be close, the mysterious big Damai quietly opened his eyes.

Deep, red gold!

With an unparalleled unparalleled unparalleled device!

Just look at this eye, the six-turn big Damadam of thinning is desperate.

He can feel clear, that is what he can't exist.

Nine turn!

The existence of the big Damadam is existed, it is impossible to compete.

The difference between Nine Transfer Damai and the Emperor is that the emperor has controlled the emperor's transport, and they did not.

Escape, this is the only idea in his mind, but there is always an idea that it cannot be implemented.

Slimming as a ghost six-turn Damadi, only the fairy is not able to move, a deepest fear completely surrounded him.

Then the big Di fairy sitting on the ground slowly got up, British Wu and pure faces have been covered with cold cream.

The total number of nine magnificent color feathers were surging in his hair, and there was an unique potential.

"Put, let me, I am inadvertently with you ..."

Sixth Treasy Danan is frightened to the point where it is not added, but this is just his last last words.

At this moment, the huge and magnificent ten wings suddenly bloom behind him, dispelting everything and blood fog!

He has been emitted by Huang Mang, shining the whole city.

All Dadi in the killing, as well as sitting on the void, looking at this scene of the big Dai Dai, all the breathing and the shape of the body.

Dividal derivation, without any blood mist can be immersed in his fairy.

In the face of dozens of thousands of big Dawns in front of you, his eyes did not fear, even with some lots.

Then he reached out from the arms.

It is an emperor Dan Pill.

The last Emperor Dan Pill can restore him to the whole day during the moment.

He stopped, and then sent Dan Pill in the mouth.

Hao Sheng and Huang Mang, at this moment, he used him for the center, and the city will shine.

From the era of the era, he has grown to the point where you can't imagine.

The city of exile of this filth is destroyed by him.

The ten party wings suddenly shocked, and the feather of countless red gold real feathers was criticized, so that all the big Damadam in front of the eyes would not reverse the destruction!

There is weak fairy, the realm of the initial situation, the spot, even if you can't even send mourning, you will disappear.

As for the three-way Damai, it is difficult to escape the destroy, only six to the big Damadi is barely avoid, and the heart is frightened to see him.

Ten Wings are moving in regular rhythm. With each rhythm, you can harvest several large-scale life.

At this moment, even the big dean fairy who was sitting in the void, all the hands and feet were cold, as if they were in a general, feeling the cold killing.

The city that was originally crazy killed, but it appeared at the moment.

Under the hanging of Naqi, there is no big dermndant to withstand.

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