Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4993? Emperor is angry

Once you have emperor, it is a real emperor!

In the face of the emperor, the black clouds are like a dead ash, and even the thoughts of the resistance are not.

Three emperors, this is unable to resist.

And Jiang is also shocked. She did not expect that there will be three emperors to appear together, this is a more impossible thing.

In her memory, even the chaotic era does not seem to have this scenario.

"Leave him with his fairy." Did you wear a high-thin elderly sheep in the emperor said to the river, and then reached out and released the sword unparalleled fairy.

Jiang Ziyi, then grateful to the San Dijun, quickly picked up the sword and unparalleled, to the endless deficiency.

See this scene, the black clouds are born with a few dradments.

For the mouth of the sword, there is no double fairy body, even beyond the fear of the Three Emperor.

The sword is unparalleled, it is a thing that he has no defect!

He can't let go of the river!

Almost at the same time, the black cloud is a longitudinally, you have to chase!

"How to dare ?!" Taoist drink, there is no contest to cover the sky, and the front road of the black cloud is blocked.

"Hellback to block me!" The black cloud is close to the mad, in order to get the sword unparalleled fairy, in order to achieve the emperor, he is not afraid of the San Dynasty.

"I want to become an emperor, no one can block me today, who blocks me, even if I am exhausted, I will never let you be good!"

Three Dijun heard, looking at each other, all of which came in the eyes of each other.

They have lost their emotions, they have been in the state of the soul, even if they are still weak under the moisturizing of the .

In the face of almost mad, they are uncomfortable.

But they still do it.


"Wake up, don't sleep."


Virtual, such as smoke, like a dream, everything is blooming.

That is a painless pain, deep in-depth.

"Hey ..."

As the drowning on the shore, he suddenly opened his eyes, accompanied by his eyes, the broken fairy was completely recovered in an instant.

It is a psychic situation like smoke.

His big pitched gas, unknown air transport began to turn around himself.

"Where is this place, I am not dead?"

"Now you don't die, but if there is, you will definitely die before."

I wore an emperor's shape and then stood in front of him.

The sword is unparalleled, and this figure is, he is familiar with him.

It was in the river of Wanxiang Bone, the emperor of Tiangong, the emperor of Tiangong, and the emperor of Tiangong.

"It is when I am willing to fall, I am arrested for your true soul, put it in the ring, or you can't take your own sword at all."

True Wu Dijun said, look at him.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is exhausted, "" Thank you for your help, I will write down. "

Zhen Wu Emperor did not speak, until I passed a moment, he said, "Your previous performance is that I didn't think, I thought you were just a good, and some of the small fairy, but now, it seems that I am really wrong. "

"You are an unacue that I can't speculate."

Speaking of this, the real Wu Dijun slowly bowed, and looked at the true eyes of the sword. "You said, I want to make a good seed that can become an emperor, now it? "

The sword is unparalleled, and then recovered again, "You won't kill me, at least not now."

True Wu Di, "Tell me the reason, a reason not to kill you."

At this point, he had to bite his teeth. "Only I can leave here, once you kill me, don't want to leave here."

"If you are lie to me, you can't ink anything?"

"I will never lie to you, if you think about it, you will not be late."

When I heard this, I really had a smile, "Then I will stay in your life, but I have to say first, if you make a stupid thing like that, don't blame me."

The sword is not a hyphenotype, a cold sweat flows from the angle.

From the beginning of the true martial arts, he kills, he knew that there was a moment, and the real Wu Emperor would absolutely want to do it.

But because of the scruples, there is no killing of him.

And this scruple is to borrow his hand and escape from this shower.

The sword is not boring in the eyes, and the real Wu Emperor is not a good generation. If he can escape from the sea, I am afraid I have to escape my hands.

Escape is dead, escaping is also very mighty death, which makes the sword unparalleled.

But soon he wanted to open.

Now the top priority is not thinking about things, but solves the black cloud.

I think this, he looks around, "Here, where?"

"In your finger ring."

"Can I wake up?"

"Of course, at any time can, but I want to warn you, don't do those stupid things, some big Damai, you can abandon it, but they are the cornerstone you are."


The sword is unparalleled, and the words he said is completely fart.

But immediately, Zhen Wu Emperor's sentence, let him have a cold sweat, "Don't forget, I can know what you are thinking."

"I'm wrong."


In the endless deficiency, the swords held by Jiang Zi, have been unparalleled at this moment.

The bleak of chaos has retired, and the red gold reappears in his pupil, and the broken fairy is slowly recovered.

"Boom !!"

In the silence, the emperor, the emperor, dispel everything.

But under the chaotic breath, Emperor Hui has brilliant, but it is already a bit decided.

The true soul of the three emperors is too weak.

Their emotions were completely deprived, only the true soul left, in the face of the emperor black cloud, no longer cope.

The black cloud has also been surprising from the previous, calm down, and found the weakness of the three emperors.

Sandi Jun, which caused a limited damage, is it now, it is true and delicious!

Once their emperors are all swallowed, I am afraid I don't need a sword unparalleled fairy, he can directly achieve the emperor!

"It's really gas transportation, I am here to achieve the emperor today!" Black clouds laughed, a unique suction takes him, swept.

The three emperors who are struggling are all in the face.

"You will go first, here I am coming." Tao Gong suddenly said that there is a non-arrangement in words.

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